CITY OF TSHWANE USDG 2011/12 Achievements USDG 2012/13 Plans Presented by: Amos Mboweni
THE OUTCOME STATEMENT OF THE GRANT To ensure that Metropolitan and Secondary Cities have more efficiently managed built environment that: - Promotes the creation of Sustainable Human Settlements that - Promote human dignity and wealth.
USDG OUTPUTS OUTPUT 1: Households upgraded through housing Programmes OUTPUT 2: Households with access to basic services such as water, Sewerage, Electricity, and Refuse Removal OUTPUT 3: Land availability, purchasing, acquisition, planning, titling OUTPUT 4: Number of Jobs Created through output 1, 2 and 3 above.
Summary of 2011/12 USDG The total USDG funding R891,080, Total USDG spending for 2011/2012 R880,963, Total spending for 4 th quarter R583,549, Funds to be rolled over to 2012/13 R10,117, 98,86% OF USDG GRANT HAS BEEN USED DURING THE 2011/2012 FINANCIAL YEAR
Project Name KPA Analysis - ASD Original Budget 2011/12 Adjusted Budget 2011/12 Cumulative Actual Unspent allocation Development of the Klip-Kruisfontein cemetery Agriculture & Environmental Management ,000,000 - Development of Tshwane North Cemetery Agriculture & Environmental Management ,000,000 11,403,509-1,403,509 List of Projects per department Agriculture and environmental management
List of Projects per department Project NameKPA Analysis - ASD Original Budget 2011/12 Adjusted Budget 2011/12 Cumulative Actual Unspent allocation Township Establishment of Land of Low Cost Housing Housing and Sustainable Human Settlements - -13,600,00013,517,00083,000 Water - Low Cost Housing Housing and Sustainable Human Settlements 8,347,80041,968,55141,968,5492 Sewerage - Low Cost Housing Housing and Sustainable Human Settlements 49,523,98073,976,24173,104,028872,213 Roads and Stormwater - Low Cost Housing Housing and Sustainable Human Settlements ,736,937268,615,208266,789,3471,825,861 Housing and Sustainable Human Settlements
Water and Sanitation and electricity Project Name KPA Analysis - ASD Original Budget 2011/12 Adjusted Budget 2011/12 Cumulative Actual Unspent allocation Tshwane Public Lighting Programme PW & ID: Electricity 12,000,000 11,970,70229,298 Replacement, Upgrade, Construct Wwtw Facilities PW & ID: Water - 27,552,828 0 Refurbishing of Water Networks and Backlog Eradication PW & ID: Water 96,947,172 96,940,9196,253 Blk + Reservoir - Babelegi PW & ID: Water 26,000,000 19,574,8476,425,153 Upgrading of Sewers in Tshwane Area PW & ID: Water 12,000,000 11,928,64271,358 List of Projects per department
Project Name KPA Analysi s - ASD Original Budget 2011/12 Adjusted Budget 2011/12 Cumulative Actual Unspent allocation Upgrading of Road to tar in Zithobeni Ward 5 & 6 Roads5,800,000400,000 0 Upgrading of Road to tar in Ekangala Ward 8,9 & 10 Roads8,600,000600,000 0 Upgrading of Road to tar in Ekangala Ward 8,9 & 11 Roads7,200,000600,000509,57290,428 Replacement of Traffic Signs Roads-47,950,00047,929,86820,132 Flooding Backlogs: Stinkwater & New Eersterust Area Roads4,000,000 4,995,039995,039 Flooding Backlogs: Sosh & Winterveldt Area Roads7,000,000 6,920,68479,316 Flooding Backlogs: Mabopane