Himalayans A Web Quest for Second Grade By: Tiffany Landrum
Introduction Red and Greenly Fraggle are wanting to buy a new cat. Their favorite cat is the Himalayan. Mother Fraggle gives them permission to buy a cat. The Fraggle’s know we have been studying Himalayan cats and would like our help before they purchase one.
Task Use the following links to get information: Breed: HimalayanBreed: Himalayan How To Care for Himalayan Cats You need to: Review everything you have learned about Himalayans: How they live, their personalities, their coats, and grooming them. In groups of three, draw the best Himalayan cat you can on a poster board and list three of the most interesting facts you found while doing research.
Process: You need to investigate the following: 1.What color are Himalayan’s eyes? 2.Are they indoor or outdoor cats? 3.What two breeds are mixed to make the Himalayan? 4.Are they long-haired or short-haired? 5.How much can the Himalayan weigh?
Process Continued: Task Continued: Now write a letter to the Fraggle’s, mentioning all of the important things you have learned about Himalayans. Make sure you mention how to care for the animal. Last, tell the Fraggle’s what color of Himalayan cat you would pick out if you were buying one for yourself and draw it.
Evaluation: *Each group will stand up and share their pictures and letters to the class. After each group has finished we will see if any of our facts are alike or if any group has any facts that other groups do not have. *Class turns in all completed individual/group work.
“Final Step” As a class we will make one large list of possible names for the Fraggle’s Himalayan.. We want this to include male and female names. The class will vote on the names that we find for the 2 favorite female and male names.
Congratulations!!!! Thanks to all of your hard work, you and your class have helped the Fraggle’s learn about their favorite animal, understand the responsibilities of caring for the animal, and were able to see pictures created by your class to show all of your visions of their new pet!! The Fraggle’s are now ready to find and purchase their Himalayan cat and thanks to all of you it’s all possible so… Give yourself a pat on the back!! GREAT JOB!!!!!
Evaluation Rubric Students are scored on a scale with 3 being the highest and 1 being the lowest. 1- I completed less than half of the Himalayan project. The project 2- I only completed half of the Himalayan project. The project 3- All of my work was completed for the Himalayan project. The project 1- I did not work well when I worked in my group on the Himalayan project. Group effort 2- I only helped my group a little and waited while they completed more. Group effort 3- I worked well in my group and I completed the same amount of work as they did. Group effort 1- I did not take my time drawing pictures and my coloring was not neat. Work and Time 2- I took some time when drawing and coloring but some of my work is a little messy. Work and Time 3- I took my time when drawing and my coloring is neat and it shows. Work and Time
ISTE Standards Met: ISTE standards I used in this web quest: TEACHING, LEARNING, AND THE CURRICULUM : C. Apply technology to develop students' higher order skills and creativity. ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION: B: Use technology resources to collect and analyze data, interpret results, and communicate findings to improve instructional practice and maximize student learning. ISTE standards for students in this web quest: 3. Productivity- Students use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity. 5. Research- Students use technology to locate, evaluate, and collect information from a variety of sources.
Ohio Content Standards Used: Research Standard: Students define and investigate self-selected or assigned issues, topics and problems. They locate, select and make use of relevant information from a variety of media, reference and technological sources. Students use an appropriate form to communicate their findings. Communications: Students learn to communicate effectively through exposure to good models and opportunities for practice. By speaking, listening and providing and interpreting visual images, they learn to apply their communication skills in sophisticated ways.
Conclusion Students have learned how to investigate the topic of Himalayan cats and have researched different resources using technology. The students talked about their findings by list making, drawing and coloring, and also by group presentations. By working on this project, the class have been able to communicate effectively in different ways by using and creating visual aids, reading letters and also group presentations.