North Buckhead Master Plan: KICKOFF MEETINGJuly 15, 2014 BACKGROUND 1 How the North Buckhead Civic Association concluded the neighborhood needed a master plan.
North Buckhead Master Plan: KICKOFF MEETINGJuly 15, 2014 BACKGROUND 2 Fall 2013 Survey Issue - Where to focus 255 survey participants Not just NBCA Members 68% NBCA members 32% non-members Select NBCA committee studied these results for six months.
North Buckhead Master Plan: KICKOFF MEETINGJuly 15, 2014 BACKGROUND 3 Communications North Buckhead Newsletter 16 pages, 4,300+ mailed quarterly Sent to all single-family houses and condos in North Buckhead s – North Buckhead Update 2,100 addresses in 1,600 homes 300,000+ copies sent in %+ open rate Subject line always lists contents Surveys – by , newsletter & web About once a year Open to everyone: Residents / non-residents / businesses
North Buckhead Master Plan: KICKOFF MEETINGJuly 15, 2014 BACKGROUND 4 Crime Reporting Weekly reports on-line for NBCA members North Buckhead Crime higher on major streets Lower in residential areas Crime maps at
North Buckhead Master Plan: KICKOFF MEETINGJuly 15, 2014 BACKGROUND 5 Traffic External congestion sources 9,000 residents 100,000+ daily vehicles Antiquated street grid Need better use of streets Implement approved solutions Piedmont at Habersham 43% in survey provided complaints & suggestions
North Buckhead Master Plan: KICKOFF MEETINGJuly 15, 2014 BACKGROUND 6 Land Use & Zoning Goal: Establish a blueprint for growth consistent with protecting existing single-family areas, and avoiding traffic strangling uses Another bubble? 2,500 apartments are planned/ underway in North Buckhead 4,000 more in Buckhead 2,500 more in Sandy Springs Traffic and growth intertwined Are impact fees high enough? From the Fall 2013 Survey... “We can't stop the growth…” “Traffic is totally horrible and only getting worse. Build the infrastructure BEFORE any more development of any kind.”
North Buckhead Master Plan: KICKOFF MEETINGJuly 15, 2014 BACKGROUND 7 Sidewalks Much has been accomplished in securing sidewalks for North Buckhead Critical needs remain From the survey: “Sidewalks should be available on both sides of [Wieuca Road] from Roswell Rd. to Phipps Blvd.”
North Buckhead Master Plan: KICKOFF MEETINGJuly 15, 2014 BACKGROUND 8 Speeding Speeding a major concern Complaints about speeding are often made about Wieuca and Old Ivy Roads, particularly near the school campuses. Infrastructure updates might help The pavement on some streets appears to be too wide, encouraging speeding. Restriping, etc. should be considered. Need more police enforcement. From the survey: “I would like to see more speed bumps in our area. North Stratford Road is very dangerous with speeders.” [Need] “more police presence” “My complaint is speeding on Old Ivy.” “Wieuca Road is a cut-through. Too much speeding.” “[I’d like] Speed traps by the police officers; people frequently speed down Wieuca and P’tree Dunwoody. They could make a lot of money.”
North Buckhead Master Plan: KICKOFF MEETINGJuly 15, 2014 BACKGROUND 9 Parks Our most-used park? Chastain Favor park projects? PATH400 multi-use trail 6 to 1 Mountain Way Common 18 to 1 Little Nancy Creek Park 38 to 1 Blue Heron Nature Preserve 23 to 1 Lowrey-Stevens Cemetery 4 to 1 36 text comments: Many said they were unaware of our historic cemetery on Loridans Drive near GA 400.
North Buckhead Master Plan: KICKOFF MEETINGJuly 15, 2014 BACKGROUND 10 Parks Complaint We have to drive to Little Nancy Creek Park. N.B. neighbors can’t walk to it safely -- no sidewalks. The City paid $2.7 million for the land. Need sidewalks on west side of Peachtree Dunwoody Road!
North Buckhead Master Plan: KICKOFF MEETINGJuly 15, 2014 BACKGROUND 11 Crosswalks Wieuca Road bisects the neighborhood there are two one mile stretches without crosswalks Roswell Road is 5-lanes wide Big gaps without crosswalks: One 0.8 miles long Two 0,3 miles long How are MARTA buses supposed to work? From the survey: “Crosswalks on heavily-travelled roads should be at signalized crossings only. I feel that [having] crosswalks without lights of some kind is asking for trouble.” “Crosswalks removed from Roswell Road: hard to cross Roswell Road to get over to Chastain Park.”
North Buckhead Master Plan: KICKOFF MEETINGJuly 15, 2014 BACKGROUND 12 Eyesores, Etc. Some in the neighborhood need to perform more upkeep to protect everyone’s property values. The ugly traffic islands on Peachtree Dunwoody at Peachtree are a sad gateway to North Buckhead and Historic Brookhaven.
North Buckhead Master Plan: KICKOFF MEETINGJuly 15, 2014 BACKGROUND 13 Social Events While lowest in survey priority, social events provide an important way to build a sense of neighborhood. At our Fall Flings, we have a strong turnout. But it’s not for everybody.
North Buckhead Master Plan: KICKOFF MEETINGJuly 15, 2014 BACKGROUND 14 North Buckhead needs a plan. North Buckhead is bigger than many think. It is as big as a city. 8,332 residents in Atlanta’s 4 th most populous It has many strengths. Growing, maturing Healthy diversity Transit, X-way and hiking Wildlife and high-rises Great shopping and dining But it is changing rapidly. With some big city issues and risks NBCA concluded we seriously need a master plan.
North Buckhead Master Plan: KICKOFF MEETINGJuly 15, 2014 BACKGROUND 15 Draft Master Plan Goals The goals of the North Buckhead Neighborhood Master Plan include: Protecting existing single-family areas Preserving the neighborhood’s character and historic resources Creating a park-accessible neighborhood Establishing a blueprint for growth Addressing cut-through traffic and speeding Promoting walking, bicycling, and transit use Targeting key intersections for transportation upgrades Making efficient use of existing transportation infrastructure Enhancing neighborhood services