What’s At Stake? Community conversations to weigh the benefits and risks of expanded legal gambling in NH Overview of the Public Engagement Process Presentation to Governor’s Study Commission on Expanded Gaming December 15, 2009 Community conversations to
What’s At Stake? Community conversations to weigh the benefits and risks of expanded legal gambling in NH Goals Engage several hundred citizens of NH in informed deliberations about a critical public policy issue Create diverse discussion groups that reflect a wide range of backgrounds and views on the question of expanded gaming Produce a summary report that is impartial, useful, valid, and reliable
What’s At Stake? Community conversations to weigh the benefits and risks of expanded legal gambling in NH The Process Identify 8-10 communities Recruit participants Recruit and train facilitators Develop discussion materials, using NHCPP reports Conduct intensive, extended deliberations integrating facts, values, concerns, creative ideas
What’s At Stake? Community conversations to weigh the benefits and risks of expanded legal gambling in NH Potential Locations: BerlinLittleton ConcordManchester KeenePortsmouth LaconiaSalem Lebanon
What’s At Stake? Community conversations to weigh the benefits and risks of expanded legal gambling in NH Assessment of Results Pre- and post-questionnaires regarding understanding and attitudes Participants’ assessment of the deliberative process Dissemination of our experience for other states
What’s At Stake? Community conversations to weigh the benefits and risks of expanded legal gambling in NH Staff Bruce Mallory, Professor of Education, Carsey Institute Fellow, UNH* Martha Parker. Doctoral Student, Department of Education, UNH Michele Holt-Shannon, Associate Director, Discovery Program, UNH Mica Stark, Director of Outreach and Engagement, Carsey Institute, UNH* Charlie French, Community and Economic Development Specialist, Cooperative Extension, UNH* Jim Noucas, Portsmouth Listens* *In-kind contributions
What’s At Stake? Community conversations to weigh the benefits and risks of expanded legal gambling in NH Funding Rockefeller Brothers Fund W.K. Kellogg Foundation University of New Hampshire