Presentation on Annual Action Plan for IWMP STATE: MEGHALAYA 1
Summary of IWMP 2 Sr. No Particulars Year of Appraisal Total Batch-I ( ) Batch-II ( ) Batch-III ( ) Batch IV ( ) Batch V ( ) 1.No. of Projects Project Area Project Cost (Rs. Cr.) Funds received (Rs. in Cr.) Central+State Total Expenditure (Rs. in Cr. ) as on DPRs sanctioned Projects Closed/ cancellation Timelines for DPRs Completed
IWMP – Abstract of Fund Requirement by SLNA during Sl. No. ItemI st Quarter II nd Quarter III rd Quarter IV th Quarter Total Unspent Balance as on (including interest accrued) Actual requirement (7-8) (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9) 1Batch-I (Sanctioned in ) Batch-II (Sanctioned in ) Batch-III ( Sanctioned in ) Batch-IV ( Sanctioned in ) Batch-V (Sanctioned in ) Batch-VI ( To be Sanctioned in ) Total Rs. in lakh
IWMP – Monthly proposed expenditure during Sl. No.MonthProposed expenditure (Rs in lakh) 1April 0 2May June July August September October November December January February March Total
Sr. No. Budget Component Total funds received Total Expenditure ( ) % Expenditure Fund Required for year Remarks (Timelines etc.) 1DPR %- 2EPA %- 3Training & IEC %- 4Admin. Cost %- 5Watershed Work %- 6Livelihood %- 7 Production Sys. & microenterprises %- 8Monitoring %- 9Evaluation %- 10Consolidation Total IWMP - Fund Requirement for year Batch-I (Projects sanctioned in ) (Amount in lac) 5 1/6
Sr. No.Budget Component Total funds received Total Expenditure ( ) % Expenditure Fund Required for year Remarks (Timelines etc.) 1DPR % 0 2EPA % 0 3 Training & IEC % Admin. Cost % Watershed Work % Livelihood % Production Sys. & microenterprises % Monitoring % Evaluation % Consolidation 000% 0 Total IWMP - Fund Requirement for year Batch-II (Projects sanctioned in ) (Amount in lac) 6 2/6
Sr. No. Budget Component Total funds received Total Expenditure ( ) % Expenditure Fund Required for year Remarks (Timelines etc.) 1DPR % 2EPA % 3Training & IEC % Admin. Cost %450 5Watershed Work % Livelihood %450 7 Production Sys. & microenterprises % Monitoring %45 9Evaluation % Consolidation Total IWMP - Fund Requirement for year Batch-III(Projects sanctioned in ) (Amount in lac) 7 3/6
Sr. No.Budget Component Total funds received Total Expenditure ( ) % Expenditure Fund Required for year Remarks (Timelines etc.) 1DPR %0.00 2EPA % Training & IEC % Admin. Cost Watershed Work Livelihood Production Sys. & microenterprises Monitoring Evaluation Consolidation 0.00 Total IWMP - Fund Requirement for year Batch-IV (Projects sanctioned in ) (Amount in lac) 8 4/6
Sr. No. Budget Component Total funds received Total Expenditure ( ) % Expenditure Fund Required for year Remarks (Timelines etc.) 1DPR % 2EPA % 3 Training & IEC % Admin. Cost Watershed Work Livelihood Production Sys. & microenterprises Monitoring Evaluation Consolidation 0.00 Total IWMP - Fund Requirement for year Batch-V (Projects sanctioned in ) (Amount in lac) 9 5/6
Sr. No. Budget Component Fund Required for year Remarks (Timelines etc.) 1DPR EPA Training & IEC Admin. Cost Watershed Work Livelihood Production Sys. & microenterprises Monitoring Evaluation Consolidation 0.00 Total IWMP - Fund Requirement for year Batch-VI (Projects to be sanctioned in ) (Amount in lac) 10 6/6
Capacity Building Capacity Building Plan for State Prepared- Whether CB Plan approved by SLNA and date of approval by SLNA Yet to be approved Will be approved by 30 th April 2014 Whether CB Plan uploaded on SLNA Website or not. Yet to be uploaded Will be uploaded by 15 th May 2014 Whether Modules of Training have been prepared or not (for all levels of stakeholders) Yet to be Prepared /2
Capacity Building Whether Modules of Training in local language have been approved by SLNA or not and date of approval. Yet to be prepared Will be prepared by Whether approved Modules are uploaded on SLNA Website or not. Yet to be uploaded Will be uploaded by Whether calendar of Training for have been finalised or not?, if finalised, whether it is uploaded on SLNA’s Website or not. Yet to be finalised Will be Finalised by What is the total budget required for Capacity Building during Rs lakhs- 12 2/2
