Boxing Australia RJ Workshop – AIS May 2013
Housekeeping Schedule Rule comparisons Scoring system Judges’ positioning Headguards Decisions Cautions and Warnings Fouls Low Blow CCL Referees commands and actions Coaches/seconds Timekeeper Weigh-In Doctor/medical Gumshield Supervisor Competition documents Agenda
Mobile phones Toilets Coffee and tea Evacuation area Meals Transport Housekeeping
Friday: Introduction to new rules Practice judging/ discuss refereeing Saturday: 9am-12 – Sparring 2pm-5pm Review sparring session performance Q and A Review of rules Review of new BA rules AIBA RJ assessments Sunday: Review new rules Q and A Pathway within Aust Pathway for AIBA RJ evaluations Schedule
RULEAOBBA AgeElite – years Youth – years Junior – years Same Weight categoriesNothing changedSame WeightNo tolerance at General weigh-in, no restriction on lower limit at daily weigh-in Same Number of roundsNothing changedSame Scoring system10 Point must system Effective 01 June Same Judges3 selected out of 5, position randomly drawn Same if computer system in place, otherwise 3 judges ProtestOnly against the refereeSame Decisions on pointsInjury from unintentional foul (head clash) Same Comparisons between AIBA and Boxing Australia Rules
RULEAOBBA Technical DrawNOSame No contestNO – win on pointsSame TKOPossible (explained further) Same Count limits – Elite MaleMax 3 in 1 round No limit during bout Same if bout is 3 x 3 min rounds, otherwise 3 / 4 Count limits – otherElite Female – 3 / 4 Youth – 3 / 4 Junior – 3 / 4 Same Under 15 – 2 / 3 Coaches3Same Gloves – Elite Male10oz – KG 12oz – KG 12oz for ALL Gloves – other10oz12oz for ALL Comparisons between AIBA and Boxing Australia Rules cont’
RULEAOBBA Bandages2.5 to 4.5 meters stretchy cotton Same Headguard – Elite MaleNo headguard, effective 01 Jun Same in championships. MA’s decide at local bouts Headguard – otherYESSame Competition officialsSupervisor Deputy Supervisors ITO’s Supervisor RJ evaluator Comparisons between AIBA and Boxing Australia Rules cont’
Definition: Explain the selection and positioning of judges Scoring criteria (no weighting): The following five criteria shall be taken into consideration when making your judgement: Scoring System Number of quality blows on target area Domination of the bout Competitiveness Technique and tactics superiority Infringement of rules
Possible scores at round end: Even rounds do not exist, judges must select a winner for each round and the winner must be given 10 points 10-9 – close round 10-8 – clear winner with dominance 10-7 – total dominance 10-6 – overmatched, bout should be stopped Knockdowns do not count for extra points, nor loss of round Scoring System cont’
Decisions: Unanimous Split 2 judges appoint 1 boxer and the other judge appoints the other boxer 2 judges appoint 1 boxer and the other judge’s result is a draw Draw at bouts end: At the end of the contest if the bout scores are equal a judge must select a winner. This will only be requested if: 1 of the 2 other judges also awarded an equal score The 2 other judges awarded different winners The 2 other judges awarded equal scores Scoring System cont’
Manual scoring: Where computer scoring is not used or breaks down judges must score the bout using manual scoring. In AIBA and BA competitions 5 judges will be used and selected randomly.AIBA MA competitions will use only 3 judges 10 point must system Scoring criteria will be used Scorecard will be used 3 judges-independently seated on 3 sides of the ring One round at a time will be scored and final result handed to referee No draws Judges will NOT record a warning-supervisor only Supervisor will collect cards, has to recalculate scores where a warning has been given and advise announcer of the winner Score cardsScore cards: Where computer scoring is not used judges must score the bout using a score card. Scoring System cont’
Judges’ Positioning – 5 Judges Supervisor
Judges’ Positioning – 3 Judges Supervisor
As of 01 Jun 13 Elite male boxers will box without a headguard. MA’s will determine if 19 years and older male boxers can compete without a headguard, and this will be determined on experience-this excludes Masters boxers All other age categories, both male and female, will box in an approved red or blue headguard Where an under 19 years male boxer competes against a male boxer 19 years and older they will box in headguards and compete under the lesser age category rules Hairnets or caps must be worn under the headguard for boxers (male and female) who have long hair If the boxing is disrupted a second time a warning will be given Where a 19 years and older male boxer is not wearing a headguard, but has a ponytail or rat-tail it must be secured and if boxing is disrupted a second time a warning will be given Headguards
Win on points: Unintentional foul in any round Goes distance Double injury Unforseen circumstances (old NC) Technical Draw: No TKO: Retirement Outclassed Low blow – can’t continue after 90 secs Knocked out of ring by correct blows – 30 secs to return Advice from doctor to stop Compulsory count limit Ref stops bout after 8-secs TKO-Injury: Injury from correct blows or injury not caused by any blow Decisions
