“COMMUNICATE FOR SUCCESS WITH A COACH-LIKE APPROACH Communicating for Success Mark Marcynuk, PCC, BScPT Dynamite Coaching Communication Presentation Summary
1 SIMPLE TRUTH : WE CANNOT FAIL TO COMMUNICATE But we can fail to communicate well and this can be very costly to organizations. Communication Presentation Summary
IN SOME WAY, SHAPE OR FORM WE ARE ALWAYS COMMUNICATING Can you relate? Communication Presentation Summary Be it with ourselves And especially if we work with others
WHETHER YOU REALIZE IT OR NOT YOU ARE ALWAYS COMMUNICATING Communications Presentation Summary 7% – words 38% - tone 55% – body language These stats may be old and tired but they are the bread and butter to effective communication, great leadership and team cohesiveness Effective Leadership & Team Cohesiveness
BUT…WE CAN FAIL TO COMMUNICATE WELL We impart our message in many different ways - Verbal - Tone - Body Language Communication Presentation Summary
COSTLY COMMUNICATIONS We simply cannot fail to communicate but we can fail to communicate well Communication Presentation Summary What do you see? Is the glass ½ full or empty? How much does the glass weigh? Does the weight matter? Group Facilitation exercise here
CRITICAL TO RECOGNIZE - We can all be looking at the same thing and yet it is possible for us to see something completely different depending on our point of view - Critical to recognize and acknowledge this especially in settings where groups of people meet and need to talk AKA MEETINGS Communication Presentation Summary
MISCOMMUNICATION Affects performance, production, job satisfaction and safety Communication Presentation Summary Minor Disagreement not resolvedBecomes a growing burden they carry, impacting performance
IMPOSTER SYNDROME Having knowledge/training doesn’t mean the employee automatically has the the ability to perform or follow-through 12 December 2014 Carrying the guilt of hiding that you don’t know what to do even though you’ve been trained Story of an executive trained in the knowledge but unable to execute and failing. Demonstrating Imposter Syndrome = costly to the organization Ineffective Manager leads to ineffective team under that Manager
MIRROR NEURONS What we communicate non verbally can affect those around us and profoundly. Latest research on “Mirror Neurons” and why something like a yawn can be contagious. Why this research is relevant to teams and organizations Communication Presentation Summary
HEALTHY ORGANIZATIONS VS. SMART ORGANIZATIONS Healthy organization - Minimal politics - Minimal confusion - High morale - High productivity - Low turnover Smart organization - Strategies - Marketing - Financing - Technology Communication Presentation Summary Traits of
HEALTHY ORGANIZATIONS VS. SMART ORGANIZATIONS A healthy organization will get smarter over time Smart organizations often struggle to acknowledge their flaws and learn from peers (remember the earlier story of the failing manager) Very expensive to companies/organizations Communication Presentation Summary
5 DYSFUNCTIONS OF A TEAM One goal becomes everyone’s goal 1. Building trust 2. Mastering conflict 3. Achieving commitment 4. Accountability 5. Results Communication Presentation Summary
5 DYSFUNCTIONS OF A TEAM 1. Building trust A trusting environment exists where feedback, pushback and input are welcomed. Removing judgement and the blame game with, - open-ended questions - allowing people to move out of hiding Communication Presentation Summary
5 DYSFUNCTIONS OF A TEAM 2. Mastering conflict This softer skill deals with Emotion and is critical to creating a healthy environment. Where people can weigh in and can say how they feel. Here is where we use “inquiry” rather than “advocating” skills. Communication Presentation Summary
5 DYSFUNCTIONS OF A TEAM 3. Achieving commitment Without conflict a team cannot achieve commitment. Commit will only occur once the team has had the chance to ask questions and understand rationale. Being able to “weigh in” creates “buy in” WIIFM Values Communication Presentation Summary
5 DYSFUNCTIONS OF A TEAM 4. Accountability The follow – up and the hardest to achieve.... Peer to peer is usually the most effective source of effective accountability in a healthy organization and Communication is the key. Behaviour vs Measurables – to measure is to know that sales dropped but to make progress on the measurable is to know why sales dropped...knowing the behaviour is much more useful. Communication Presentation Summary
5 DYSFUNCTIONS OF A TEAM 5. Results The ultimate point of building greater trust, conflict commitment and accountability is to achieve Results. Communicating and sharing the same goals across the entire team Communication Presentation Summary
THANK YOU AIFPA MEMBERS Mark Marcynuk, PCC, BScPT Dynamite Coaching Communication Presentation Summary