Jeopardy Republic 1 Republic 2 Roman Life Army Legacy Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500
$100 Question from A Whose death marked the end of the Roman Republic?
$100 Answer from A Julius Caesar
$200 Question from A What is a republic? Who could vote in the Roman Republic?
$200 Answer from A The law, not the majority, is the focus. A government where the people elect their representatives. All free male citizens could vote.
$300 Question from A How did the Romans establish justice for their citizens? (hint: think about what rights they had)
$300 Answer from A 12 tables: written constitution 3 branches of government Law over majority rules Right to witnesses Right to defend yourself Right to a trial by a judge Property rights Contracts & wills
$400 Question from A How was power shared in the Roman Republic? (hint: what did the consuls & Senate do?
$400 Answer from A The Consuls led the government & military. The Senate passed laws & advised the consuls. Judges were in charge of trials
$500 Question from A Compare & contrast the Roman Republic with the United States.
$500 Answer from A Both are Republics. Both have 3 branches of government to separate power. Executive branch: enforce laws (President) Legislative branch: make laws (Congress) Judicial branch: interprets laws (Judges)
$100 Question from B What is the difference between the number of Senators the US has and the number the Roman Republic had?
$100 Answer from B The US: 100 Senators Roman Republic: 300 Senators
$200 Question from B Who did the Romans remove from power to form the Roman Republic?
$200 Answer from B An Etruscan king (monarch)
$300 Question from B What were the patricians and plebeians?
$300 Answer from B Patricians: Rome’s wealthy, upper class Plebeians: Rome’s commoners
$400 Question from B What were the 12 Tables?
$400 Answer from B A written set of basic laws and rights of all Roman citizens. Like our Constitution.
$500 Question from B Who was Cincinnatus and why was he important?
$500 Answer from B A dictator who defended Rome and returned power to the consuls in just 16 days. He went back to his daily life farming. Didn’t want power!
$100 Question from C What’s the main difference between the Roman consuls & American presidents?
$100 Answer from C Rome always had 2 consuls that could veto each other & the US has just 1 President. Consuls served for 1 year. US Presidents serve 4 – 8 years.
$200 Question from C Which of the following is NOT true about Roman women? They could vote They could own property They managed the household They had little power outside their home
$200 Answer from C Women could NOT vote.
$300 Question from C The Romans were polytheists. They worshipped many of the same gods as what other ancient civilization? Egyptians Macedonians Mayans Greeks
$300 Answer from C The Greeks
$400 Question from C What did most Roman people do to worship their gods? Built large temples Carved marble statues Set up shrines in their homes Went to church every Sunday
$400 Answer from C Set up shrines in their homes
$500 Question from C Why were the roads so important? (list 2 reasons)
$500 Answer from C Increased trade Allowed the army quick movement Kept soldiers busy during peace times
$100 Question from D Who did the Romans fight in the Punic Wars?
$100 Answer from D Carthage. Their only major enemy.
$200 Question from D Who was the major general of Carthage? He led his troops, with elephants, across the Alps, into Italy.
$200 Answer from D Hannibal
$300 Question from D List 2 results from the Romans winning the Punic Wars.
$300 Answer from D Greatly increased Rome’s territory Eliminated Rome’s only major rival Gave Rome great wealth and slaves
$400 Question from D List 2 things that made the Roman army the best in the world.
$400 Answer from D Best disciplined & trained Large shields Superior weapons (sword, spear, etc.) Incentives (become a citizen & get paid well)
$500 Question from D Why was the Centurion so important in the Roman army?
$500 Answer from D “Drill sergeant” of the Roman army. Could adapt to changes on the battlefield. Were the people the generals trusted to stand their ground, no matter what.
$100 Question from E Why did the Romans have 3 branches of government instead of a democracy?
$100 Answer from E They didn’t want one person or branch to become too powerful (plus, they saw how Greek democracy became mob rule). Rule by law, not majority! A republic becomes a democracy and a democracy becomes tyranny ~Plato
$200 Question from E What did conquered people feel like they were over time? Why?
$200 Answer from E They felt “Roman.” They were offered citizenship if they served in the army.
$300 Question from E What were some of the benefits of being conquered by Rome?
$300 Answer from E Aqueducts, sewers, baths, forums (meeting places), theaters, paved roads, protection, increased trade, stable government, new foods, & more!
$400 Question from E List three things that Julius Caesar did that changed the world.
$400 Answer from E Conquered Holland, France (Gaul), Switzerland, Belgium, & Germany, west of the Rhine River. Doubled the size of Rome’s land. Ended the Roman Republic (no more elected Consuls). Changed the calendar and gave us several of the names of the months we use (July).
$500 Question from E List three things the Romans gave us.
$500 Answer from E A republic 3 branches of government Rights in the courtroom (fair & public trials, etc.) Their alphabet 1/3 of our words in English Several names of cities, countries & continents (Asia, Africa, Belgium, Germany, London, Paris, etc.)
Final Jeopardy What three letters were NOT in the Latin alphabet?
Final Jeopardy Answer J, U, and W