Please check, just in case…
Announcements Next week is last week of class. We do have two activities planned, so please come on time. The final assignment can only be turned in until MONDAY AFTERNOON of finals week.
Quick questions or quandaries?
Components of instructional planning: 1.Curriculum development models and principles (UDL & backwards design) 2.Program models (special ed and ALS) 3.Instructional methods and models 4.Instructional strategies
1. Curriculum Development Models and Principles Overarching ways to think about and plan your curriculum: Universal design (UD) Universal design for leaning (UDL) Backwards planning Differentiated instruction
2. Program Models Predetermined ways of delivering instruction in general, regardless of content area: Dual Language immersion Transition bilingual education Inclusion Resource room
ALS Program Models in NM Bil Ed Program Models 1.ESL 45 minutes a day (APS) 2.ESL as specified by district ESL Program Models 1.Dual Language Immersion 2.Developmental/ Maintenance Bilingual Education 3.Transitional Bilingual Education 4.Enrichment Bilingual Education 5.Heritage/Indigenous Language
3. Instructional Methods and Models Specific methods (programs) of delivering certain types of instruction – this tells you HOW to teach a specific content within a program model: Sheltered English/SDAIE GLAD Total Physical Response (TPR) Wilson reading program
4. Instructional Strategies These are smaller teaching an assessment techniques that can be used within a multitude of instructional methods and models and across program models. All teachers need to have a very large number of instructional strategies that they can implement to teach a particular topic or lesson: Preview-review Backwards chaining Direct instruction (5-step modeling to independent practice instruction)
Final Assignment Read all materials CAREFULLY! Use the assignment template (planning guide). Be thorough! Two scenarios – chose one.
Scenarios Teresa is a high school student. Chronologically, she should be in tenth grade but her last school had her in the ninth grade. Her home language is Spanish. According to the Spanish Language Assessment Scales (Spanish LAS), Teresa is fully Spanish proficient (FSP). Teresa has had interrupted schooling over the years, learning some English. Teresa scored a 1.5 on the Assessing Comprehension and Communication in English State-to-State for English Language Learners (ACCESS for ELLs). A 1.5 on the ACCESS indicates that Teresa is an English Language Learner at the Entering level. Teresa is also identified to receive Special Education Services. Rogelio is an elementary school student. Rogelio’s first language is Spanish. Rogelio’s family members identify as bilingual speakers of Spanish and English. According to the Spanish Language Assessment Scales (Spanish LAS), Rogeilo is a limited Spanish speaker, scoring a LSPd. Rogelio scored a 4.2 on the Assessing Comprehension and Communication in English State-to-State for English Language Learners (ACCESS for ELLs). A 4.2 on the ACCESS indicates that Rogelio is an English Language Learner at the Expanding level. Rogelio is also identified to receive Special Education Services.
Introduction: Possible Questions Which scenario did you choose and why? What additional information (e.g. disability) are you providing about your student. Explain any key part of the scenario that might be critical in your decision making process below. What will you cover in the paper? What is the philosophy and approach that you will use when developing the plan that you will develop in further sections (e.g. UD/UDL, backward design). Remember to explain, discuss, and cite anything that you talk about here.
Program Models Section - ALS Brief intro (“Tell ‘em what you’re gonna tell ‘em…”) Pick three program models in ALS: – Describe each in detail, – Weigh pros and cons – Select one – Identify implications for Special Ed program models – Identify potential barriers and strategies to overcome likely barriers.
Program Models Section – Sp Ed Brief intro (“Tell ‘em what you’re gonna tell ‘em…”) Pick three program models in Special Ed: – Describe each in detail, – Weigh pros and cons – Select one (note: must be compatible with ALS program model) – Identify implications for ALS program models – Identify potential barriers and strategies to overcome likely barriers.
Instructional Models Introduction (always, an introduction). Describe three instructional models. Explicitly state your choice. Describe how choices made at other levels affect this and how this choice affects later choices. Identify potential barriers and strategies to overcome likely barriers.
Instructional Strategies Introduction – mention a wide variety of possibilities (maybe even groups of strategies). Chose three you would use frequently (describe briefly). Describe strengths and limitations (what each does and doesn’t do). How does each fit into your overall plan for the student? Identify potential barriers and strategies to overcome likely barriers.
Conclusion Tell ‘em what you told ‘em Discuss larger issues that are relevant to this topic. Tie in your plan for Rogelio or Teresa to these issues.
Quick Write: No quick write – take a break!
Small Group Activity Divide up according to the student scenario that you will be using. Walk through the outline for this paper and talk about the different components that you might want to chose for each major section of the paper.
Please take a minute for the minute paper.