Islam Muslim Practices
Essentials of Islam Islam means “surrender” or “submission” –Indicating wholehearted surrender to God Muslim means “one who submits” to God (Allah) –Expressed during worship-prostration of the entire body during prayer indicates a belief in divine power and the believer’s submission to it
Theology Islam worship the same God Jews and Christians worship Muslims refer to God as Allah The word is a contraction of al (“the”) and ilah (“God”) Muslims explain that the word Allah is not the name of God- it simply means “God” It is said that God has 99 names –Merciful, just, compassionate Even though God is referred as a male, God has no gender
VIEW OF HUMAN NATURE Essentially good People “forget” and that’s why they sin –Came from the fall in the Garden of Eden –Therefore pray 5 x daily in order to remember Human destiny is dependent on the struggle (jihad) for goodness –Reward for goodness – Heaven –Punishment for forgetfulness – Hell
Umma Umma = Islamic community –The Umma bases its laws and lifestyle on the teachings from the Koran Sufism: Religious movement –Aka Sufis Sufism derives from the Arabic word suf= wool –Because early Sufis wore a simple robe made of common wool Sufi belief: –Believe that the highest experience a person can have is a direct experience of God –An individual can experience God face to face on earth –Sufis have spoken about the sense of loss of self that occurs in mystical experience through dance or meditation –This sense of loss of self is called fana or al-fana meaning extinction
Sufis cont. Sufi practice: –Deep regular breathing during meditation –Repetition of the 99 names of Allah Sometimes counted on a rosary, to enable a constant remembrance of God –Dancing Wear a special dress code Sufi Shaykh –A teacher –Leads his disciples through a variety of spiritual disciplines to help them achieve union with God Sufism video clip: HJ_voXxghttp:// HJ_voXxg
Mosque Mosque refers to a space for prostration Its design is simple Has one formal entry to the compound –where shoes are to be taken off and left outside There is at least one fountain for purification There is a high pulpit indoors or outdoors for sermons worshipers stand and prostrate themselves in rows Mihrab- is a special arched niche that indicates the direction of Mecca- Muslims pray facing Mecca The floor is usually covered with rugs or mats
Mosque cont. Outdoors there is usually a minaret –a tall tower or two towers at the corners of the mosque where prayer is called a muezzin –calls out from the top of a tower for prayer –The muezzin’s call to prayer begins with Allahu akbar (“God is supreme”) –Nowadays, recordings of the call to prayer are often played over loudspeakers
Marriage –Arranged by parents and formalized by a written contract –The bridegroom’s family makes an offer of money or property to the family of the bride as a part of the contract –The marriage ceremony is held at home It consists of signing the contract A passage from the Qur’an might be read There is usually a feast following the signing of the contract
MARRIAGE, CONT. –Multiple wives (polygamy) – no more than 4 permitted Must be treated equally Not allowed in western countries with monogamous marriage laws
Female roles In some societies, a woman must be veiled when she goes out of the house She allows only her husband and relatives to see her face –In most places it is a choice, not in Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran Women are expected to socialize only with female friends and relatives Women may work as nurses, doctors, and teachers
Female dress code: veiled options 1.Burqa- covers the entire body, with mesh over the eyes 2.Niqab- covers the entire body, with a thin slit for the eyes 3.Chador- covers the body and leaves the face bare 4.Hijab- covers the hair and neck
Male dress code Kufi cap- skull cap –Usually worn during prayer –Humility before God Men’s Jeleba
Circumcision Male circumcision is required Is the sign of the Covenant between God and Abraham Ishmael and Isaac were circumcised –Boy are circumcised at the age of 7 or 8 years old –Muhammad was circumcised
Prohibition: image making The prohibition against the making of images has been observed in Islam, but there are at a few exceptions: One: Muhammad’s Night Journey. However, Muhammad’s face often appears as a ghostly blank space. Another exception: Pilgrims who return successfully from Mecca make a picture of their pilgrimage and place it outside the house, near the front door, where it cannot be missed.
Death rituals Prayers from the Qur’an are recited for the dying person After death, the body is buried in a plain white shroud –If the deceased is a male who has made the pilgrimage, he will wear the robe he wore in Mecca The face of the decease is turned toward Mecca at the burial The headstone is usually an undecorated stone marker- signifies equality of all people in death