Exploring Various Methods Created by: Kyle Norman
Used to describe the % of fat, bone, and muscle in human bodies The proportion of fat and fat-free mass in the body Note: Someone with a BC that includes excessive body fat is more likely to suffer from weight-related problems.
Skin fold Calipers Bioelectrical Impedance Scale Hydrostatic Weighing Body Mass Index Infrared Analyzer
Used by taking skin fold measurements at different body sites Put into a formula for results Most common method Very inexpensive
BIA determines opposition to flow of electric current through body tissues This measures total body water, or body composition Price range: 25$-$200 Not very accurate
MMeasures body fat based on height and weight AApplies to adult men and women LLeast expensive IInaccurate due to different body types
Underwater weighing method used to measure body mass density Method has advantage of needed no previous volume information of the body Very expensive Most accurate
A new and improved approach to measuring body density Fiber optic probe is connected to a digital analyzer that directly measures tissue composition Has not been proved or disproved yet Fairly expensive
Online BMI calculatorcalculator BMI calculator for childrenchildren Web MD’s guide to a healthy BMIhealthy
Please weigh the pros and cons of each equipment/ software Although the hydrostatic weighing tank is most expensive, it is the most accurate. I believe that the pros will outweigh the cons in the future! Using this product, we will be able to accurately weigh our clients body composition and precisely predict methods of improvement.