Area Roads5,000,000 4,923,70576,295 Flooding Backlog: Network 3, Kudube Unit 12 Roads5,000,0001,000,000991,4518,549 Flooding Backlog: Network 2F, Kudube Unit 7 Roads5,000,000 4,995,8884,112 Flooding backlog: Network 5A, Matenteng Roads2,100,000 2,087,80512,195 Flooding Backlog: Network 5D, Mandela Village Unit 12 Roads15,000,00013,000,00012,998,8891,111 Flooding Backlogs: Soshanguve South & Akasia Area Roads13,341,000 13,210,714130,286 Flooding Backlog: Network 2D, New Eersterust x 2 Roads2,000,000 2,997,356997,356 Flooding Backlog: Drainage Canals along Hans Strydom Dr, Mamelodi x 4 and 5 Roads18,000,00014,500,0002,856,12211,643,878 Roads and Transport
Project Name KPA Analysi s - ASD Original Budget 2011/12 Adjusted Budget 2011/12 Cumulative Actual Unspent allocation Flooding Backlog: Network 1A, 1C & 1F, Ramotse Roads13,000, Major Stormwater Systems: Klip/Kruisfontein Roads8,000,000 7,854,330145,670 Rehabilitation of Stormwater Systems & Sidewalks Roads10,000,000 9,896,510103,490 Matenteng Main Transport Route, Stinkwater Roads3,000,000 2,984,55215,448 Rehabilitation of Roads Roads10,000,000 9,999,99010 Access Road to Mamelodi X18 (K54) Roads500, Stormwater Drainage Mahube Valley Roads1,000, ,60711,393 Magriet Monamodi Stormwater System Roads20,000,00015,050,0005,988,5399,061,462 Major S/Water Drainage System: Majaneng Roads10,000,000 9,897,805102,195 Major S/Water Drainage Channels: Ga-Rankuwa Roads10,000,000 9,977,87622,124 Stormwater Drainage Systems in Ga-Rankuwa View Roads10,000,000 9,723,042276,958 Internal Roads: Northern Areas Roads38,980,000 52,193,63113,213,631 Upgrading of Mabopane Roads dealing with Red Soils Roads--1,262,750-1,262,750 Flooding Backlogs: Mamelodi, Eersterust & Pta Eastern Area Roads7,000,000 6,747,202252,798 List of Projects per department Roads and Transport continuation
List of Projects per department Project Name KPA Analysis - ASD Original Budget 2011/12 Adjusted Budget 2011/12 Cumulative Actual Unspent allocation Upgrading of Pilditch Stadium Sport, Recreation, Art & Culture 1,000, ,193122,807 Upgrading of Zithobeni Sport Stadium Sport, Recreation, Art & Culture 250, ,29830,702 Solomon Mahlangu Freedom Square - Cultural Centre Sport, Recreation, Art & Culture -1,600,0001,352,052247,948 Lotus Gardens Multi-Purpose Sport Facility Sport, Recreation, Art & Culture -12,000,00010,457,0781,542,922 Stanza Bopape Library Sport, Recreation, Art & Culture -4,000,000- Mabopane Library (Odi) Sport, Recreation, Art & Culture -4,000,000 - Upgrading of the Soshanguve Giant Stadium Sport, Recreation, Art & Culture 30,000,0008,400,0007,225,3281,174,672 H/kraal Multip. Sport & Rec Centre Sport, Recreation, Art & Culture 5,000, ,4434,575,557 Upgrading of HM Pitje Stadium Sport, Recreation, Art & Culture 5,950,000 1,135,3924,814,608 Sport, Recreation, Art & Culture
List of Projects per department Project Name KPA Analysis - ASD Original Budget 2011/12 Adjusted Budget 2011/12 Cumulative Actual Unspent allocation Eastlynn Bus and Taxi FacilitiesTransport , ,19316,807 Steve Bikoville- Install 25 x 30m high masts and 12 x 12 street lights 7,200,000 7,197,1682,832 Bulk Sewer Supply- Franspoort 2,200,000 2,199, Ekangala WWTW (ME&I) 8,000,000 - Water Conservation and Demand Management (Installation of water meters Steve 2,000,000 1,022,017977,983 Other Projects
