European country Slovakia has population of over five million and an area of about 49,000 square kilometres Slovakia is a landlocked country bordered by the Czech Republic and Austria to the west, Poland to the north, Ukraine to the east and Hungary to the south. Member of European union
Mountains Rivers Cities
Official language is Slovak Hungarian is widely spoken in the south Rusyn is used in northeast In this coutry is freedom of religion Most of Slovaks are Roman Catholics (60,4%) 9.6% is nonreligious Protestants (6%)
Best known Slovak hero is Juraj Jánošík Slovak national theatre St. Cyril and Methodius brought language and letters to the territory of Slovakia The first to invent Slovak language was Anton Bernolák Biggest of Slovaks is Ľudovít Štúr, who invented Slovak langage
Slovak national meal is well known as ‚bryndzové halušky‘ or dumplings with sheep cheese Slovak daily food consists of breakfast, lunch (soup, main meal, sometimes dessert) and dinner (usually only one meal) Chicken is the most widely eaten poultry, followed by duck, goose, and turkey.
DateRemembrance Day 25 March (1988)Struggle for Human Rights Day 13 April (1950)Unfairly Prosecuted Persons Day 4 May (1919)Anniversary of the Decease of Milan Rastislav Štefánik 7 June (1861)Anniversary of the Memorandum of the Slovak Nation 5 July (n/a*)Foreign Slovaks Day 17 July (1992)Independence Day 4 August (1863)Matica Slovenská Day 9 September (1941)Day of the Victims of Holocaust and of racial violence 19 September (1848) Day of the First Public Appearance of the Slovak National Council 6 October (1944)Dukla Pass Victims Day 27 October (1907)Černová tragedy day 28 October (1918) Day of the Establishment of an Independent Czecho- Slovak State 29 October (1815)Birth of Ľudovít Štúr 30 October (1918)Anniversary of the Declaration of the Slovak nation 31 October (1517)Reformation Day 30 December (1977) Day of the Declaration of Slovakia as an Independent Ecclesiastic Province
Christmas is the most important Slovak holiday › 4 weeks before Christmas Eve is time called ‚advent‘ where people light every Sunday one candle on wreath › It is tradition to held Christmas market in cities month before Christmas › Slovaks decorate Christmas tree › Eat festal meal (carp with potato salat) › Pack Christmas gifts › Traditions: eat honey with cornet and garlic; give nuts in corners; cutting an apple; sometimes tiying a chain around table (to keep family together) › In Slovakia brings presents Jesus
Easter - marec/apríl › Frigtening holiday for women – men wash them with cold water or parfume and hit them with stock whip › After hitting men are given chocolate eggs › Little children are given presents (from Easter rabbit) › Religious people go to church – they bring food there and it is consecrated there
It is time from The Three Magi (Christmas Day of the orthodox Christians) to caput jejunii It‘s time of festivals, celebrations and carnivals After this time comes Lenten season People go to the cemetery to lght candles on graves to commemorate their relatives
It is the ending of old year and beginning of the new one Slovaks don‘t sing Auld Lang Syne, but they count seconds to midnight and wish each other the best in new year Of course popular are fireworks and other pyrotechnics
DateHoliday 1 January (1993) Day of the Establishment of the Slovak Republic 6 January Ephiphany (The Three Magi and Christmas Day of Orthodox Christians) March, AprilGood Friday March, AprilEaster Monday 1 May (1886) Intenationals Workers‘ Day 8 May (1945)Day Of Victory Over Fascism 5 July (863)St. Cyril and Methodius Day 29 August (1944)Slovak National Uprising Anniversary 1 September (1992)Day of the Constitution of Slovakia 15 SeptemberDay of Blessed Virgin Mary, patron saint of Slovakia 1 NovemberAll Saints‘ Day 17 November (1989/1939)Struggle for Freedom and Democracy Day 24 DecemberChristmas Eve 25 DecemberChristmas Day 26 DecemberSt. Stephen‘s Day
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