1 Methods of Media Characterization A challenging area of rapid advancement
2 Topics Measurement of pressure potential The tensiometer The psychrometer Measurement of Water Content TDR (dielectric) Neutron probe (thermalization) Gamma probe (radiation attenuation) Gypsum block (energy of heating) Measurement of Permeability Tension infiltrometer Well permeameter Measurement of pressure potential The tensiometer The psychrometer Measurement of Water Content TDR (dielectric) Neutron probe (thermalization) Gamma probe (radiation attenuation) Gypsum block (energy of heating) Measurement of Permeability Tension infiltrometer Well permeameter produkte/5513c.jpg data/nerrigundah/connector.jpg site2/images/neutron.jpg
3 Physical Indicators of Moisture All methods measure some physical quantity What can be measured? weight of soil pressure of water in soil humidity of air in soil scattering of radiation that enters soil dielectric of soil resistance to electricity of soil texture of soil temperature/heat capacity of soil Each method takes advantage of one indicator All methods measure some physical quantity What can be measured? weight of soil pressure of water in soil humidity of air in soil scattering of radiation that enters soil dielectric of soil resistance to electricity of soil texture of soil temperature/heat capacity of soil Each method takes advantage of one indicator
4 Methods: Direct versus indirect Direct methods measures the amount of water that is in a soil Indirect methods estimates water content by a calibrated relationship with some other measurable quantity (e.g. pressure) We will see that the vast majority of tools available are “indirect” The key to assessing indirect methods is the quality/stability/consistency of calibration Direct methods measures the amount of water that is in a soil Indirect methods estimates water content by a calibrated relationship with some other measurable quantity (e.g. pressure) We will see that the vast majority of tools available are “indirect” The key to assessing indirect methods is the quality/stability/consistency of calibration
5 Methods: direct Gravemetric Dig some soil; Weigh it wet; Dry it; Weigh it dry Volumetric Take a soil core (“undisturbed”); Weigh wet, dry Pro’sCon’s - Accurate (+/- 1%)- Can’t repeat in spot - Cheap- Slow - 2 days equipment - free - Time consuming per sample - free Gravemetric Dig some soil; Weigh it wet; Dry it; Weigh it dry Volumetric Take a soil core (“undisturbed”); Weigh wet, dry Pro’sCon’s - Accurate (+/- 1%)- Can’t repeat in spot - Cheap- Slow - 2 days equipment - free - Time consuming per sample - free labskills/bdpg.htm
6 Methods: Indirect via pressure Tensiometers Psychrometers Indirect 2 : Surrogate media Gypsum blocks (includes WaterMark etc.) Tensiometers Psychrometers Indirect 2 : Surrogate media Gypsum blocks (includes WaterMark etc.) 6_1_01_tensiometer.jpg
7 Communicating with soil: Porous solids The tensiometer employs a rigid porous cup to allow measurement of the pressure in the soil water. Water can move freely across the cup, so pressure inside is that of soil The tensiometer employs a rigid porous cup to allow measurement of the pressure in the soil water. Water can move freely across the cup, so pressure inside is that of soil
8 Pressure measurement: The tensiometer Can be made in many shapes, sizes. Require maintenance to keep device full of water Useful to -0.8 bar Employed since 1940’s Need replicates to be reliable (>4) Can be made in many shapes, sizes. Require maintenance to keep device full of water Useful to -0.8 bar Employed since 1940’s Need replicates to be reliable (>4) Cup Gauge Reservoir Body Removable
9 Pressure measurement: The tensiometer Can be made in many shapes, sizes.
10 Pressure measurement: The tensiometer Thumbnail: Watch out for: Swelling soils tensiometer will loose contact, and not function Inept users! Poor for sites with low skill operators of units Easy to get “garbage” data if not careful Fine texture soils (won’t measure <-0.8bar) Most useful in situations where you need to know pressure (engineered waste etc.) Thumbnail: Watch out for: Swelling soils tensiometer will loose contact, and not function Inept users! Poor for sites with low skill operators of units Easy to get “garbage” data if not careful Fine texture soils (won’t measure <-0.8bar) Most useful in situations where you need to know pressure (engineered waste etc.)
