Importance of weighing Tools for growth (weight) monitoring; Types of weighing Scale: Parts of weighing Scales: Accurate weighing by using a weighing chart Baby weighing by different scales:
At the end of this procedure, students should be able to: Explain the weight as an important parameter of growth. Fill up the growth chart according to weight of the baby Describe different weighing scales
1. Growth is measured in different ways. For example height, surface area and weight. 2. A child's weight is a valuable measure of its health and nutrition and is the most reliable indicator of growth. 3. When a baby is born he weighs about 3 kg.
a- Weighing scale Tools for growth (weight) monitoring:
1. Beam balance scale – Advantage : usually accurate and reliable Disadvantage - often heavy and expensive. 2. Spring (Salter) scale- ( most commonly used) Advantage : cheap, light and easy to carry
--Balance beam with standard measuring weights --Top Hook for hanging the beam --Bottom hook for hanging the sling or basket.( for infants) --Or a pair of pants (older children)
--Top Hook for hanging the scale --Bottom hook for hanging the sling or basket.( for infants) --Or a pair of pants (older children) --A face or a clock dial marked in grams and kilograms.
Different types of weight scales can be used to weigh infants. Health centers typically use weight scales with trays or baskets to hold infants. Besides primitive spring type, there may also be a portable weight scale that the nurse can take during her home visits.
This helps the health workers in completing the chart. The markings on the face of the spring scale should correspond to those on the growth chart.
Spring Scale with: Two hooks Sling or basket or a piece of cloth Diaper Pen / pencil Weight chart
1. Hang up the scale securely, keeping the dial at eye-level so that the weight can be read easily. 2. Adjust the pointer to zero before placing the child in the sling or basket. 3. Review infant card to verify name, age, previous weight and height measurements.
4.Wash hands thoroughly before starting the procedure. 5. Undress the child with the help of the mother. 6. Place the child in the sling or basket with the help of the mother. Ask the mother to stand nearby and to talk to the child. The mother should not hold the child and the child's feet should not touch the ground when the weight is being read.
--Weight scale with tray --Clean paper cover or towel --Pen and record for recording measurements NOTE : Ensure that room temperature is suitable before undressing an infant, especially in winter.
1. Welcome the mother. 2. Ask the mother what the purpose of her visit is and inquire about the baby’s health and nutrition. 3. Review infant card to verify name, age, previous weight and height measurements.
4. Explain to the mother the importance of weight measurements for monitoring growth and development. 5. Explain the procedure to the mother and ask for her assistance. 6. Wash hands thoroughly before starting the procedure. 7. Prepare a clean piece of paper or a towel and place it on scale.
8. Check that the weight scale is calibrated. Ensure that the scale registers zero before weighing and rebalance scale if it is not calibrated. 9. Ask the mother to remove her infant’s clothes, or assist her in doing so. 10. Handle infants gently: smile and talk soothingly and do not make quick or abrupt movements when unclothing or carrying infants to and from the scale.
11. Watch infants at all times while weighing them. 12. Hold one hand closely over (but not touching) infants while weighing them. 13. Ensure that the infant is not touched or held when weight is measured. 14. Measure weight accurately.
15. Immediately record the weight in the appropriate place on infant/child’s record. 16. Assist the mother in dressing her child. 17. Inform the mother about her child’s weight and show her on the growth card. Explain the importance of weight to the infant’s age and development and ask if she has any questions.
18. Provide appropriate health education messages on infant/child nutrition, breastfeeding, hygiene, and vaccinations. 19. Inform the mother about the next appointment and write the date on infant record. 20. Wash hands thoroughly following the procedure.