Summary of non-delivered areas Project Name KPA Analysis - ASD Adjusted Budget 2011/12 Cumulative Actual Unspent allocation Roads and Stormwater - Low Cost Housing - Project Linked Housing Housing and Sustainable Human Settlements ,615,208196,318,94772,296,261 Blk + Reservoir - Babelegi PW & ID: Water - 26,000,00019,574,8476,425,153 Flooding Backlog: Drainage Canals along Hans Strydom Dr, Mamelodi x 4 and 5 Roads ,500,0002,856,12211,643,878 Magriet Monamodi Stormwater Roads ,050,0005,988,5399,061,462 Lotus Gardens Multi-Purpose Sport Facility Sport, Recreation, Art & Culture ,000,00010,457,0781,542,922 Stanza Bopape Library Sport, Recreation, Art & Culture ,000,000- Upgrading of the Soshanguve Giant Stadium Sport, Recreation, Art & Culture ,400,0007,225,3281,174,672 H/kraal Multip. Sport & Rec Centre Sport, Recreation, Art & Culture ,000,000424,4434,575,557 Upgrading of HM Pitje Stadium Sport, Recreation, Art & Culture ,950,0001,135,3924,814,608 Main reasons for non-delivery: The Grant was introduced late to the Municipalities, resulting in delays in the supply chain management process.
2011/12 Achievements per USDG outputs OUTPUTSTARGETS ACHIEVE MENTS REMEDIAL STEPS RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT OUTPUT 1: Households upgraded through housing Programmes 4865 COT, and 7026 Province 6570 Province and 3200 COT Procurement plans prepared and approved Housing Department OUTPUT 2: Households with access to basic services such as water, Sewerage, Electricity, and Refuse Removal 4200 (COT), plus PROV INCE Procurement plans prepared and approved Public Works Department OUTPUT 3: Land availability, purchasing, acquisition, planning, servicing and titling 2 sites 4 sites (over 450 hectares were acquired) Procurement plans prepared and approved; Negotiations with private landlords to acquire the land Housing Department OUTPUT 4: Number of Jobs Created through output 1, 2 and 3 above. 3008(USDG) Job creation plans with the Contractors approved All departments involved
STOCKPILING AREA – Some of the stock pile will be used to fill & level the soccer ground for the community
Stabilized subbase layers
JOB CREATED 57 Local employees 14 females 23 youth 11 core employees 11 salaried staff 5 Local sub-contractors 2 female 3 youth 40 local employees employed by the local sub-contractors.
Challenges with merging of funds The MIG Cities Grant was and still is directed towards the eradication of backlogs in previously disadvantaged areas. The primary focus on the USDG is on formalising the informal settlements, but the eradication of backlogs (roads and storm water) in those areas which existed in 1994, would continue. The narrative and wording in the DoRA is overweight in the direction of the formalisation side. The present rate of budgeting need to be revised. Clearly highlighted in any revisions to the DoRA, as it creates major strive between Departments presently.