Proposed Capacity Building Plan for No. of persons proposed to be trained during Level of stakeholder No. of Training No. of Beneficiaries Subject of Training program Name of Training Institute Proposed Expenditure SLNA level4150 Preparation of DPR, GIS & RS for IWMP, MIS, E-Governance SCSI, NIRD, Guwahati, NESAC, IT-Department, 3.3 District level (DLRC) GIS Applications for IWMP, Common Guidelines, Maintenance of Records & Accounts, MIS, DPR Preparation, Convergence of IWMP with other programmes SLNA, SIRD, NESAC, 15.2 WDT level (CLRC) GIS Applications for IWMP, Common Guidelines, Maintenance of Records & Accounts, MIS, DPR Preparation, PRA Techniques, Baseline Survey, NRM in watersheds, Engineering Measures in Watershed Management, Foundation course in nurturing and promotion of SHGs, Entrepreneur Promotion. SLNA, NIRD, SIRD, NESAC, PIAs, ICAR NER, MRDS, RRTC Umran /2
Proposed Capacity Building Plan for Level of stakeholder No. of Training No. of Beneficiaries Subject of Training program Name of Training Institute Proposed Expenditure WC level (Village) Awareness Programme on project objectives, aims, approach, Implementation process, fund provision, management of assets created. Social Mobilisation, Training on concepts of SHG’s & Community Organisation, Bee keeping, Livestock rearing, Food Processing, Vermi composting, Mushroom Cultivation. Soil & Water Conservation practices, Agro- Horticultural practices Agro-Forestry practices, Rainwater Harvesting & management, Decease, pests & insects management for crops, Integrated Farming System, Homestead gardening, Rubber Planting Techniques, PIAs, WDTs, ICAR NER, Agriculture Dept, Horticulture Dept, Veterinary Dept, S&WC Dept, Rural Resource Training Centre, Bethany Society, Rubber Board Total /2
IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY FOR PROJECTS PROPOSED FOR Area allocated for (lakh ha) No. of Projects 12 No. of Districts 11 Timeline for completing the initial capacity building Timeline for completion of DPRs Completion of EPW Constitution of WCs Training of WCs
IWMP –Financial Targets for Name of the State : Meghalaya Sr. No. Components Funds Released up to ) Expenditure up to previous year ( ) Unspent Balance as on ( ) Annual target for Actual Requirment of grant Ist QtrIInd QtrIIIrd QtrIVth Qtr TOTAL ( ) DPR EPA Training & IEC Admin Cost Watershed Works Livelihood Production System & Microenterprises Monitoring Evaluation Consolidation TOTAL Rs. in lacs
Name of State: Meghalaya SL. No. Items For Projects sanctioned in For Projects sanctioned in For Projects sanctioned in Status of empanelment of Evaluating Agencies Completed 2 Status of Evaluation of Preparatory Phase (completed/ on-going/ not done) Completed 3 If evaluation not done then timeline for completion If completed then status of submission of Evaluation Report anlong with ATR to DoLR. (Submitted/ not Submitted) Submitted 5 If not submitted, then time line report submission along with ATR - -- Status of Evaluation of Preparatory Phase of IWMP 17
Name of State: Meghalaya SL.No.Items For Projects sanctioned in For Projects sanctioned in Status of empanelment of Evaluating Agencies Yet to be Empanelled 2 Status of Evaluation of Works Phase (completed/ on-going/ not done) Not Done 3 If evaluation not done then timeline for completion If completed then status of submission of Evaluation Report anlong with ATR to DoLR. (Submitted/ not Submitted) -- 5 If not submitted, then time line report submission along with ATR Status of Evaluation of Works Phase of IWMP 18
Name of State: Meghalaya SL.No.Items 1 Date of Advertisement Status of selection of Agencies Under Process 3 If not done then timeline for completion If completed then status of submission of Report along with ATR to DoLR. (Submitted/ not Submitted) - 5 If not submitted, then time line for report submission along with ATR Status of engagement of Agencies for Concurrent Monitoring and Evaluation 19