11 Pressure potential: The psychrometer A device which allows determination of the relative humidity of the subsurface through measurement of the temperature of the dew point Pressure Temperature Gas constant Relative humidity nevada.usgs.gov/adrs/ pg_hydro.html
12 Pressure potential: The psychrometer Thumbnail: most likely not your 1st choice... Great for sites where the typical conditions are very dry. In fact, drier than most plants prefer. Low accuracy in wet range (0 to -1 bar) Need soil characteristic curves to translate pressures to moisture contents - problem in variable soils Great for many arid zone research projects Thumbnail: most likely not your 1st choice... Great for sites where the typical conditions are very dry. In fact, drier than most plants prefer. Low accuracy in wet range (0 to -1 bar) Need soil characteristic curves to translate pressures to moisture contents - problem in variable soils Great for many arid zone research projects
13 Using a media of known moisture content/pressure relationship Energy of heating a strong function of Resistance embedded plates also f( ). Measure energy of heating, or resistance; infer pressure Problems: The properties of the media change with time (e.g., gypsum dissolves; clay deposition)! Making reproducible media very difficult (need calibration per unit) Hysteresis makes the measurement inaccurate (more on this later) Using a media of known moisture content/pressure relationship Energy of heating a strong function of Resistance embedded plates also f( ). Measure energy of heating, or resistance; infer pressure Problems: The properties of the media change with time (e.g., gypsum dissolves; clay deposition)! Making reproducible media very difficult (need calibration per unit) Hysteresis makes the measurement inaccurate (more on this later) Indirect pressure: Gypsum block, Watermark et al. om/gypsum.jpg produkte/5513c.jpg
Example: Watermark $260 for meter $27 for probes
15 Indirect Pressure: Gypsum block, Watermark et al. Idea of indirect pressure measurements: Measure water content of surrogate media, infer pressure, then infer water content in soil Idea of indirect pressure measurements: Measure water content of surrogate media, infer pressure, then infer water content in soil Soil Surrogate Media Pressure Water content We measure water content in the surrogate media We want a value for water content in our soil
16 Indirect Pressure: Gypsum block, Watermark et al. Thumbnail: Generally a low cost option Calibration typically problematic in time and between units Poor in swelling soils Poor in highly variable soils Sometimes adequate for yes/no decisions We have had very poor luck with these in Willamette valley (no correlation!) Thumbnail: Generally a low cost option Calibration typically problematic in time and between units Poor in swelling soils Poor in highly variable soils Sometimes adequate for yes/no decisions We have had very poor luck with these in Willamette valley (no correlation!)
17 Indirect electrical: the nature of soil dielectric Soils generally have a dielectric of about 2 to 4 at high frequency. Water has a dielectric of about 80. If we can figure a way to measure the soil dielectric, it shows water content. WATCH OUT: the soil dielectric is a function of the frequency of the measurement! For it to be low, need to use high frequency method (>200 mHz) Soils generally have a dielectric of about 2 to 4 at high frequency. Water has a dielectric of about 80. If we can figure a way to measure the soil dielectric, it shows water content. WATCH OUT: the soil dielectric is a function of the frequency of the measurement! For it to be low, need to use high frequency method (>200 mHz)
18 $70 $500 Indirect electrical: Capacitance (dielectric, low frequency) Stick an unprotected capacitor into the soil and measure the capacitance. Higher if there is lots of dielectric (i.e., water) Need to Calibrate capacitance vs volumetric water content per soil PROBLEM: soils have very different dielectrics at low frequency Stick an unprotected capacitor into the soil and measure the capacitance. Higher if there is lots of dielectric (i.e., water) Need to Calibrate capacitance vs volumetric water content per soil PROBLEM: soils have very different dielectrics at low frequency
