How To Help 1.Create a Monarch Waystation ( 2. Don’t touch butterflies 3. Plant flowers that have nectar\ 4. Don’t use spray that will kill their habitat 5. Buy wood and furniture that is FTC Certified 6. Eat organic food when you can
Credits Royston, Angela. Life Cycle of a Butterfly. Des Plaines, Il: Heinemann Library, Lepthien, Emilie. Monarch Butterflies. Chicago, Il: Childrens Press, Gibbons, Gail. Monarch Butterfly. New York: Holiday House, Mitchell, Robert and Zim, Herbert. Butterflies and Moths. Racine, WI: Western Publishing Co.,1987. Bruggers, James. “Monarchs In Decline,” Courier-Journal, Louisville, KY: Jan.18, page 1. “4 Ways to Stop a Monarch Butterfly Collapse,” Organice Gardening, Feb. 21, Photos : Microsoft Clipart