Public Works Historical Staffing Levels PWD Full-time and 5 Part-time PWD – 22 Full-time and 4 Part-time PWD – 16 Full-time and 3 Part-time PWD – 12 Full-time and 1 Part-time PWD -- 9 Full-time and 0 Part-time PWD – 10 Full-time and 0 Part-time PWD -- 8 Full-time and 1 Part-time Note: Janitorial and secretary positions were eliminated in the 1990’s. In 2011 the department lost 3 equipment operators. Only One was replaced. Also the Deputy Director Position was eliminated. In 2011 the department lost 3 key operators. Only one was replaced. Also the Deputy Director position was eliminated.
5 Heavy Equipment Operators 1 Lead man 1 Mechanic Members of the Teamsters Union 1 Full-Time Employee, that is the Public Works Director, Airport Manager, Cemetery Sexton, and MSW and Recycling Director.
1 only 24 hrs/week summer roads budget Recreation Department Shares Employee for 28 weeks for Winter Roads Budget. Call drivers Part Time if needed for snow removal in Winter Roads Budget.
Summer Roads - $220,015 $171,838 $173,826 $141,112 (30 weeks) Winter Roads - $156,140 $133,055 $127,473 $103,462 (22 weeks)
Actual Revenues Actual Expenditures Rev - Exp $ 68, $825, (-$756,553.80)
Maine Department of Labor Directives On-Line Training MMA Safety Works provides free training Maine MDOT Local Roads In-House refreshers
The Millinocket Public Works is responsible for maintaining 40 miles of roads of which one mile is unpaved. 7.14 miles of Arterial Roads - Longer through ways 5.83 miles of Collector roads – collect traffic from local roads miles of local roads – direct access to land .86 miles of unpaved roads – Dirt Roads Town’s Comprehensive Plan Book list these roads as Fair/Good condition, with some poor condition. Arterials are subject to high truck traffic Millinocket has a few private roads – Golden Road, Golf Course Road, Kelley Trailer Park has 6 Roads.
Route 11 in conjunction with Route 157 is a state highway maintained by the Town with State Aid Money. It includes all of Central Street, Popular Street, and parts of Penobscot Avenue and Katahdin Avenue. - (LRAP) Highway Block Grant. The route out of town toward Baxter Park is also maintained by the Town with state aid including Bates and part of Katahdin Avenue before leading to the Lake Road.
41 Miles of Roads 2 miles of Dirt Roads 500 Storm Water Catch Basins 450 Municipal Sewer Catch Basins with over 35 miles of sewer lines. Slow Runner Maintenance Street Sweeping and Cleaning Sidewalk and Pot Hole Repairs Guard Rail repair Line Painting Rice Farm Road Maintenance Culverts install, repair, and ditching. Mowing Roadside right-a-way, Parks, Airport.
o Minor Bridge repairs per State of Maine o Plowing and sanding roads. Salting Mains o Snow removal o Tree care o Sign Maintenance o Traffic Control Devices – 2 Signals, 3 Beacons
All Town vehicle inspections – Mechanic All heavy equipment, and vehicle maintenance, and services- Mechanic Walking/Bike Trail Maintenance Work with neighboring towns to assist Respond to citizens concerns
Reduced snow removal due to higher fuel prices Using Part-Time help for Mowing Increasing Efficiency Rebuilding existing equipment Vs. New Rethinking cost control, recap tires, plow edges, painting equipment. Preventive Maintenance Working with neighboring community Internet Shopping Vendor pricing for parts, and materials Web site improvements for open communication
T.S Full-time T.S Full-Time T.S Full-time and 1 Part-time T.S Full-time and 1 Part-time T.S Full-time and 1 Part-time T.S Full-time and 2 Part-time T.S Full-Time and 2 Part-time T.S Full-time and 3 Part-time T.S Full-time and 4 Part-time T.S Full-time and 5 Part-time T.S. also has a on call for trash hauler to PERC Plant
MSW Collection Universal Waste Wood, Metal, Tires, White Goods Yard WasteRecycling
Penobscot County Trash is now being excepted at Millinocket per Agreement
Newspaper and Magazines Cardboard Mixed Paper Plastic Containers - Colored and Clear Tin Cans Paperboard – Cereal Boxes Packaging Clothes White Goods – Freon Appliances Scrap Metals Tires Batteries TV’s, Computers, Fluorescent Bulbs
Actual Revenues Actual Expenditures Rev-Exp $151, $344, (-192,631.41)
Universal Waste Ewaste_Millinocket_2013.pdf
Millinocket Cemetery
1 Seasonal 25 weeks 40 hrs 1 Seasonal 13 weeks hrs 2 Summer Help 13 weeks 40 hrs 1 Cemetery Sexton - Director
The Cemetery Committee consists of 5 Members for a 5-year period. Refer to the Town’s Web Site for more Information on the Cemetery Rules and Regulations
The Millinocket Cemetery is 25 Acres in size with over 16,000 grave lots. Spring burials are started in the second week of May which is very busy doing burials and getting the grass mowed and trimmed before Memorial Day. Typically the Cemetery is mowed twice during that short window of time along with doing burials in between.
The Public Works Director schedules in the upcoming burials in the spring that get called in before the weather will allow the Cemetery crew to be able to do the burials. On an average, there are burials every summer. Public Works will assist if the backhoe is needed for a full grave. A lot of graves are dug by hand if the machine can’t get into that area easily.
Weekend burials occur which then we have to change the manpower around to accommodate the burial due to the budget not allowing overtime. We do not do burials on Sundays or Holidays. After the Crew is done for the season or the end of October, Public Works will handle all the burials from then until the last of November. Then the Cemetery is closed for the winter.
Actual Revenues Actual Expenditures Rev-Exp $21, $23,240.39(-$1,265.39)