Aim: What is absolutism? L1 Do Now: If you were given absolute control of the school, what would you do?
TermDefinition 1. Absolutism form of government in which the monarch (King/Queen) has absolute power over his or her people. 2. Autocrat a ruler who has absolute power. synonyms: absolute ruler, dictator, despot, tyrant 3. Bourgeoisie the middle class, 4. Constitutional Government Where a legal document controls the political power of the leadership 5. Coup d’etat a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government.
TermDefinition 6. Divine Right The belief that kings and queens have a God-given right to rule and that rebellion against them is a sin. 7. Limited Monarchy Form of monarchy where the power of the King/ Queen is legal limited (example for a Constitutional Government) 8. Louis XIV Absolute monarch of France, his nickname was the “Sun King” 9. Peter the Great Absolute monarch of Russia, most known for westernizing Russia 10. Westernization conversion to or adoption of western (European) traditions or techniques 11. Monarchy Form of government where there is a King/ Queen in power
Activity Directions Using the handout side titled “Absolutism” breakdown each example and log your findings on the chart. Be prepared to discuss in 10 minutes
Who?What powers do they have? Where does the power come from? Checks and balances? King Phillip of Spain- complete control over gov. - control taxes GODNo :( Middle class had no reps. King Louis XIV of France- govern/ politics - raises taxes GODNo Never uses the Edict of Nobles Peter the Great of Russia- centralized his power - controlled the church -forced nobles to serve military GODNO King Frederick III of Norway - focus on god’s needs - all affairs for the country GODNO --- no one can have power but him
Absolutism Absolutism = belief that 1 ruler should hold power within a country Causes: –War / Religious Conflict creates fear –People wanted strong leaders / protection Effects: –Limited spread of ideas / religious beliefs –Taxes $$$
Aim: identify what characteristics of Louis XIV’s reign that were absolutist L2 Do Now: Analyze this painting of King Louis XIV of France and make a list of 5 things that it illustrates about it him or how you can predict he would be as a leader.
Louis the 14 th(The Sun King) France Actions –Weakened nobles –Supported the Arts (Opera, Painting, Ballet) –France constantly at war –Lavish Lifestyle Palace of Versailles ($2.5 billion)
Louis the 14 th of France Impact –France most powerful country in Europe –Expanded France’s Borders Colonies in Europe and North America –France in debt ($250 million in 1715)
Aim: evaluate what absolutism looked like in Russia under Peter the Great Do Now: Analyze this painting of Tsar Peter the Great of Russia and make a list of 5 things that it illustrates about it him or how you can predict he would be as a leader.
Peter the Great of Russia Actions –Modernized Russia’s Economy, Military, and Education system –Reduced power of nobles –Built St. Petersburg (110,000 people died in construction) –Had a violent temper –Heavily taxed Russian people
Peter the Great of Russia Impact –Russia became a powerful European country –Advanced the role of women in Russia –Fought in expensive and costly wars –Destroyed many Russian traditions in order to modernize
Activity Directions Using the guided notes activity read each blurb and answer the questions to help you fully understand the leadership of Peter the Great.