Giraffe Comparisons By: Eliana, Blair, And Olga
Pictures/Charts When you see this picture the information is about the White Giraffe in the book. When you see this picture the information is about the Albino Giraffe. When you see this picture the information is about the Common giraffe. When you see this arrow, this is the comparison of all three giraffes.
SIZE The same height as the Albino Giraffe. The Albino Giraffe is the same size as the common giraffe. Males Can be 19 ft. tall. Females can be 16 ft. tall. They are all the same size but they are totally different animals.
Habitat In the book, it only says South Africa. But maybe they live in different places. They live in Africa in areas with very dense bushes to make it harder for people and other animals to get to them. Common giraffes live in the savannas in Africa, where the roam in the tall trees, arid land, dense forests, and open plains/fields. They live in different places in the world and sometimes they live in the same places. Habitat
Behavior The white giraffe from the story is magical. They live in groups with other giraffes and travel in herds. They are social animals and travel in large un- organized herds. Although they sometimes live in herds they can also live by there selves. BEHAVIOR
ENDANGERED/RARE Yes they are very rare and endangered It is rare be cause they have a really rare condition! The condition makes there pigment white. It makes them as white as ghosts. Regular giraffes are not endangered Although 1 isn’t endangered/rare 2 are.
Food They eat leaves from tall trees. With their very long necks. White giraffes have the same diet as regular giraffes. They eat leaves from tall trees and get their water from the moisture on the leaves. Their long necks help them to reach tall trees an eat the leaves off them. I needed giraffes can go multiple days without water. Instead of water they get their moisture from the leaves they eat. Although they are all different in many ways they still eat mostly the same thing. water but 1 can’t!
WEIGHT Although it does not say in the book, I predict that it weighs in between 1,000- 1,500 Males weigh in between 2,400 and 3,000 lbs. Females weigh in between 1,600 and 2,600 lbs. White giraffes are in the same weight range as regular giraffes. Although we only know the weight of 2 of the giraffes. We made a prediction and we think they all weigh in the same range.
COLOR White and silver-gray. Brown, orange, and yellow. White and silver. They are mostly different colors, but some of them are some of the same colors.
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ENDING We had so much fun learning about all 3 of of these interesting kinds of giraffes. We hope you all enjoyed our presentation! (We know we did)! THE END!