The Aim Talk through slide and explain the concept is called Dynamic risk assessing. To show that in spontaneous situations assessing Hazards & Risks, and identifying appropriate control measures can ensure a safer working environment’.
WHY TAKE THE MANAGEMENT OF HEALTH AND SAFETY SO SERIOUSLY? MORAL -No one comes to work to get hurt or see their friends and colleagues get hurt. ECONOMIC - Good health and safety management is always cost effective. LEGAL - Obligations under Sections 2 and 3 of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 Moral No one likes to hurt or even see others hurt and in fact there is a common law duty of care to others Economic Read from slide……but bottom line accidents/incidents cost us all money, for example the council lost approximately £15 in sickness absence in the year 06/07…..the council isn’t a profit making organisation so where do you think the cash came from? Ask audience! Legal Main legal requirements come from the H&S at work act 1974, in particular Sec2 ‘ it shall be the duty of every employer to ensure , so far as is reasonably practicable, the health safety and welfare at work of all his employees’ and sets out a number of responsibilities incumbent upon employers to ensure this . Sec 3 imposes a duty upon employers to conduct their undertakings so as to ensure so far as is reasonably practicable, that people other than employees (eg employees of contractors, visitors, members of public, trespassers, etc) who could be affected are not exposed to health and safety risks.
What is Dynamic Risk Assessment? On the spot risk assessment undertaken for spontaneous incidents Consideration of the health, safety and wellbeing of yourself, your colleagues and other persons Consideration of any actions that need to be undertaken. Balance whether the risks are proportional to the benefits Take actions in the safest possible way. Emphasize ‘On the spot’ assessments – can be part of everyday life & work – in the office - called to a clients home – an external visit, or where plans have been made and something that falls outside of those plans. It is not a documented generic or task specific assessment You’re basically looking at whether you, your colleagues and/or members of the public may get hurt from the task/activity you are about to carry out If there is a chance that you may get hurt you will have to make a decision as whether what you are about to do is worth running the risk of getting hurt Suggest that there are very few circumstances where you would take this chance but if you insist then you have to take actions to reduce that risk of getting hurt.
WHAT COURSES OF ACTION ARE AVAILABLE TO YOU? Example You are on your way home and need to cross a very busy road You have just picked up your children aged 7 & 8 from school You have a bag of shopping in each hand and its beginning to rain heavily There is pedestrian crossing a 150 yards away Ask Audience what they would do in the above situation Explain that the process they have gone through is roughly a dynamic risk assessment which is easily transposed into working life Considerations = Amount of traffic, Speed of traffic Children, behavior, capabilities Weather Other factors, weight of shopping……… WHAT MUST YOU CONSIDER? WHAT COURSES OF ACTION ARE AVAILABLE TO YOU?
INITIAL ASSESSMENT Do not immediately proceed with tasks Evaluate situation, tasks and persons at risk Select appropriate action to take Assess the chosen action and any control measures Are the risks proportional to the benefits YES The Objectives of a Dynamic Risk Assessment are to : Consider the health and safety of yourself and your colleagues and other persons Consider any actions that need to be undertaken. Balance whether the risks are proportional to the benefits Take actions in the safest possible way NO Do not immediately proceed with tasks Consider viable alternatives Proceed with caution
Do the benefits of taking Action out weigh the Risks? Action(s) Do the benefits of taking Action out weigh the Risks? RISKS Benefits Before acting however we need to consider, the consequences of our actions, DO THE BENEFITS OUTWEIGH THE RISKS? This is a purely subjective question, remember however , you may be be called to account for your action or possible inaction as a consequence of this decision
Yes: Then Proceed with Caution Action(s) Do the benefits of taking Action out weigh the Risks? RISKS Benefits Yes: Then Proceed with Caution
NO: Consider viable alternatives Action(s) Do the Risks of taking action out weigh the benefits? RISKS Benefits NO: Consider viable alternatives
Responsibilities As an employee you have a responsibility for the protection of your own health, safety and wellbeing as well as that of your colleagues. Ensure staff know their responsibilities under H&S legislation It is accepted that the care service is a particularly high risk occupation, and consequently dynamic risk assessment is particularly important for some employees in light of the dynamic nature of their duties and the responsibilities that are imposed as a consequence of their job. Not carrying out a Dynamic Risk Assessment isn’t an option if you want to comply with your responsibilities!
Your Turn!
WHAT COURSES OF ACTION ARE AVAILABLE TO YOU? SCENARIO 1 You are opening the centre/premises for the day and notice the door ajar with signs of forced entry. There is no indication whether the intruder is still on site or has left Its early morning and no else has arrived Considerations Is the intruder still there? Is there only 1? Are they under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol? Are they armed? Has the alarm been activated Is there any immediate assistance? Are the police on the way? Would any intervention make any difference? WHAT MUST YOU CONSIDER? WHAT COURSES OF ACTION ARE AVAILABLE TO YOU?
WHAT COURSES OF ACTION ARE AVAILABLE TO YOU? SCENARIO 2 You are visiting the home of a client/member of the public The home is in an isolated part of an estate with poor lighting. There are sounds coming from the house indicating a very bitter argument inside. Its getting dark. Mobile phone reception is poor Considerations Is any one lurking? Who else is in the house? Male, female? Are they armed? Are they under the influence of drugs and drink? History and circumstances of the client, clients friends, family ( is there a History of violence etc?) Do I need assistance? How would I summon assistance WHAT MUST YOU CONSIDER? WHAT COURSES OF ACTION ARE AVAILABLE TO YOU?
Any Questions?