October 21st Day 3 Agenda Bell Ringer: Draw a picture that involves at least three vocabulary words ( devastating, perpetual, dignitary, improvise, evade, dispel) Quiz SSR at your seat Journal exercise POV notes POV practice
October 21st Day 3 Agenda Pd. 9/10 Bell Ringer (4 minutes): Find a partner and tell them about the conflict of your SSR book, be specific! Quiz Fill in point of view notes with any information you know SSR at your seat when you finish your quiz Journal exercise POV notes POV practice
Journal Exercise You will have 3 minutes to write to each of the following prompts: Write about what you did after school yesterday. Think of something you want. Begin a letter to someone trying to convince them to give you what you want. Begin a story about this creature, named Henry.
What is Point of View? The perspective (the eyes) through which the audience perceives (sees) the story. PoV Example #1 PoV Example #2
Pronoun Review What are pronouns? Pronouns replace proper nouns Examples: I, we, you, he, she, it, they, my, our
What is a Narrator? The Storyteller NOT the same as the writer/author conveys the story to the audience NOT the same as the writer/author may tell the story from his/her own POV or the POV of one of the characters
Types of Point of View First Person The narrator participates in the action of the story (usually a main character) Pronouns used… I, we, me, us, our, my
First Person Point of View Example As I walked up the hill to the cemetery, I realized that the atmosphere was just too quiet. There was no sound from the cardinal who was nearly always singing from the top of the maple tree. I thought I saw a black shadow move high up on the slope, but when I looked again it was gone. Still, I shuddered as I felt a silent threat pass over me. Suddenly, I heard a sickening growl and a hairy arm knocked me to the ground. I screamed for my life!
Agenda: October 24th Day 4 Bell Ringer: SSR Define point of view. What is a pronoun? Name three common pronouns. Which pronouns are used in first person point of view? SSR Notes: 2nd and 3rd person POV Identify the POV you used in Friday’s journal entries Work on examples with partner
Types of Point of View Second Person Fiction: a character talks directly to you, the reader. OR the author turns you into the main character Nonfiction: the author talks directly to you, the reader Pronoun used… You, your
Second Person Point of View Example As you walk up the hill to the cemetery, you realize that the atmosphere's just too quiet. There's no sound from the cardinal you know is almost always singing from the top of the maple tree. You think you see a black shadow move high up on the slope, but when you look again it's gone. You shudder as you feel a silent threat pass over you. You hear a sickening growl behind you, and suddenly a hairy arm knocks you to the ground. Your scream echoes through the cemetery!
Second Person Point of View Example 2 iPod touch lets you enjoy everything you love about an iPod, and then some. Watch your movies and TV shows on a brilliant 3.5-inch display. Use the revolutionary Multi-Touch interface to flick through your music in Cover Flow. And anytime you’re itching for more entertainment, just tap iTunes to browse and buy on the fly.
Types of Point of View Third Person – Objective Narrator does not participate in the action of the story Only tells what can be inferred from the actions and dialogue of the characters Does not know what characters think or feel Pronouns used… he, she, him, her, they
Types of Point of View Third Person – Omniscient Narrator does not participate in the action of the story Narrator knows everything, including thoughts and feelings, of every character. Pronouns used… he, she, him, her, they
Types of Point of View Third Person – Limited Narrator does not participate in the action of the story Narrator knows thoughts and feelings of one character. Pronouns used… he, she, him, her, they
Which type of 3rd person Point of View? As she walked up the hill, she realized that the atmosphere was just too quiet in the cemetery. There was no sound from the cardinal who she so often heard singing from the top of the maple tree. She thought she saw a black shadow move high up on the slope, but when she looked again it was gone. Nevertheless, she shuddered as she felt a silent threat pass over her. Suddenly, she heard a sickening growl and a hairy arm knocked her to the ground. Her blood-curdling scream echoed through the cold night!
Agenda: October 25th Day 5 Bell Ringer SSR Which pronouns are used in 2nd person POV? If the 3rd person narrator only knows thoughts and feelings of one character, which type of POV is used? If the narrator knows thoughts and feelings of ALL characters, which type of POV is used? SSR Stations: Identify POV of books Begin POV writing assignment
Point of View: Exercise Describe the following scene from 3 different points of view: 1st, 2nd, 3rd Minimum of 5 sentences for each description! A boy at his locker asks a girl to the school dance.
Point of View: Exercise Examples First Person: I was so nervous I was shaking. What if she said no? I wiped my sweaty palms on my jeans and took a deep breath. “Do you maybe wanna go to the dance with me?” Second Person: You are so nervous you are shaking. You are worried she will shut you down. You wipe your sweaty palms on your jeans and take a deep breath. “Do you maybe wanna go to the dance with me?” Third Person: Chris was so nervous he was shaking. He was terrified of being rejected. He wiped his sweaty palms on his jeans and took a deep breath. “Do you maybe wanna go to the dance with me?”
Agenda: October 26th Day 6 Bell Ringer: POV matching Book Chats POV writing exercise sharing/skits
Agenda: October 27th Day 1 Bell Ringer Point of View quiz SSR Background information: “The Lady or the Tiger”