British Nutrition Foundation Conference Update from Learning Teaching Scotland (LTS) Liz Nicoll – Development Officer Health & Wellbeing September 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

British Nutrition Foundation Conference Update from Learning Teaching Scotland (LTS) Liz Nicoll – Development Officer Health & Wellbeing September 2010

Aims of Presentation To update on emerging support from LTS Home Economics within CfE To consider progression within experiences & outcomes An introduction to assessment in the broad general education To identify emerging practice

2004 to 2009 CfE timeline Research and review process – writing teams Progress and Proposals published and the development of the Building the Curriculum series to Draft experiences and outcomes published 2008 – Analysis of feedback and responses Publication of the new curriculum guidelines 2009 to Planning and implementation. Schools will have planned throughout for implementation of the new curriculum in

Support from LTS Launch of the new website – August 2010 Continually reviewing & updating website LTS staff supporting staff in all aspects of CfE A series of HWB events across the country A Food & Health road show aimed at Primary practitioners

Health and Wellbeing Framework

Ongoing collation and publication of support for staff materials Use of glow as a medium for sharing resources/ ideas Opportunities for engagement with Local Authorities and within the Health & Wellbeing Education Network Working with BNF to produce a primary food handling skills DVD

Recognising the contribution we all have to make Scottish Government recognises the importance we attach to food & drink in Scotland but also the need to address the nation’s poorest diet related health record How? Through Scotland’s National Food & Drink Policy – Recipe for Success

How does the Policy impact on you as Practitioners? The paper sets out how we will Ensure we make healthy & sustainable choices Ensure that our people understand more about the food they eat

Food Education The Policy identifies the Next Steps: To promote food education through the implementation of Curriculum for Excellence To explore with relevant stakeholders the potential for partnership opportunities. Consultation on the Next Generation of National Qualifications in Scotland Support

Where is Home Economics within Curriculum for Excellence?

Health & Wellbeing across learning Technologies Nutrition Safe, hygienic practices Food and the consumer Food & Health Home Economics Technological developments in society ICT to enhance learning Preparation techniques & processes Skills (Food & textile) Design challenge Literacy Numeracy Responsibility of All

Building Blocks for Food Activities _

Working in Partnerships Many ideas for partnership working are shared on the LTS website, they include Further education colleges Skills Development Scotland Youth work staff Health professionals Voluntary sector providers Training providers Children's services staff Parents Employers Community learning staff. Cluster working

Assessment Trusting Teachers’ Judgements In order to make sound professional judgements staff will need to: gather a wide range of evidence of progress and achievement (increase validity) share standards through dialogue and discussion (increase reliability) reflect on the implications for learning and teaching, reporting and planning for improvement (consider impact on learners and learning)

Assessment evidence Examples might include : an account of what pupils in response to a particular experience as a video or audio clip; and the criteria used to evaluate the evidence; and notes about features of performance and how a judgement was arrived at what pupils in response to questions or experiences; and the criteria or marking scheme used to evaluate the; and notes about its features of and how a judgement about strengths and development needs was arrived at a photograph or drawing of what pupils as part of a particular experience; and the criteria used to evaluate the product; and notes about its features of and how a judgement about strengths and development needs was arrived at a video of what pupils as part of a particular experience; and the criteria against which observations were made; and notes about its features of and how a judgement about strengths and development needs was arrived at said wrote made did

Assessment Range of evidence that could be generated from these activities? make/do/say/write How will I know they have learned? Consider skills progression and identify criteria related to the learning experiences

Ongoing Support Support teachers in making a continual shift in learning and teaching approaches Support for staff Working with Authorities to develop NAR material Using glow to share emerging practice and offer support Working across teams/directorates to ensure the best possible output

Next Steps Identify what is already in place to deliver your curriculum Work with experiences & outcomes within HWB ( including Responsibility of All), Technologies, Literacy & Numeracy to develop further Use experiences and outcomes in the classroom and provide feedback Continue to improve learning and teaching approaches through review, reflection and responding to the needs of learners.

Practitioners are the key to successful implementation of Curriculum for Excellence. The quality of learning and teaching in every setting – and the inspiration, challenge and enjoyment which can come from practitioners’ enthusiasm and commitment – will be critical to achieving our aspirations for all young people.” Building The Curriculum 1 (Page 1)

This is a different kind of development from anything we have had before. It depends on reflective professionals developing their own thinking and teaching, and working collaboratively. It does not depend on a rollout of a specific curriculum with teachers having to become familiar with completely new material.” CfE Management Board, June 2008

“Developing the curriculum is everybody’s job” “Improving Our Curriculum Through Self- Evaluation” HMIe “..It is easier to relocate a cemetery than change the school curriculum…” US President Woodrow Wilson 1914

Final thought It is Important To Be Optimistic

Contact Us Liz Nicoll National Development Officer, Health & Wellbeing Learning and Teaching Scotland The Optima, 58 Robertson Street, Glasgow G2 8DU T: Customer Services