The Divine Comedy: “INFERNO” 11/20/2007Christopher A. Pugh
Summary While in the sixth circle with the Heretics, Dante comes across the cemetery of Epicurus and his followers. Within the cemetery Dante encounters Farinata degil Uberti and finds out that he is a Ghibelline (an enemy of Dantes family and party Guelphs). Then Dante runs into Cavalcante de Cavalcanti the farther of his close friend who grieves because he believes his son is deceased. Dante finds out an prediction of his exile from Farianta.
New Characters Farinata degli Uberti- a leader of the Ghibelline party who saved Florence from destruction. Cavalcante de Cavalcanti- father of Dante’s friend and superb fellow poet Guido de Cavalcanti.
Dante’s Location Dante is located in the Sixth Circle and he is surrounded by the Heretics in the region of the Epicureans tombs. Two sinners, Farinata and Cavalcante, are punished in this section by burning in their open coffins forever.
Images from CANTO X Dante and Virgil looking at Farinata degli Uberti as he rises from his grave. Dante and Virgil walking a path through the cemetery of Epicurus.
Journey to the 6 th Circle The 4 th Circle (Avaricious & Prodigal) The 5 th Circle (Wrathful & Sullen Styx) The 6 th Circle *Beginning of Lower Hell (Furies & Medusa)