20 High Frequency Capacitance (Dielectric) 80 mHz $250 meter $250 sensor $20 access tube Calibration fairly stable 80 mHz $250 meter $250 sensor $20 access tube Calibration fairly stable
21 Indirect electrical: TDR (dielectric) Observe the time of travel of a signal down a pair of wires in the soil. Signal slower if there is lots of dielectric (i.e., water) Calibrate time of travel vs volumetric water content Since high frequency, can use “universal” calibration Observe the time of travel of a signal down a pair of wires in the soil. Signal slower if there is lots of dielectric (i.e., water) Calibrate time of travel vs volumetric water content Since high frequency, can use “universal” calibration
22 Indirect electrical: TDR (dielectric) Lots of excitement surrounding TDR now. Why? Non-nuclear universal calibration measures volumetric water content directly wide variety of configurations possible Long probes (up to 10 feet on market) Short probes (less than an inch) Automated with many measuring points Electronics coming down in price (soon <$500) Potentially accurate (+/- 2% or better) Lots of excitement surrounding TDR now. Why? Non-nuclear universal calibration measures volumetric water content directly wide variety of configurations possible Long probes (up to 10 feet on market) Short probes (less than an inch) Automated with many measuring points Electronics coming down in price (soon <$500) Potentially accurate (+/- 2% or better)
23 Indirect radiation: interactions between soil & radiation When passing through, radiation can either: be adsorbed by the stuff change color (loose energy) pass through unobstructed Which of these options occurs is a function of the energy of the radiation Each of these features is used in soil water measurement When passing through, radiation can either: be adsorbed by the stuff change color (loose energy) pass through unobstructed Which of these options occurs is a function of the energy of the radiation Each of these features is used in soil water measurement
24 Indirect radiation: Neutron probe (thermalization) Send out high energy neutrons When they hit things that have same mass as a neutron (hydrogen best), they are slowed. Return of slow neutrons calibrated to water content (lots of hydrogen) Single hole method (access tube) Quite accurate (simply wait for lots of counts) Lots of soil constituents can effect calibration Send out high energy neutrons When they hit things that have same mass as a neutron (hydrogen best), they are slowed. Return of slow neutrons calibrated to water content (lots of hydrogen) Single hole method (access tube) Quite accurate (simply wait for lots of counts) Lots of soil constituents can effect calibration site2/images/neutron.jpg High Energy Neutrons Thermalized Neutrons
25 Indirect radiation: Neutron probe (thermalization) Pro’s Potentially Accurate Widely available Inexpensive per location Flexible (e.g., can go very deep) Pro’s Potentially Accurate Widely available Inexpensive per location Flexible (e.g., can go very deep) Cons Needs soil specific calibration (lots of work) Working with radiation Expensive to buy Expensive to dispose Slow to use can’t be automated
26 Indirect radiation: Gamma probe Radiation attenuation Source & detector separated by soil. Water content determines adsorption of beam energy. Must calibrate for each soil. Same used in neutron and x-ray attenuation. Can use various frequencies to determine fluid content of various fluids (e.g., Oils) Not used in commercial agriculture Radiation attenuation Source & detector separated by soil. Water content determines adsorption of beam energy. Must calibrate for each soil. Same used in neutron and x-ray attenuation. Can use various frequencies to determine fluid content of various fluids (e.g., Oils) Not used in commercial agriculture
