Intro to Gravity POE Warm Up: 1)Describe what causes all objects to fall towards the center of the Earth. 2)Is there ever a time that gravity does not work? CW: 1) Warm up 2)Gravity POE HW: 1) None
How does POCER Work P = Predict You are going to write down a prediction of what you think is going to happen in the demonstration. O = Observe You are going to write down an explanation of what happened as well as draw a picture of what happened. R = Explain You will attempt to explain what you just witnessed. It will be in the form of answering questions the teacher provided as well as a summary that you generate.
The $1 Challenge Do you think you could catch a $1 bill? Why do you think it was impossible for the student to catch the $1.00 bill. (The Earth's gravitational pull makes this challenge impossible to win. As you release the currency and your student closes his/her fingers, the currency has already passed through the fingers.
Different Objects Do you think all objects fall at the same rate? Which object do you think will hit the ground first, a tennis ball or an empty soda can? Why did these objects hit the ground at the same time?
I’m Free Falling What happened to the water when you took your finger off of the cup? What happened to the water when you dropped the cup? Why do you think this happened? Write the terms “Free Fall, Gravitational Pull and weightlessness.” You and your table groups attempt to come up with a definition to define each term. (The gravitational force pulls the water through the hole in the container as long as the container remains motionless. But when the container is set in motion (dropped) and allowed to free fall toward the empty tray, the water remains inside the container because there is an equal amount of gravity being exerted on the container and the water inside the container.)
Exit Ticket Explain why Scientists and Humans care about Gravity. Why is it something important that we think about?
Gravity: It’s Grreeaatt!!! Warm Up: 1)Is there ever a time when you feel gravity pulling on you with a stronger force? Explain when you might have felt this. CW: 1) Warm up 2)Gravity Video HW: 1) None
3-2-1 Classroom Contact, Episode #22: "Gravity" We are going to begin watching a video about Gravity. Your task is to fill out the worksheet as we go through the video.
Exit Ticket Describe a time and/or a place when a person can feel weightless and extremely heavy simultaneously. Explain why the person would feel this way.
Space Weight Warm Up: 1)If I were to leave Earth and go to a different planet, would I weigh the same? Why or why not? CW: 1) Warm up 2)Space Weight HW: 1) None
Space Weight You will need to log into Mr. Sutphin’s web page ( and click on the 6 th grade tab. Once on the 6 th grade page, click on the Scientific Inquiry and Lab safety tab. Scroll down to the bottom and click on the Space Weight Tab. You will then need to calculate your weight on each planet and star as well as the # of G’s exerted. When you are done with your calculations, you need to take notes on the “What is Going On” section of the website. You can take your notes on the back of your worksheet. You need to create a bar graph for each planet using their personal weight data.
Space Weight wrap Up Warm Up: 1)Do you weigh the same on all of the planets. Yes or no and why? CW: 1) Warm up 2)Space Weight HW: 1) None
Space Weight Article With your lab group, read through your notes and come up with 3 main ideas from the article. (What are the three most important things that you think the article wants you to understand)
Most important ideas from your reading. Mass is a measurement of the amount of atoms/matter Mass attracts Mass ( like to magnets have an attraction) The amount of attraction depends on the size of the masses. Like the sun would have WAY more attraction then Pluto because of the masses. Scales measure the force of the attraction ( pull to the center of the earth)/ the amount of the gravity pulling upon you.
Planet Graphing On a piece graph paper, create a bar graph of your weight on all of the planets and Dwarf planets in our Solar System. Answer the following questions at the bottom of your graph: 1.What trend do you notice with your weight when comparing all of the different planets? (Are all of the planets the same size) 2.What do you think causes the difference in weights? 3.Compare and Contrast the words Weight and Mass. 1.(How are they similar and how are they different)