The Amazing Solar System By Mrs. Galdo’s Class June 2009
Mercury By: Hannah Mercury has no yet discovered moons. Mercury’s surface is like that of Earth’s moon’s surface with craters, hills, and valleys. Mercury has almost no atmosphere at all because its atmosphere is taken away by the Sun’s gravity. Despite being so close to the sun, Mercury has ice at its North Pole. The ice doesn’t melt because of the shadows of the craters around it. According to studies , there may be volcanic action on Mercury. Mercury is a grayish white color.
Mercury By Luke Mercury is an inner planet and is 28,600,000 miles from the sun. A usual daytime temperature on Mercury is 800° Fahrenheit. A usual night time temperature on Mercury is -350° Fahrenheit . They named this planet Mercury because of a Greek god that runs really fast. Mercury speeds around the sun at 31 miles per second. The length of day on Mercury is 1,407 hours and 30 minutes.
Venus by Joseph Venus is about the same size as Earth. Venus is Earth’s sister. The symbol is ♀. Mountains and volcanoes rise over most of it. It’s even bigger than a star when we look at it from Earth because it is closer.
Venus by Thomas Venus is the only planet with the greenhouse effect, causing the temperature to rise up to 864°F or 462°C. Venus is too hot for rain. Venus is one of the brightest objects in the night sky. Venus was visited by 5 space crafts. When meteors hit Venus, the small pieces burn up in the atmosphere.
Venus by Alex Venus is a planet without moons. Venus is an inner planet. It is also the second planet from our sun. Venus has many active volcanoes. Venus is a hot planet, 864°F (462°C).
Earth By Chris The Earth is a planet with lots of water, land, and gases. The Earth’s coldest temperature was recorded as -126 ° degrees. My planet is unique because it’s the only one with life.
Earth by Kathryn The Earth is 4 ½ billion years old. The Earth is not perfectly round. The Earth is the third planet from the sun. Earth is one of the inner rocky planets. The average distance from the sun is 92,955,820 miles. The Earth is the only planet whose name does not come from Greek or Roman mythology. The highest temperature is 136° Fahrenheit. That was recorded in Aziziyh, Libya. The Earth has one moon. The moon has lots of craters.
Mars by Jack Mars has two moons. Their names are Phobos and Deimos. Mars has 38 percent of the gravity that Earth has. I weigh 67 pounds, so I’d weigh 5 pounds on Mars. Mars has rovers on it. Rovers are robots that go where people can’t. One rover is stuck. It is called Spirit.
Mars By Peter Mars has a volcano three times the size of Mt. Everest. Mars has craters, mountains, and valleys. Mars is the fourth planet from the sun. Mars is right next to the Asteroid Belt.
Mars By Krista If you looked up at the sky from Mars it would be a pinkish color like a sunset on Earth. If you weighed 100 pounds on Earth you would weigh 48 pounds on Mars. Mar’s surface looks more like Earth’s surface than any other planet because it has polar icecaps and it might have had water and/or life {microscopic bugs}, but there is no proof today.
Jupiter By Kelley Jupiter is a gas planet. The temperature of Jupiter’s clouds very cold. It is -234ºF. In the summer of 1994, a comet slammed into it. The following six days it kept on happening! Jupiter’s clouds are made of gas.
Jupiter by Molly Jupiter is the fifth planet from the sun. Jupiter’s faint rings are darker than Saturn’s rings. More than 1,000 Earths could fit inside Jupiter. Jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar system.
Jupiter by Lauren Jupiter has 63 moons. Jupiter’s Great Red Spot can fit 2 Earths inside it. Jupiter would have been a star but, it turned into a planet. The distance around Jupiter’s equator is 88,734 miles.
Saturn By Marlee Saturn is the second largest planet. It takes 10,759 Earth days or 29 ½ Earth years for one orbit. Saturn was found in 1610 by Galileo Galilei. Saturn’s symbol is like a combination of the letters t and h. Titan is Saturn’s biggest moon.
Saturn by Bud Saturn has 11 rings made of ice crystals. Saturn was the most distant planet known to the ancients. Saturn is made of helium and hydrogen. Saturn’s volume is 755 times greater than earth’s. Some people thought it was three planets because of its rings.
Saturn by Mckenzie Saturn has 61 fantastic moons. Saturn is 1,427million kilometers away from the sun. Saturn does not have a solid surface.
Uranus by Ria Uranus’s position in the solar system is the 7th planet. Uranus is an outer planet. The color of Uranus is a blue-green color like Neptune. Uranus’s gravity is 8.43 m/s2. If you weigh 100 pounds on Earth, you would weigh 86 pounds on Uranus. Uranus is made up of gas and liquid.
Uranus By Jarrett Uranus has 11 rings. Uranus rotates on its side. Uranus is Neptune’s sister planet. Uranus is the only planet that rotates on its side.
Uranus BY Mackenzie Uranus’s temperature is -357 degrees. Uranus has 27 moons. Three of the moons are named Cupid, Ophelia, and Cordelia. Uranus’s rings are made of little dust particles. Uranus’s years are 30,685 earth days.
Neptune by Julia Neptune has 13 moons. Some of them are Proteus, Halimede, Psamathe, Sao, Laomedeia, and Neso. When it is clear Neptune’s temperature is -353°f or -214°c below zero. Neptune is the farthest planet away from the sun. Neptune is an outer planet. Neptune is 2,793,100,000 miles [ 4,498,252,900 km] miles away from the sun. Neptune’s diameter at the equator is 30,775 miles [ 49,528 km]. Neptune’s axis is not perpendicular [at an angle 90°] to the planet’s path around the sun. The axis tilts about 28° from the perpendicular position. Neptune spins around once every 16 hours and 7 minutes. Scientists first saw Neptune through a telescope in 1846.
Neptune By Kristen Neptune has thirteen moons. Some moons are Triton, Nereid, Naiad, Thalassa, Despina, Galatea, and Larissa. The unique thing about Neptune is that it has a great dark spot. Neptune means Posedion, which was the Greek god of the sea. Bright blue clouds cover Neptune`s surface. Neptune `s blue color is the result of a gas called methane.