Challenges Procurement & Designs There are three major reasons why the projects could not have been finished by end of June Number One: The appointment of contractors took over 7 months due to the massive response received from the Market. Number two: The approval on the final services designs to enable the construction were only received by end of February Number three: Appointment of Community Liaison Officers and local labour was contested heavily amongst the various communities. The above have now been resolved
Remedial actions Develop and strengthen partnerships Complete all unfinished work Improve efficiency Stakeholder focus Risk management Job creation Implementation enablers
BEPP 2012/13 References: Updated IDP Sustainable Human Settlement Plan (SHSP 2012) SDIBP 2012/13 BEPP 2012/13
2012/13 Targets per USDG outputs OUTPUTSTARGETS RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT OUTPUT 1: Households upgraded through housing Programmes both COT and PROVINCE Housing Department OUTPUT 2: Households with access to basic services such as water, Sewerage, Electricity, and Refuse Removal COT FAST TRACKING PROCLAIMATION Public Works Department and Housing OUTPUT 3: Land availability, purchasing, acquisition, planning, servicing and titling M2 or HaHousing Department OUTPUT 4: Number of Jobs Created through output 1, 2 and 3 above. 5876(USDG) All departments involved
2012/13 Capital Budget
Planned Projects by departments Implementing Departments DivisionProject Name Budget Year 2012/13 Agriculture and Environmental Management Solid Waste ServicesDevelopment of Cemetries, Metsweding R 6,000, CemeteriesDevelopment of the Klip-Kruisfontein cemetery R 2,900, CemeteriesDevelopment of Tshwane North Cemetery R 9,414, TOTAL R 18,314,000.00
Planned Projects by departments Implementing Departments DivisionProject Name Budget Year 2012/13 Housing and Sustainable Human Settlement Development Urban Development Projects Project Linked Housing - Water Provision R 55,000, Sewerage - Low Cost Housing R 55,000, Roads & Stormwater - Low Cost Housing R 225,202, Acquisition Of Land R 62,000, TOTAL R 397,202,000.00
Planned Projects by departments Implementing Departments DivisionProject Name Budget Year 2012/13 Public Works and Infrastructure Development Waste Water CollectionUpgrading Of Sewers In Mamelodi R - Waste Water CollectionUpgrading Of Sewers In Tshwane Area R 10,000, Water SupplyBulk Sewer Supply- Franspoort R 4,000, Specialist EngeneeringTshwane Public Lighting Program R 18,400, Waste Water TreatmentReplacement, Upgrade,Construct Waste Water Treatment Works Facilities R 88,537, Waste Water CollectionRefurbishment of Water Networks and Backlog Eradication R 245,565, ElectricitySteve Bikoville- Install 25 x 30m high masts and 12 x 12 street lights R 5,100, TOTAL R 371,603,194.00
Planned Projects by departments Implementing Departments DivisionProject Name Budget Year 2012/13 Sport, Recreation, Arts & Culture Sport and RecreationUpgrading Of The Soshanguve Giant Stadium R 23,000, Sport, Recreation, Arts & Culture Sport and RecreationHammanskraal Multipurpose Sport & Recreation Centre R 10,000, TOTAL R 33,000,000.00
Implementing Departments DivisionProject Name2012/13 Budget Transport and Roads Roads and Storm Water Major Stormwater System, Mamelodi X 8 R 5,000, Major Stormwater Systems: Klip/Kruisfontein R 2,000, Mateteng Main Transport Route, Stinkwater R 3,100, Rehabilitation Of Roads R 20,000, Real Rover Road To Serapeng Road R 6,000, Magriet Monamodi Stormwater System R 5,000, Major Stormwater Drainage System: Majaneng R 5,000, Major Stormwater Drainage Channels: Ga-Rankuwa R 10,000, Stormwater Drainage Systems In Ga-Rankuwa View R 10,000, Internal Roads: Northern Areas R 66,950, Flooding Backlogs: Stinkwater & New Eersterust Area R 5,000, Flooding Backlogs: Sosh & Winterveldt Area R 2,000, Flooding Backlogs: Mabopane Area R 10,000, Flooding Backlogs: Mamelodi, Eersterust & Pta Eastern Area R 6,000, Flooding Backlog: Network 5D, Mandela Village Unit 12 R 3,100, Flooding Backlog: Network 2B, Ramotse R - Flooding backlog: Drainage canals along Hans Strydom Dr, Mamelodi x 4 and 5 R 4,000, Upgrading of Road from gravel to tar in Zithobeni Ward 5 & 6 R 4,000, Upgrading of Road from gravel to tar in Ekangala Ward 8,9 & 10 R 4,000, Upgrading of Road from gravel to tar in Ekangala Ward 11 & 12 R 4,000, Ecomomic Dev. Transp Eastlynn bus and taxi facilities R 800, TOTAL R 175,950,806.00