Chapter 7 Geography and the Early Settlement of Egypt, Kush, and Canaan
Why did these people settle Hebrews Egyptians Why did these people settle where they did? Kushites
Introduction 3 Civilizations from Africa and southwestern Asia Egyptian Civilization Settled along the Nile River Lasted 3100 BCE - 350 CE Kush civilization Settled in Egypt along the southern part of the Nile Lasted 2000 BCE - 350 CE Hebrew civilization Settled in Canaan Lasted 1800 BCE - 70 CE Significance of Location Environmental factors water topography (the shape of the land) vegetation (plant life) Geography rivers mountains valleys deserts climate soil fertility
Environmental Factors and Early Human Settlement Water Most important element in early human settlement Sanitation Fresh drinking water need water to bathe and wash things Source of food Catch fish Hunt water birds and other animals Grow crops Transportation rivers used as highways visit relatives trade goods
Environmental Factors and Early Human Settlement Topography Plains and valleys good location for farming excellent for growing crops Mountains and deserts Less friendly difficult to cross farming difficult less water
Environmental Factors and Early Human Settlement Effect of physical features mild weather, regular rain and fresh water are good for plant life areas around rivers and lakes - green and lush mountains usually covered in trees deserts - dry and hot, little vegetation How vegetation influenced settlement plants are a source of food useful products made out of plants medicine baskets rope tools paper trees provide shade from the sun Vegetation
Environmental Factors and the Early Settlement of Egypt and Kush Physical Features of Egypt and Kush Nile River long fertile valley marshy delta by the Mediterranean Sea Libyan, Arabian, and Nubian Desert hot and dry natural barrier to protect people Mediterranean Sea rich in fish waterway that linked ancient Egypt to other civilizations Red Sea climate was hot and dry surrounded by desert
Environmental Factors and Human Settlement in Egypt and Kush water natural irrigation and fertilization regular flooding left rich soil for crops fish to catch animals to hunt geese hippos crocodiles giraffes ostriches topography southern end of Nile - narrow valleys and hills wide areas of flat land around deep river bends north - wide plains were covered by Nile flooding vegetation plentiful Useful plants reeds baskets roofs papyrus ropes paper crops wheat barley
Environmental Factors and the Early Settlement of Canaan Physical Features of Canaan West - coastal plains bordering the Mediterranean North - Lebanon Mountains rise steeply from coast Southern part of this range becomes the lower hills of Galilee Jordan River flows through middle of Canaan Flows through Sea and Galilee and ends at the Dead Sea Land around river valley includes hills, grassy slopes and mountains East - hot, dry Syrian Desert Southwest - Negev Desert
Environmental Factors and the Early Settlement of Canaan Environmental Factors and Human Settlement in Canaan Water Mediterranean Sea Wet, fertile plains near sea were farmed Allowed traders from many lands to visit Sea of Galilee freshwater lake plentiful fish fertile land Dead Sea Salty surrounding land is hot, dry, and unsuitable for farming Jordan River provided hunting, fishing, and farming did not flood regularly Topography Easiest to live in coastal plains and near Jordan Hilly land difficult for crops People were herders instead of farmers Herders were nomads Nomads wander from place to place in search of good land for their animals to graze - no permanent home Tended flocks of sheep, goats, cattle, donkeys, and camels Mountains hardest area to settle Some nomads herd cattle and camels in the Negev and Syrian Deserts Vegetation Most plentiful near the Jordan River Some light forests Grasslands common
Summary What are the 3 Environmental Factors that determine where early civilizations settled? How did topography differ in Egypt and Kush versus Canaan? What are the role of Nomads in Canaan?
Assignment: You have read two texts and watched a video describing the topography of Ancient Egypt. All 3 include information about traveling in Egypt. “Chapter 7 – Geography and Early Settlement of Egypt, Kush, and Canaan” “Egyptian Trade” Article “Five Facts about Ancient Egypt – Geography for Kids” Take on the role of a trader in Ancient Egypt. Make an entry in your travel journal that tells what you have experienced in your travels and the dangers you may have encountered that day.