ATLAS Pixel Detector February 2003 N. Hartman LBNL 1 Pixel Support Tube PRR: Assembly, Production, Schedule February 2003
ATLAS Pixel Detector February 2003 N. Hartman LBNL 2 Overview Assembly Breakdown Structure (ABS) Assembly Processes and steps –Assembly flow –Parts required –Tooling required Production Information –Tooling status –Production plan Resources milestones –Schedule
ATLAS Pixel Detector February 2003 N. Hartman LBNL 3 Assembly breakdown structure (ABS) Barrel PST assembly shown; b.s. = barrel shell.
ATLAS Pixel Detector February 2003 N. Hartman LBNL 4 Assembly Steps and Procedures
ATLAS Pixel Detector February 2003 N. Hartman LBNL 5 Assembly Flow – How is the PST Assembled? Backing Ring Flange Face Flange Asm Barrel Shell Barrel Shell with flanges barrel shell structural barrel shell w/ mount pads barrel shell w/ SCT Mounts 5 3 Hoop Element Hoop Stiffener Flat Rail V-Rail Mount Pad Insulator SCT Mount Block Asm SCT Mount Block
ATLAS Pixel Detector February 2003 N. Hartman LBNL 6 STEP 1 – Flanges Assembled Flange Cross Section Single piece skirt and face (L shape) Backing Ring Process –Flange masked –Adhesive applied (bondline controlled with glass beads) –Backing ring weighted with caul plate –Assembly drilled with hole jig Tooling required –Caul plate (Fabricated) –Drill jig (Fabricated) QA Steps –Weigh parts before and after for resin content –Inspect datum hole positions after machining Backing ring Flange Face
ATLAS Pixel Detector February 2003 N. Hartman LBNL 7 Bond Jig Details Accurate holes on horizontal diameter Of flange provide references for all Bond operations. Bars provide length Reference only (invar) Gussets provide perpendicularity
ATLAS Pixel Detector February 2003 N. Hartman LBNL 8 STEP 1a – Flanges Bonded to Shell Process –Flange and jig masked –Shell centered in bond gap with shims –Flange sealed to bond jig –Adhesive applied behind flange –Adhesive pulled through joint with vacuum (from front) Tooling required –Bond Jig (Fabricated for prototype length) –Barrel and Forward Length Spacer Bars (needed) QA Steps –Remove from jig and weigh (resin control) –Inspect parallelism and flatness of flanges after bonding
ATLAS Pixel Detector February 2003 N. Hartman LBNL 9 STEP 2 – Hoop Stiffeners and Rails Bonded to Shell Process –Hoop Stiffeners –Applied before rails –Shell masked –Hoops assembled in place, as single bonded units, 3 parts at a time –Glass beads used to control bond line –Compression strap used to fixture while curing –Rails –Rails are affixed to ladder structure that runs through PST shell (with vacuum) and references to pins on flange plate –Adhesive applied to shell –Rail tool lowered into place Tooling required –None for stiffeners (self-fixturing) –Vacuum rail jig attachment (needed) QA Steps –Remove from jig and weigh (resin control) –Inspect positions of rails at flange ends (to ensure alignment when PST sections are mated)
ATLAS Pixel Detector February 2003 N. Hartman LBNL 10 STEP 3 – Mount Pads Bonded to Shell/Flanges Process –Machined mount pads affixed to bond jig extensions (referenced to accurate pins on flange plate) –Shell and mount pad masked –Adhesive applied to mount pad (bondline controlled by fixture) –Mount pad/jig extension moved into place Tooling required –Bond jig extensions (fabricated) QA Steps –Remove from jig and weigh (resin control)
ATLAS Pixel Detector February 2003 N. Hartman LBNL 11 SCT mistress gauge blocks register to PST Interface penetrations Carbon fiber tooling bar Frame is bonded to them and supported in SCT barrel while adhesive cures Frame Gauge blocks STEP 4 – Mount Block Locations Transferred from SCT to Mistress Gauge
ATLAS Pixel Detector February 2003 N. Hartman LBNL 12 Blocks machined to Surveyed position of PST mounts (relative to IP_Nominal) Balls register Mistress gauge in proper orientation Bond in SCT_Interface Transfer Feature STEP 4a – Mount Block Locations Transferred from Mistress Gauge to PST Bond Jig
