GIRL against the JUNGLE Animals
CONTENTS... ANT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Page 1 FROG~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Page 2 SNAKE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Page 3 SPIDER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Page 4 MONKEY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 5 JAGUARS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 6 PIRANHAS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Page 7 ALLIGATOR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Page 8 MOSQUITOES~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Page 9 KING VULTURES~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 10
ANT There are approximately 8000 species of ANT member family. They are common in hot climates. All ants are social in habit. They live together in organized colonies.
FROG Frogs are often used to distinguish smooth- skinned, leaping anuran from squat, warty, hopping ones, which are called toads.
SNAKE Snake belongs to the family Colubrida. It has smooth, glossy scales and it is usually not more than 65 cm (26 inches) long!
SPIDER Spiders differ from the insects, another arthropod group. It has eight legs rather than six and in the body divided developed among spiders. About 34,000 species have been described.
MONKEY In general, any member of the mammalian order Primates, with the exception of the tree shrews, the lemurs and their allies, the gibbons and apes, and humans.
JAGUAR Jaguar is found from the U.S.-Mexican border. It is virtually extinct in the northern part of its range and survives in reduced numbers.
PIRANHAS Any of several species of carnivorous fishes of the genus Serrasalmu, in the charade family,Characida. Piranhas are renowned for their voracity and reputed ferocity. They are abundant in the rivers of eastern and central South America. Potentially one of the most dangerous species.
ALLIGATOR Crocodilian reptiles usually are placed with the South American caimans in the family Animals with powerful tails that are used both in defense and in swimming.
MOSQUITOES Mosquitoes are familiar insects, numbering about 2,500 species, that are important in public health because of the bloodsucking habits of the females. Mosquitoes are known to transmit decease.
KING VULTURES The vultures of the New and Old World form separate taxonomic groups.