Making Responsible Decisions and Setting Goals This teen made the decision to study for his exam instead of going out with friends. What responsible decisions have you made in the past week?
Lesson Objectives In this lesson, you will learn to: Identify decision-making skills that promote individual, family, and community health based on health information. Summarize the advantages of seeking advice and feedback regarding decision-making skills. Identify the processes involved in choosing and achieving goals.
The Decision-Making Process What Are Decision-Making Skills? Decision-making skills are designed to help you make decisions that protect your rights and health while respecting the rights and health of others. Often, you will find it helpful to seek advice from those with more experience, such as parents and guardians. Doing so can provide valuable feedback and strengthen family bonds and values.
The Decision-Making Process Steps of the Decision-Making Process State the situation. List the options. Weigh the possible outcomes. Consider values. Make a decision and act on it. Evaluate the decision.
Setting Personal Health Goals Setting goals can help you shape your life in positive ways. Goal setting is also an effective way to: Build self-confidence. Increase your self-esteem. Improve your overall health.
Setting Personal Health Goals Types of Goals Every goal involves planning. When you set a goal and plan strategies to reach it, you will need to consider how much time it will take to accomplish the goal. Goals are of two types: Short-term goals: Often, short-term goals are steps in a plan to achieve a long-term goal. Long-term goals: A long-term goal may take months or even years to accomplish.
Setting Personal Health Goals Achieving Your Goals To achieve a goal, create an action plan. Follow these steps: Set a specific, realistic goal, and write it down. List the steps you will take to reach your goal. Identify sources of help and support. Set a reasonable time frame for reaching your goal. Evaluate your progress by establishing checkpoints. Reward yourself for achieving your goal.
Quick Review Choose the appropriate option. Q. A(n) _____ is a multi-step strategy for identifying and achieving your goals. long-term goal short-term goal value action plan
Quick Review - Answer A. An action plan is a multi-step strategy for identifying and achieving your goals. Click Next to attempt another question.
Q. What are the six steps of the decision-making process? Quick Review Provide a short answer to the question given below. Q. What are the six steps of the decision-making process? Click Next to view the answer.
A. The six steps of the decision-making process are: Quick Review - Answer A. The six steps of the decision-making process are: State the situation. List the options. Weigh the possible outcomes. Consider values. Make a decision and act on it. Evaluate the decision. Click Next to attempt another question.
Quick Review Provide a short answer to the question given below. Q. Explain the difference between short-term and long-term goals, and provide an example of each. Click Next to view the answer.
Quick Review - Answer A. A short-term goal, such as finishing a project by Friday or cleaning your room before dinner, is a goal that you can reach in a short period of time. A long-term goal is a goal that you plan to reach over an extended period of time. Examples include improving your grades for the semester or making the cross country team next season. Click Next to attempt another question.
Quick Review Provide a suitable explanation. Identify a major health-related decision that teens might have to make. How can teens access information and use decision-making skills to make an informed choice that promotes individual, family, and community health?
Quick Review - Answer A. Correct! An action plan is a multi-step strategy for identifying and achieving your goals. Click Next to attempt another question.
Quick Review - Answer You have answered the question incorrectly. Go back to try again, or click Next to view the correct answer.
The Decision-Making Process What Are Decision-Making Skills? Decision-making skills are designed to help you make decisions that protect your rights and health while respecting the rights and health of others. Often, you will find it helpful to seek advice from those with more experience, such as parents and guardians. Doing so can provide valuable feedback and strengthen family bonds and values. A decision-making skill comprises steps that enable you to make a healthful decision.
The Decision-Making Process Steps of the Decision-Making Process State the situation. List the options. Weigh the possible outcomes. Consider values. Make a decision and act on it. Evaluate the decision. A value is the idea, belief, and attitude about what is important that helps guide the way you live.
Setting Personal Health Goals Setting goals can help you shape your life in positive ways. Goal setting is also an effective way to: A goal is something you aim for that takes planning and work. Build self-confidence. Increase your self-esteem. Improve your overall health.
Setting Personal Health Goals Types of Goals A short-term goal is one that you can reach in a short period of time. Every goal involves planning. When you set a goal and plan strategies to reach it, you will need to consider how much time it will take to accomplish the goal. Goals are of two types: Short-term goals: Often, short-term goals are steps in a plan to achieve a long-term goal. Long-term goals: A long-term goal may take months or even years to accomplish.
Setting Personal Health Goals Types of Goals Every goal involves planning. When you set a goal and plan strategies to reach it, you will need to consider how much time it will take to accomplish the goal. Goals are of two types: Short-term goals: Often, short-term goals are steps in a plan to achieve a long-term goal. Long-term goals: A long-term goal may take months or even years to accomplish. A long-term goal is one that you plan to reach over an extended period of time.
Setting Personal Health Goals Achieving Your Goals To achieve a goal, create an action plan. Follow these steps: Set a specific, realistic goal, and write it down. List the steps you will take to reach your goal. Identify sources of help and support. Set a reasonable time frame for reaching your goal. Evaluate your progress by establishing checkpoints. Reward yourself for achieving your goal. An action plan is a multistep strategy to identify and achieve your goals.