ATLAS Pixel Detector February 2003 N. Hartman LBNL 13 STEP 4b – Mount Blocks Bonded to Insulators Process –Both parts masked –Adhesive applied to mount block –Glass beads used to control bondline Tooling required –None, self-fixturing QA Steps –Weigh (resin control) –Measure thickness Fiberglass Insulative shim Mount block
ATLAS Pixel Detector February 2003 N. Hartman LBNL 14 STEP 4c – Mount Block Assy’s Bonded to Shell/flanges Process –Inside of mount pad and mount block masked –Mount block inserted through mount pad, bolted to jig –Adhesive injected between mount pad and mount block bond surfaces Tooling required –Bond Jig attachment pieces (Needed) –Mount block interfaces bonded into jig attachment with SCT mistress gauge in place (needed) QA Steps –Remove from jig and weigh (resin control) –Survey positions of mount locations to SCT Attachment surface to jig Backside of bond surface
ATLAS Pixel Detector February 2003 N. Hartman LBNL 15 STEP 5 – Pixel Mount Blocks Bonded to PST Pixel Mount Ramp Process –Outside of mount pad and pixel mount block masked –Mount pad affixed to jig that transfers position from SCT mount block jig –Adhesive injected between Pixel mount block and mount pad Tooling required –SCT mount block tooling – used for both pixel and SCT mount blocks, as they are defined relative to each other (needed) QA Steps –Remove from jig and weigh (resin control) –Survey positions of mount locations (including planarity)
ATLAS Pixel Detector February 2003 N. Hartman LBNL 16 Sample Assembly Follower Raw material data (out time, date, remaining mass) are kept in log book at freezer.
ATLAS Pixel Detector February 2003 N. Hartman LBNL 17 Production Planning
ATLAS Pixel Detector February 2003 N. Hartman LBNL 18 Status of Tooling Items Existing –Flange Tools Face piece Backing ring Assembly (bonding) Machining fixtures Flange bond plates to PST –Mount Pad Layup tool Machining fixture Mount pad bond parts to PST –Rails Full length tool Needed –Mandrel (Procure) Cylinder Cart Stand –Mount bonding (In house) SCT Mistress gauge Bond jig attachments Pixel mount bond parts –Rails (In house) Bonding tool (vac fixture) –Hoop Stiffeners (In house) Layup tool Main Bond Jig Parts are already fabricated
ATLAS Pixel Detector February 2003 N. Hartman LBNL 19 Procurements/Responsibilities Tooling –Only mandrel and carts/stands will be outsourced Engineering design by outside vendor – complete Awaiting quote for fabrication Estimated delivery is 8 weeks –All other tooling fabricated in-house Material –All material from Bryte technologies – ex1515 cyanate ester resin Usual delivery time is 3-4 weeks Material to be ordered by March 14 –Heater panels from outside vendor Composite Parts –All parts made in-house, by LBNL technical staff
ATLAS Pixel Detector February 2003 N. Hartman LBNL 20 Mandrel and Autoclave Carts Production Mandrel and cart have been designed and quoted by outside vendor - ~32K USD
ATLAS Pixel Detector February 2003 N. Hartman LBNL 21 Production Resources Manpower –3 technicians now trained in composites –Schedule assumes ½ FTE technician over production period Facilities –Autoclave (1.5 m id x 3 m long) –CNC ultra high- precision machining –Coordinate measuring machine –Cold storage (-40 Celsius, 3 m x 5 m) –Dedicated Layup facility (10 m x 10 m)
ATLAS Pixel Detector February 2003 N. Hartman LBNL 22 Important Milestones Production Readiness Review –February 18, 2003 – CERN Full Size Mandrel and Material Ordered –March 1-14, 2003 Production Material Delivered –April 14, 2003 Mandrel Delivered –May 1, 2003 Production Begins –May 1, 2003 Barrel PST Completed –September 14, 2003 Forward PST’s Completed –June 1, 2004 Pixel System Dry-fit (PST, BP Support, service panels, pixel frame) –July, 2004 Fit-up with SCT (transfer jig bonded) –September, 2004 SCT/PST Installed –January, 2005
ATLAS Pixel Detector February 2003 N. Hartman LBNL 23 Full Schedule
ATLAS Pixel Detector February 2003 N. Hartman LBNL 24 Potential Risks Prototyping –Problems with rail riders – not yet designed (pixel and beampipe/services) Production –Delays or problems in mandrel machining –Delay in mount transfer from SCT –Problems in schedule or performance of pixel package dry fit