The North Takes Charge Section 11-4
Preview Questions What battle turned the tide of the war? How did the Battle of Vicksburg affect the Confederacy? How did Union forces wear down the South?
I. Armies Clash at Gettysburg Importance Turning point of Civil War South crippled: No longer on offensive Background Union defeated at Chancellorsville Stonewall Jackson killed
I. Armies Clash at Gettysburg First Day of Battle: July 1, 1863 – Fierce Confederate assault forces Union retreat near Cemetery Ridge Second Day of Battle: July 2, 1863 – Confederates attack at Cemetery Ridge – Union bayonet assault holds their lines
I. Armies Clash at Gettysburg Third Day of Battle: July 3, 1863 – Pickett’s Charge Confederate raid that fails – Lee looses too many men to launch another offensive attack – Lee retreats to Virginia
II. Grant Wins at Vicksburg April-July 1863 Importance – Split Confederacy in two – Union controls Mississippi River
III. The Gettysburg Address Listed reasons why Union fought Emphasized idea of reunification Assured people Union would survive
IV. Confederacy Wears Down Confederate Problems – Low morale – No supplies – Soldiers desert – Disagreement among leaders
IV. Confederacy Wears Down Wilderness Campaign (May 1864) – Grant’s plan to immobilize Lee’s forces – Union loses more men, but can replace
IV. Confederacy Wears Down Sherman’s March (September 1864) – March from Atlanta to coast, through SC & NC – Destroy anything of value – Defeat civilians (Total War)
IV. Confederacy Wears Down Surrender at Appomattox – Davis destroys Richmond and flees – April 9, 1865: Surrender