Estonia is a small country and areas of unspoiled nature are very rare. Our plants and animals have only been developing for about 10,000 years, since the last Ice Age, and they are not represented in great variety. FLORA AND FAUNA
Among 61 species of mammals, the most widespread are: Wild boar : adult boars weigh by far over 100 kilograms; piglets weigh up to 40 kilograms. The main natural enemy of wild boars is a wolf. Additional feeding of wild boars is organized year- round.
Roe-deer : Roe deer has been living on the Estonian territory already for almost years. Roe deer is a species that is very attached to its home territory.
One of the biggest mammals: Moose/European elk Adult animals weigh on the average kilograms; the calves weigh around 100 kilograms. Natural enemies of moose are bear and wolf.
The smallest mammal – the mouse
Some endangered species represented in small numbers: Brown bear – one of the biggest in our forests. The only place in the Baltic countries where bears have lived for thousands of years is the forest of Alutaguse.
Lynx - has been living on the Estonian territory since the post-glacial time. The colour of common lynx varies to a great extent. At present, lynx are counted in Estonia.
Wolf - is very similar to a big German shepherd. It is speculated that at present there are wolves in Estonia. The average weight is kilograms.
There are about 300 bird species in addition to the mammals: Barn swallow – the national bird of Estonia since 1962
Some common birds of Estonia: House sparrow
White stork
Plants: The cornflower - Estonia’s national flower
The pine is the most common tree in Estonia, covering 44% of the total forest area
The apple was the only fruit known to ancient Estonians; crab trees (wild apple trees) can still be found in different parts of the country, mostly on the islands.
The oldest oak trees in Estonia are up to 700 years old, their ‘life expectancy’ may extend to 2,000 years. The region richest in oaks is Saaremaa.
Rare plants: Yellow rattlebox - only found at Viidumäe on Saaremaa Aconitum lycoctonum (kollane käoking) – found near Viljandi
The common mezereon – the most poisonous plant in Estonian forests. It is under protection and picking its berries is forbidden.