Course Understanding Customary Units of Measure 9-1 Understanding Customary Units of Measure Course 1 Warm Up Warm Up Lesson Presentation Lesson Presentation Problem of the Day Problem of the Day
Course Understanding Customary Units of Measure Warm Up Simplify
Course Understanding Customary Units of Measure Problem of the Day Maria rented an electric car at a rate of $40 per day and $0.15 per mile. She returned the car the same day, gave the rental clerk a $100 bill, and got $21.75 back in change. How far did Maria drive the car? 255 miles
Course Understanding Customary Units of Measure Learn to understand and select appropriate customary units of measure.
Course Understanding Customary Units of Measure Vocabulary customary system
Course Understanding Customary Units of Measure If you do not have an instrument, such as a ruler, scale, or measuring cup, you can estimate the length, weight, and capacity of an object by using a benchmark. The customary system is the measurement system often used in the United States. It includes units of measurement for length, weight, and capacity. Customary Units of Length UnitAbbreviationBenchmark Inchin.Width of your thumb FootftDistance from your elbow to your wrist YardydWidth of a classroom door milemiTotal length of 18 football fields
Course Understanding Customary Units of Measure Additional Example 1: Choosing Appropriate Units of Length What unit of measure provides the best estimate? Justify your answer. A. A doorway is about 7 _____ high. B. A calculator is about 6 _____ long. Think: The height of a doorway is about 7 times the distance from your elbow to your wrist. A doorway is about 7 ft high. Think: The length of a calculator is about 6 times the width of your thumb. A calculator is about 6 in. long.
Course Understanding Customary Units of Measure Check It Out: Example 1 What unit of measure provides the best estimate? Justify your answer. A. A 4-door sedan is about 5 _____ long. B. A students desk is about 3 _____ long. Think: The length of a sedan is about 5 times the width of a classroom door. A 4-door sedan is about 8 yd long. Think: The length of a students desk is about 3 times the distance from your elbow to your wrist. A students desk is about 4 ft long.
Course Understanding Customary Units of Measure Customary Units of Weight UnitAbbreviationBenchmark OunceozA slice of bread PoundlbA loaf of bread TonTA small car
Course Understanding Customary Units of Measure Additional Example 2: Choosing Appropriate Units of Weight What unit of measure provides the best estimate? Justify your answer. A. A loaf of bread weighs about 16 _____. B. A bike could weigh 20 _____. Think: A loaf of bread has a weight of about 16 slices of bread. A loaf of bread weighs about 16 oz. Think: A bike could have a weight of about 20 loaves of bread. A bike could weigh 20 lbs.
Course Understanding Customary Units of Measure Check It Out: Example 2 What unit of measure provides the best estimate? Justify your answer. A. A black rhino could weigh about 1 _____. B. A DVD remote control weighs about 8 ____. Think: A black rhino has a weight of about a small car. A black rhino can weigh about 1 T. Think: A DVD remote control has a weight of about 8 slices of bread. A DVD remote control weighs about 8 oz.
Course Understanding Customary Units of Measure Capacity deals with volume, or the amount a container can hold. Customary Units of Capacity UnitAbbreviationBenchmark Fluid ouncefl ozA spoonful CupcA glass of juice PintptA small bottle of salad dressing QuartqtA small container of paint GallongalA large container of milk
Course Understanding Customary Units of Measure Additional Example 3: Choosing Appropriate Units of Capacity What unit of measure provides the best estimate? Justify your answer. A large water cooler holds about 10 _____ t of water. Think: A large water cooler holds 10 times the amount of a large container of milk. A large water cooler holds about 10 gal of water.
Course Understanding Customary Units of Measure Check It Out: Example 3 What unit of measure provides the best estimate? Justify your answer. A small fish aquarium holds about 20 _____ t of water. Think: A small fish aquarium holds 20 times the amount of a small container of paint. A small fish aquarium holds about 20 qt of water.
Course Understanding Customary Units of Measure Additional Example 4: Estimating Measurements Estimate the length of the line segment to the nearest half, fourth, or eighth of an inch. 1 2 The line segment is closest to 1 in The length of the line segment is about 1 in. 5858
Course Understanding Customary Units of Measure Check It Out: Example 4 Estimate the length of the line segment to the nearest half, fourth, or eighth of an inch. 1 2 The line segment is between 1 and 1 in The length of the line segment is closest to 1 in. 1414
Course Understanding Customary Units of Measure Lesson Quiz What unit of measure provides the best estimate? 1. A row boat is 10 _____ long. 2. A skateboard is 30 _____ long. 3. A pair or earphones weighs 4 _____. 4. Drinking water is delivered in 5 _____ bottle. 5. Estimate the length of the line segment to the nearest half, fourth, or eighth of an inch. in. ft oz gal 2 in. 1 2