KYTC Freight Planning for the OPPM Meeting on September 8, 2004 by Rob Bostrom, P.E. Division of Multimodal Programs
Presentation Overview Freight Planning Team –Purpose –Members –Accomplishments –Upcoming activities Other Freight Planning Activities –Research –Multimodal –Modeling
Freight Planning Team Background Highway Capacity Crisis
Freight Planning Team Background Coordination difficulties –Transportation Cabinet Traffic Operations Planning Multimodal Programs Aviation –KY Trans. Center –Justice Cabinet (Veh. Reg.) –FHWA –Public Sector –IAP defunct Truck Safety Intermodal Issues
Freight Planning Team Members Members –Brent Sweger, Rob Bostrom, J.R. Ham, Nancy Miracle, Steve Ross and Bernadette Dupont Different expertise –Multimodal, modeling, MPO, IAP continuity, rail, federal connection
Freight Team Background: Vision/Goals/Objectives Nimble team which helps coordinate freight planning activities for KYTC. Form larger task teams as needed. Goals –Education & awareness –Training –Address freight capacity and safety problems –Facilitate needed research
Accomplishments Web site – Freight.htm Freight newsletter FHWA/partnering Training –Talking Freight –Kentucky Freight workshop –Tennessee Freight Planning Workshop –Partnering Conference/Managed lanes Tools –HERS –Geofreight –FAF
Upcoming Freight Planning Team Activities Freight capacity –Research –Solutions Training –Freight Summit in spring –Tools Second phase –Focused team meetings (topic oriented) –Task team formation
KY Freight Planning Activities New Research –Commercial Vehicle Monitoring station (weigh station) optimization; used KYSTM to assess trips using weigh stations and make recommendations on where to place mid-state CVM locations –Development of strategic plan for incident management –Facilitate automatic identification of commercial vehicles. –Development of strategic plan for improving freight capacity on interstate corridors –Riverports
KY Freight Planning Activities Ongoing Research –1996 Commercial Vehicle Information Systems & Networks (CVISN) –ARTIMIS & TRIMARC –Kentucky’s First Virtual Weigh Station –Advantage I-75
KY Freight Planning Activities Completed Research –Identification of Truck/Intermodal Facilities
KY Freight Planning Activities Multimodal –KY Statewide Rail Plan –Rail/riverport position –Riverports Planning study Brochure: –Ferry Operations –Dept. of Aeronautics –Transportation Delivery (Public Transportation)
KY Freight Planning Activities Traffic Modeling/Forecasting w/ trucks –Combined Cincinnati-Dayton model North-South Initiative (I-75 Corridor between greater Cincinnati and Dayton) Analyzed truck lanes and other freight solutions –Kentucky Statewide Traffic Model (KYSTM) Built in 1997 for I-66 Corridor Study Truck purpose –Various models Bowling Green Simpson County
KY Statewide Traffic Model In use since 1975 Most important recent use was I-66
KYSTM Update More accurate truck assignments Rail layer Intermodal hubs Identified True GIS Other new applications
Conclusion KYTC Freight Planning Activities –New Freight Team –Purpose, accomplishments & coming activities –Decision-maker awareness/buy-in/guidance Continuation of Traditional Freight Planning Activities –Research –Multimodal –Truck Modeling OPPM: Give the team some feedback! Thank you for your attention.