A moment's rest- A monarch butterfly rests on a flower at the Cali Zoo in Cali, Colombia.
Adapting to change- Deer swim through a field filled with water after a levee broke, inundating the field with the waters of the flooding Mississippi River in St. Charles, Mo.
Taking lunch to go- A California sea lion catches a fish at the Nuremberg Zoo in Nuremberg, Germany.
Fending off fowl- Piper is one of four dogs used by Toronto's waterfowl management program to herd geese away from waterfront parkland, where their droppings elevate phosphorus levels.
Returning home- A crowd of people watch an olive ridley sea turtle being released back to the sea by animal activists at Trisik Beach in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Center of attention- A rider rears up on his horse surrounded by thousands of people at the Fiesta of San Joan in downtown Ciutadella de Menorca, Spain.
Picking a fight- A seagull tries to frighten another off its feeding grounds at the Rawlins Landfill in Rawlins, Wyo.
On the move- An elephant is hoisted into the Chongqing Zoo in Chongqing municipality, China. The female elephant is on loan from a zoo in Chengdu, capital of Sichuan, to mate with a 24-year-old male elephant in the Chongqing Zoo.
Making waves- A dog participates at the third annual Loews Coronado Bay Resort Surf Dog Competition in Imperial Beach, Calif.
Time to reflect- Animals grazing in front of Sand Mountain are reflected in the Gez River, in Bulunkul, China.
Lonely Lucy- A terrier named Lucy looks over the side of a canoe as she waits to paddle back to her home with her owner John Pharis in South Shore, Mo. Pharis' house is surrounded by floodwater from the Mississippi River, but has stayed relatively dry so far because it sits high up.
Crocodile pile- Crocodile babies gather together in a pond at the crocodile farm inside the San Carlos Technological Institute, north of San Jose, Costa Rica.
Bird watching- A hawk sits on a power pole overlooking a Little League girls softball game at Acorn Park in Northumberland, Pa
Kicking back- Dyno, an Asiatic black bear, cools off on a hot day in the Sofia Zoo in Sofia, Bulgaria.
Pursuit of happiness- A military dog chases a ball at the Global Training Academy, near Somerset, Texas.
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