27 Gamma Attenuation Attenuation follows Beer’s law: each frequency attenuated at different rate; each material having a different attenuation rate. I = incident radiation I = transmitted radiation x i =thickness of medium i a i =attenuation coefficient for material i at frequency Attenuation follows Beer’s law: each frequency attenuated at different rate; each material having a different attenuation rate. I = incident radiation I = transmitted radiation x i =thickness of medium i a i =attenuation coefficient for material i at frequency
28 Indirect via feel: getting to know your soil Soil water status obtained checking the feel of the soil Does It make a ribbon? Does it stick to your hand? Does it crumble? Although crude, the information immediate; gets farmer in field thinking about water and her soil Possibly the most effective water monitoring strategy Soil water status obtained checking the feel of the soil Does It make a ribbon? Does it stick to your hand? Does it crumble? Although crude, the information immediate; gets farmer in field thinking about water and her soil Possibly the most effective water monitoring strategy irrigation/graphics/g jpg
29 Directions in the future Much lower cost TDR Much more flexible systems radio telemetry for cheap auto-logging systems computer based tracking Much less water to work with Much more call for precise and frequent water monitoring Much lower cost TDR Much more flexible systems radio telemetry for cheap auto-logging systems computer based tracking Much less water to work with Much more call for precise and frequent water monitoring images/future.gif
30 Permeability: Double ring infiltrometer Establishes 1-d flow by having concentric sources of water measure rate of infiltration in central ring Easy, but requires lots of water, and very susceptible to cracks, worm holes, etc. Interogates large area Establishes 1-d flow by having concentric sources of water measure rate of infiltration in central ring Easy, but requires lots of water, and very susceptible to cracks, worm holes, etc. Interogates large area
31 Available in a Wide Range of Sizes! Photo: Paul Measles
32 Interpreting Infiltration Experiments Horton Equation: Rate of infiltration, i, is given by i = i f + (i o - i f ) exp(- t) where i f is the infiltration rate after long time, i o is the initial infiltration rate and is and empirical soil parameter. Integrating this with time yields the cumulative infiltration Horton Equation: Rate of infiltration, i, is given by i = i f + (i o - i f ) exp(- t) where i f is the infiltration rate after long time, i o is the initial infiltration rate and is and empirical soil parameter. Integrating this with time yields the cumulative infiltration
33 The Brutsaert Model S = sorptivity 0< <1 pore size distribution parameter. wide pore size distributions = ;1 other soils = 2/3 The Brutsaert cumulative infiltration is from which you can determine K sat and S. The Brutsaert Model S = sorptivity 0< <1 pore size distribution parameter. wide pore size distributions = ;1 other soils = 2/3 The Brutsaert cumulative infiltration is from which you can determine K sat and S.
34 Interpreting Infiltration Experiments, cont. The two term Philip model suggests fitting the rate of infiltration to i = 0.5 S t -1/2 + A and the cumulative infiltration as I = S t 1/2 + At The two term Philip model suggests fitting the rate of infiltration to i = 0.5 S t -1/2 + A and the cumulative infiltration as I = S t 1/2 + At
35 Interpreting Infiltration Experiments, cont. The Green and Ampt Model (constant head) L = depth of wetting front n = porosity d = depth of ponding h f = water entry pressure The cumulative infiltration is simply I = nL. To use this equation you must find the values of K sat and h f which give the best fit to the data. The Green and Ampt Model (constant head) L = depth of wetting front n = porosity d = depth of ponding h f = water entry pressure The cumulative infiltration is simply I = nL. To use this equation you must find the values of K sat and h f which give the best fit to the data.
