Welcome to The Webinar The Webinar will be starting at 11AM – CST Time Make an Extra $3,900 per Week…writing One Funeral Trust Case * A case being a Husband and Wife at $12,000 each. Commission based on issue age 64 I have over 750 senior clients that can use the funeral trust in their planning…I am going to do an annual review with all of them. Easy and Simple to Sell A Special Webinar with Funeral Director Darren Malone
Special Note National Sales Office Delco Brokerage National Sales Rated the #1 Marketing Firm in the USA for Funeral Trusts Please Note that if you are Funeraltrust.com agent that you should now go direct to our national sales office for agent services. Funeral Trust.com is for sale and may not be providing service in the future.
Looking for agents in 45 states Learn How you can make extra income by referring agents to market the funeral trust…The NEW Referral Program
The Funeral Trust Business Darren Malone Michael O’Dell Funeral Trust Sales Are UP Big Time This Summer – Record Pace Rumor has it….That Darren Bought a Harley
Burial Spaces for Immediate Family Members Commission made on this Medicaid Spend down case was over $ Plus Dad Qualified for Medicaid Immediately Please note that Medicaid rules vary from state to state. You should consult an attorney.
Medicaid Spend down – Burial Spaces If you need Goods and Service Statements, please call Steve Marschall at He will help you through the process and administer the information to Fidelis Funeral Consultants
HELP FAMILIES WITH MEDICAID PLANNING PUT $$$$ IN YOUR POCKET Fidelis Monument/Marker Program A Special Presentation by Darren Malone Funeral Director How to Make Extra Money with the Funeral Trust by providing the Fidelis Monument / Marker Program Used For Medicaid Spend down Cases
Monuments/Markers What is the program? How does it work? Why use the program? Commission potential-Are you leaving commissions on the table? About Select A Memorial Monument Company How do I Start?
Monuments/Markers What is the Monument/Marker Program? The Monument/Marker program is designed to allow Funeral Trust Agents to make referral commissions helping families purchase their cemetery Monument/Markers. This is a valuable tool when helping families when applying for Medicaid.
Monuments/Markers How does it work? SIMPLE! When setting up a funeral trust with a family for Medicaid spend down; ask three simple questions; Question #1; Does Mom/Dad/Applicant plan on being buried? Almost 90% of people plan on being buried, even if they are being cremated, they will bury the ashes
Monuments/Markers Question #2 Do they own graves? Most people in a Medicaid spend down situation already own a grave. Usually because they’ve already buried a spouse. If they don’t own a grave and plan on being buried, have them purchase a grave(s) now. Medicaid allows this as an acceptable expenses.
Monuments/Markers Question #3 Do they need a marker/monument/headstone? Almost 70% of my families need a marker/monument. At that point, ASSUME the sale. Tell them we’ll get the monument/marker NOW! Gather some basic information and contact Anthony at Select a Memorial-They’ll take it from there!
Monuments/Markers Why use the program? Medicaid Exempt with NO spending limit Money place in Funeral Expense Trust may not be enough to pay for marker at time of need Prices of monument/marker material going up Most families didn’t know they could do this HUGE COMMISSION FOR AGENTS!!! UP TO 20% NO CHARGEBACKS!!!!
Monuments/Markers Typical Scenario Agent meets with family and determines a monument/marker is needed Agent assumes sale and gathers some preliminary information Agent contacts Select a Memorial and gives family information Select a Memorial contacts family/cemetery and assist family with selection Select a memorial receives payment for monument/marker selected after family approves final proof Monument/marker is made and delivered to cemetery and placed at grave Agent receives referral commission check
Monuments/Markers Commissions A 20% referral commission will be paid on the net sale of all markers Agents will be paid once final payment has been made Absolutely NO Chargebacks!!
Monuments/Markers Select A Memorial is a leader in the distribution and delivery in the finest quality monuments/markers throughout the country. For the past 15 years, they have successfully helped thousands of families with monuments/markers in cemeteries in almost all states Experts in designing and craftsmanship of all types of monuments/markers/lettering
Monuments/Markers Getting Started Getting started is a simple process that will take just about 2-3 minutes of your time. Just visit the website … if you look at the bottom of the page on the right side, you will see a tab labeled “Agent Login”. Please click on that and it will prompt a username and password… Username: agent Password: agent5150
Monuments/Markers At the top of the page will see a downloadable and printable form information letter to help you explain to a family what Select A Memorial can do for them. Feel free to print it and pass it out to any family Fill out the information areas and use the opportunity to give Anthony your information and tell him about yourself. Or call Anthony at Select A Memorial at (708) (708)
Thank you for Attending Our Webinar Our Next Webinar with Darren Malone August 22 nd – Wednesday – 11am Funeral Resources with Fidelis Funeral Consultants Darren Malone will answer your questions Delco Brokerage National Sales National Sales Office Website: Agent Services: