La pronunciación en Español Ema Mateica Sosa - TLHS
A – it will be ALWAYS pronounced [ a ] - as in the English words: art – el arte army – la armada
B - Same as in English : B - Same as in English : Boat – el barco
C if followed by A CA – as in the English CA – as in the English car – el carro Card
C if followed by O CO – as in the English: CO – as in the English: corn corn
C if followed by U CU – as in the English: CU – as in the English: cuckoo cuckoo
C – followed by E CE – as in the English words: CE – as in the English words: cent – el centavo cemetery – el cemeterio
C – followed by I CI – as in the English words: CI – as in the English words: cinnamon – la canela cinema – el cine
CH followed by A CHA – as in the English words: CHA – as in the English words: Charles – Carlos Chaqueta = jacket
CH followed by E CHE – as in the English word: CHE – as in the English word: check – el cheque check – el cheque
CH followed by I CHI – as in the English word: CHI – as in the English word: chicken chico chicken chico
CH followed by O CHO – as in the English word: CHO – as in the English word: chocolate el chocolate
CH followed by U CHU – as the English sound: CHU – as the English sound: choose*
D – same as in English D – same as in English day - día
E - as in the English words: E - as in the English words: Egg Elefante
F – same as in English: F – same as in English: Fire - el fuego
G – if followed by A GA – as in GA – as in Garden garbage
G – if followed by O GO – as in GO – as in gorilla gothic gothic
G – if followed by U GU – as in the words: GU – as in the words: Iguana, goofy Iguana, goofy
G followed by E GE – it is pronounced as in the GE – it is pronounced as in the words : hen*, head words : hen*, head * there is no word in English spelled with GE and pronounced “he” as in the above examples * there is no word in English spelled with GE and pronounced “he” as in the above examples