36 Permeability: Tension infiltrometer Applies water at set tension via Marriotte bottle Using at sequence of pressures can get K(h) curve Read flux using pressure sensors Introduced in 1980’s, becoming the industry standard Applies water at set tension via Marriotte bottle Using at sequence of pressures can get K(h) curve Read flux using pressure sensors Introduced in 1980’s, becoming the industry standard
37 Interpreting Tension Infiltrometer Data The data from the tension infiltrometer is typically interpreted using the results for steady infiltration from a disk source develped by Wooding in 1968 for a Gardner conductivity function K=K s exp(- t) r is the disk radius. Using either multiple tensions or multiple radii, you can solve for K s and The data from the tension infiltrometer is typically interpreted using the results for steady infiltration from a disk source develped by Wooding in 1968 for a Gardner conductivity function K=K s exp(- t) r is the disk radius. Using either multiple tensions or multiple radii, you can solve for K s and
38 Typical Tension infiltrometer Data
Interpretation requires fitting a straight line to the “steady-state” data. Note: noise increases as flow decreases Interpretation requires fitting a straight line to the “steady-state” data. Note: noise increases as flow decreases
40 Permeability: Well permeameter Establishes a fixed height of ponding Measure rate of infiltration Can estimate K(h) relationship via time rate of infiltration Establishes a fixed height of ponding Measure rate of infiltration Can estimate K(h) relationship via time rate of infiltration
41 Making sense of Well Permeameter data Interpretation of well permeameter data typically employs the result of Glover (as found in Zanger, 1953) for steady infioltration from a source of radius a and ponding height H The geometric factor c is given, for H/a<2 by For H/a>2, error can be reduced by using Reynolds and Elricks result Where * is tabulated Interpretation of well permeameter data typically employs the result of Glover (as found in Zanger, 1953) for steady infioltration from a source of radius a and ponding height H The geometric factor c is given, for H/a<2 by For H/a>2, error can be reduced by using Reynolds and Elricks result Where * is tabulated
42 K s - Lab methods: constant head Basically reproduces Darcy’s experiment Important to measure head loss in the media Typically use “Tempe Cells” for holding cores, which are widely available Basically reproduces Darcy’s experiment Important to measure head loss in the media Typically use “Tempe Cells” for holding cores, which are widely available
43 K s - Lab methods: falling head Better for low permeability samples. Need to account for head loss through instrument Measure time rate of falling head and fit to analytical solution Better for low permeability samples. Need to account for head loss through instrument Measure time rate of falling head and fit to analytical solution radius r Core radius R
44 Measuring Green and Ampt Parameters The Green and Ampt infiltration model requires a wetting front potential and saturated conductivity. The Bouwer infiltrometer provides these parameters [WRR 4(2): , 1966] The Green and Ampt infiltration model requires a wetting front potential and saturated conductivity. The Bouwer infiltrometer provides these parameters [WRR 4(2): , 1966]
45 The Device Key Parts: Reservoir Pressure Gauge Infiltration Ring Key Parts: Reservoir Pressure Gauge Infiltration Ring
46 Identify the Air and Water Entry Pressures h a – air entry pressure h w – water entry pressure Typically assume that h a = 2 h w h a – air entry pressure h w – water entry pressure Typically assume that h a = 2 h w
47 Procedure 1.Pound Ring in with slide hammer about 10 cm 2.Purge air and allow infiltration until wetting front is at 10 cm 3.Measure dH/dt to obtain infiltration rate 4.Close water supply valve 5.Record pressure on vacuum gauge: record minimum value 1.Pound Ring in with slide hammer about 10 cm 2.Purge air and allow infiltration until wetting front is at 10 cm 3.Measure dH/dt to obtain infiltration rate 4.Close water supply valve 5.Record pressure on vacuum gauge: record minimum value
48 Employ falling head method for K s Recall standard falling head result from lab methods: Remember that K fs is about 0.5 K s Recall standard falling head result from lab methods: Remember that K fs is about 0.5 K s
49 Water Entry Pressure The water entry pressure will be taken as half the value of the measured air entry pressure (the minimum pressure from the vacuum gauge on the infiltrometer) WATCH OUT: correct observed pressure for water column height in unit The water entry pressure will be taken as half the value of the measured air entry pressure (the minimum pressure from the vacuum gauge on the infiltrometer) WATCH OUT: correct observed pressure for water column height in unit
50 Limitations on Bouwer Method 1.All parameters are “operational” rather than fundamental 2.Conductivity is less than K found in labs due to trapped air 3.Rocks and cracks can render measured value of h w incorrect. For more details on method see: Topp and Binns 1976 Can. J. Soil Sci 56: Aldabagh and Beer, 1971 TASAE 14: All parameters are “operational” rather than fundamental 2.Conductivity is less than K found in labs due to trapped air 3.Rocks and cracks can render measured value of h w incorrect. For more details on method see: Topp and Binns 1976 Can. J. Soil Sci 56: Aldabagh and Beer, 1971 TASAE 14:29-31