Can you correct these rule-busting sentences? MUG Shot Sentences M = Mechanics U = Usage G = Grammar Can you correct these rule-busting sentences?
A sneeze are you’re bodys weigh of getting rid of irritants. Using the right word, Subject-Verb Agreement, Apostrophe (Possessives) A sneeze are you’re bodys weigh of getting rid of irritants.
Using the right word, Apostrophe, End Punctuation Did you no that its impossible to sneeze and keep your eyes open at the same time?
Plurals, Quotation Marks, Comma (Dialogue) There are about 50 bones in a pair of human foots the doctor explained.
An the human heart beets about one hundred thousand times a day. Using the Right Word, Numbers, Adjectives (Articles) An the human heart beets about one hundred thousand times a day.
Apostrophe, Comma (To separate Phrases and Clauses), Spelling, Using The Right Word If astronauts don’t exercise in space weightlessness eventually causes there muscles to shrink.
Apostrophe, Using The Right Word Accept for the fact that it can be burned, its almost impossible to destroy human hare.
Apostrophe, Comma (interruptions), Capitalization, Using The Right Word A person living at the North pole in Winter wouldnt catch a cold amazingly because its to cold for germs to live there.
Wow about seventy % of the earth is covered with H2O. Abbreviations, comma (interjections), numbers Wow about seventy % of the earth is covered with H2O.