With Host... Your
Units of Time Length Capacity Weight Mass Elapsed Time
How many days are in a Leap Year? A 100
366 days A 100
How many months are in 4 years? A 200
48 months A 200
Evelin said the current time is quarter ‘til eleven. What time is it? A 300
10:45 A 300
Compare using the symbols, or = 9 months 36 weeks A 400
9 months 36 weeks A 400 =
Four hours = ____ minutes A 500
240 minutes A 500
The number of Inches in a Yard B 100
36 inches
B 200 Which of the following is not a unit of US Customary measurement? Meters, Yards, Miles
B 200 Meters
If the perimeter of a triangle is 14 yards, what is the length of the third side? B yards 4 yards
3 yards B 300
Complete the conversion chart below. B 400 DecimeterCentimeter
B 400 DecimeterCentimeter
In the year 2000, the world’s largest dancing Chinese dragon was part of a celebration at the Great Wall of China. It took 3,200 people working inside the dragon to move it. Which is the best estimate of the length of the dragon? a)3,048 cmb) 3,048 mm c) 3,048 dm d) 3,048 m B 500
d) 3,048m B 500
1 Liter is about the same as a)2 cups b)1 gallon c)1 quart C 100
1 quart C 100
How many milliliters (mL) = 3 liters (L) C 200
3,000 mL = 3 L C 200
How many cups are in 2 gallons? C 300
32 cups = 2 gallons C 300
DAILY DOUBLE C 400 Place A Wager
If there are 8 ounces in 1 cup, how many ounces are in 2 quarts? *Hint: Figure out how many cups are in 2 quarts. C 400
64 ounces in 2 quarts C 400 QuartsCups cups x 8 ounces = 64 ounces
C 500 Charlie and 10 friends are planning for a pizza party. They purchased 3 quarts of milk. If each glass holds 8oz will everyone get at least one glass of milk? Why?
Yes 3 pints = 12 cups (96 ounces) They need 88 ounces (11 people x 8 ounces) C 500
What is the best unit to measure this animal’s weight? D 100
Tons D 100
True or False Weight is the amount of matter an object contains? D 200
False Weight is how heavy an object is. D 200
Tony took his daughter to the doctor for her annual check up. He found out that she weighs 48 ounces more than she did last year. How many pounds did his daughter gain? D 300
She gained 3 lbs. D 300
D 400 There is an idiom that says “hit me like a ton of bricks.” If I were actually hit by a ton of bricks how many pounds would that be?
2,000 lbs D 400
Miguel weighs 64 lbs. when he steps on the scale with his backpack. Without his backpack he weighs 60 pounds 12 ounces. How much does his backpack weigh? D 500
3 pounds 4 ounces D 500
True or False The mass of an object changes from location to location? E 100
False Mass is the amount of matter an object has. Weight would change. Ex: You would weigh less if you were on the moon. E 100
How is mass measured? What are the units of measurement? E 200
Balance Grams and Kilograms E 200
What is the best metric unit to measure the following animal? E 300
Grams E 300
How many grams are equivalent to 8 kilograms? E 400
8,000 grams = 8 kilograms
Mandy says her mass on Earth is 32 kg. What is her mass on Jupiter? E 500
32 kg Mass does not change from location to location. E 500
How much time has elapsed? Start: 3:30 am End: 5:45 am F 100
2 hours 15 minutes F 100
F 200 Math class starts at 9:00am. If class ends at 10:30am how much time are you in math class?
1 hour 30 minutes F 200
Start: 7:15 pm End: 11:00 pm F 300
3 hours 45 minutes
F 400 Complete the chart below Start TimeElapsed TimeEnd Time 4:55 am42 minutes
F 400 Start TimeElapsed TimeEnd Time 4:55 am42 minutes5:37 am
Jasmine and Dulce are going to the mountains for Christmas. The trip takes exactly 5 hour 9 minutes. What is the latest they can leave if they want to be in the mountains by 11:21 am? F 500
6:12 am
The Final Jeopardy Category is: Weight Click on screen to begin
Samuel bought 5 pounds of lettuce and 6 pounds of tomatoes to make salad for dinner. How many ounces of each did he purchase? Click on screen to continue
80 ounces lettuce 96 ounces tomato Click on screen to continue
Thank You for Playing Jeopardy! Game Designed Ms. Williams