Disqualification: 3rd warning Injury caused by intentional foul Knockout: Referee reaches 10 secs Summons doctor before 10 secs Double knockout Boxer falls after 8 count without another blow Walkover: Opponent fails to enter ring after 1 minute Known walkover – process is cancelled No contest: No – refer win on points Decisions cont’
Cautions: A boxer who does not obey the instructions of the referee, acts against the rules of boxing, boxes in an unsportsmanlike manner, or commits fouls, will, at the discretion of the referee, be cautioned, warned or disqualified. Warnings: Where a referee applies a warning the judge will DO NOTHING. The Supervisor will deduct one point from the offending boxer at the conclusion of the bout. NO HARM, NO FOUL Cautions and Warnings
New: Speaking Biting Faking / simulating Gone: Useless utterances NO HARM, NO FOUL Fouls
Low Blow Intentional? = DQ No count8-Count Continue? = Warning = Box Can’t continue? = 90 sec rest Continue? = Warning = Box Can’t continue? = TKO (L)
Elite male (3x3 minute rounds): 3 counts in one round Unlimited for duration of bout (max 7) Foul not counted towards count limit 19 years and older male (not 3x3): 3 counts in one round 4 counts for duration of bout Foul not counted towards count limit Elite female, Youth (U19), Junior: 3 counts in one round 4 counts for duration of bout Foul not counted towards count limit Under 15: 2 counts in one round 3counts for duration of bout Foul not counted towards count limit Compulsory Count Limits NOTE: If crossing age categories the lower age category count limit applies
Commands: ‘Stop’ ‘Box’ ‘Break’ ‘Time’ Actions: Discuss actions for ‘time’ When does this occur? Speaking: To indicate to a boxer by suitable explanatory signs, verbal commands or gestures any infringement of these rules. Touching: The referee may use a touch by the hand to stop and to break the bout, or to separate the boxers. Referees Commands and Actions
Number: Each boxer is entitled to 3 coaches. Only 2 coaches can mount the apron of the ring and only ONE coach can enter the ring, and only during the one-minute break. Dress: Must be wearing enclosed shoes and sleeved t-shirt and shorts as a minimum. No caps or hats. Actions: Where a boxer sustains a cut a coach can now apply 1/1000 adrenaline, use Vaseline, etc. Ice-bags, no-swell and swabs are allowed No puffer (Asthma or other) during the bout Sanctions: In BA competitions the Supervisor will manage (may delegate) In MA competitions the referee will manage supported by the Supervisor Coaches/Seconds
New responsibilities: 10 seconds before start of round for seconds-out 10 seconds before end of round must signal the approaching end of the round At a knockdown give a sound signal for the passing of the seconds Must regulate time for: Loss of consciousness Boxer knocked out of the ring – 30 seconds Low blow. At which the timekeeper will: 30 seconds hit the table once 60 seconds hit the table twice 90 seconds hit the table three times Timekeeper
General weigh-in: At the general weigh-in must weigh within the weight division-no above or below Females must provide a signed Declaration of Non-Pregnancy Daily weigh-in: At the daily weigh-in must not exceed the max weight ONLY Weigh-In
Doctor: Must complete the BA Head Injury Form for all KO and TKO Key is to ‘educate, educate, educate’ Medical: Annual medical examination is valid for 12 months from date of examination Female boxers must produce a signed Declaration of Non-Pregnancy at the weigh-in For international competitors an annual medical certificate must be submitted online through the AIBA database No boxer with an implanted device which uses electricity or a substance which may alter bodily functions will be permitted to box Blood testing is not a requirement Doctor/Medical
Colour: No red coloured or partially red coloured gumshield is allowed Actions: Where a boxer spits out the gumshield a warning will be given IMMEDIATELY If the gumshield falls out after receiving a correct blow, and this occurs for a third time, the boxer will receive a warning Gumshield
Role: No more Jury Supervisor will manage and control all activities before, during and following competition and in FOP Ultimately responsible to BA Board of Directors MA Supervisor: Minimum one-Star referee Manage and control all activities before, during and following competition and in FOP Ultimately responsible to MA Board Supervisor
At all competitions you will need to have on hand the following documents: BA Head Injury FormForm BA Age Exemption FormForm BA Weight Exemption FormForm BA Bout Protest FormForm BA Technical and Competition Rules Judges’ Score CardsCards Release to Compete with Orthodontic BracesOrthodontic Braces Release to Compete with Contact LensesContact Lenses Declaration of Non-Pregnancy FormForm Competition Documents