Veterans Day Facts By: Mrs. Putt’s Third Grade
All about army By kyle
Veterans Day is a day that honors those men and women who have served their country in the united states armed forces. Some people go to the cemetery and put flowers and flags there. Some people get poppies from a sale. Some people go to a veterans day parade.
All about veterans By Ryan
Some people fly flags outside their homes. Some people go to cemeteries and put flags or flowers by their graves. Sometimes people visit them at hospitals. In World War I and World War II soldiers died.
Happy Veterans Alison
Some people go to the cemetery. Some people go to parade. Some people put flags outside of there homes. Years ago Veterans Day was not it’s name it was Amoral Day.
Some people put flags out on there yard. To piece the people that how's is died. The flag honors the people. We say the pledge. On Veterans Day, many people visit cemeteries. They put flowers and flags on veterans graves. People go to Veterans Day parades. They watch Veterans march. People have different ways of showing veterans that they are thankful. Some people visit veterans in hospitals.
I like Veterans Day Kyra
On Veterans Day we put little flag on the graves in the cemeteries. Many people buy bright red poppies. Some people put flags outside. Veterans Day was first called Armistice Day. People go to Veterans Day parades. They watch Veterans march. We celebrate Veterans Day on November 11. This wreath honors all men and women who lost there lives.
By: Paige Veterans Day
Some people fly flags outside. The president of the untied states places a wreath at the tomb of unknown soldiers. Veteran’s Day used to Armistice Day. You don’t have to know a veteran to thank and remember one. Veterans sell these red poppies to veterans and their families.
Thanks to the soldiers to keep us free. Carrie
Poppies are made and sold to help veterans. In world war1&2 that lots of soldiers died. After world war1 ended that Veterans Day was not called by that name, it was The War To End All Wars. The wreath that honors the poor soldiers who lost their lives.
On November 11,1918 the 11 th hour of the 11 th month world war 1 ended. This was know as ‘the war to end all wars’. Veterans Day was called Armistice Day Veterans Day is a day to reminder Veterans November is the day these special people are honored.
U.S.A.’s Navy By: Levi Wilson
Veterans day used to be called Armistice day. November 11, 1918, 11 a.m. World War I ended. You don’t need to know a solider to thank one. World war II was way harder than World War I.
Veterans Day Brandon
On Veteran Day we celebrate all veterans. On Veterans Day many people go to cemeteries to put flags on their grave. Also on Veterans Day people buy poppies Also on Veterans Day we go to Veteran parades.
Veterans Day By:Cheyanne
Veterans Day used to be called Armistice Day (On the 11 th hour of the 11 th day of the 11 th month it was named Armistice Day. Many lives were lost during World War II, and those who lost loved ones and those who fought for our country need to be recognized. On Veterans Day people go to cemeteries to visit the people who gave their lives for our freedom.
Veterans Day By: Kaiden
Veterans Day is a day to honor all people that served in the War and who died. On Veterans Day you can put flags out so people know that you care about Veterans Day. In 1954, Congress changed the name of Armistice Day to Veterans Day, in order to honor all United States veterans. On Veterans Day, many people visit cemeteries. They put down flowers on graves.
Veterans day Hunter M
Veterans Day was first called Armistice day then it got changed. On veterans day people bring flowers to graves. There is a tomb for the unknown. Soldier have many jobs. There is five branches to military.
veterans By hunter
Veterans Day celebrates the people who served in our country. People go to cemeteries to see the graves of Veterans. We see Veterans sell poppies on streets. You do not have to know a Veteran to celebrate Veterans Day.
Veterans By: Sydney
Many people visit cemeteries on Veterans Day. Tons of people fought in wars and lots of them died. Veterans Day hasn’t always been called Veterans Day. It used to be called Armistice Day. Veterans Day is a day that honors those men and women who have served their country in the United States.
Air Force Kolby
People sell poppies to help veterans. You need to respect veterans. Veterans give there lives for our country. Veterans love our country.