What Makes A Hero? Nicole Harris. 1. How do we define the personality traits of a hero?


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Presentation transcript:

What Makes A Hero? Nicole Harris

1. How do we define the personality traits of a hero?

A hero is someone who is selfless, kind, brave, gallant, unwavering, valiant, and determined. A hero is someone who is selfless, kind, brave, gallant, unwavering, valiant, and determined.

Eragon and Captain America Eragon is similar to Captain America because, they are both selfless. Eragon is similar to Captain America because, they are both selfless. Eragon puts others before himself just as Captain America does. Eragon puts others before himself just as Captain America does.

2. How do the setting, conflicts, and antagonists influence the development of a literary hero?

They can influence the development of a literary hero by either causing their development as a hero to speed up or to slow down. They can influence the development of a literary hero by either causing their development as a hero to speed up or to slow down.

Eragon and Robin Hood Robin Hood is faced by many antagonists. For example King John and the sheriff. As illustrated in the many legends of Robin Hood. Robin Hood is faced by many antagonists. For example King John and the sheriff. As illustrated in the many legends of Robin Hood. Eragon is faced by the Razac (The creatures that killed his Uncle), Murtagh who started out as his friend then became one of his biggest enemies, and the evil king himself (whom Eragon seeks to remove from power.) as illustrated in the Inheritance Cycle by: Christopher Paolini. Eragon is faced by the Razac (The creatures that killed his Uncle), Murtagh who started out as his friend then became one of his biggest enemies, and the evil king himself (whom Eragon seeks to remove from power.) as illustrated in the Inheritance Cycle by: Christopher Paolini.

3. How does a hero reflect his/her particular culture and society?

A hero's particular culture can influence how they view the world. Thus reflecting the different aspects of their society. A hero's particular culture can influence how they view the world. Thus reflecting the different aspects of their society.

Eragon and Captain America Eragon grew as a farmer, and for a while was content to remain that way, thus allowing the world to “pass him by.” (Inheritance Cycle: Paolini Christopher) Eragon grew as a farmer, and for a while was content to remain that way, thus allowing the world to “pass him by.” (Inheritance Cycle: Paolini Christopher) Captain America grew up in New York City during the 20’s-30’s and 40’s. By the time Captain America grew up in New York City during the 20’s-30’s and 40’s. By the time

4. How does a hero represent his/her time period and geographical area?

A hero can represent his/her time period and geographical area, because those aspects tend to influence their views of the world around them as well as what they believe. A hero can represent his/her time period and geographical area, because those aspects tend to influence their views of the world around them as well as what they believe.

Eragon and Robin Hood Robin Hood grew up during the middle ages, and therefore represents the cultures and locations of that time period. (All the Robin Hood legends) Robin Hood grew up during the middle ages, and therefore represents the cultures and locations of that time period. (All the Robin Hood legends) Eragon grew up on a farm in a dark age-like time period and therefore represents everything that came about during that time period. (Inheritance Cycle: Book one: Eragon) Eragon grew up on a farm in a dark age-like time period and therefore represents everything that came about during that time period. (Inheritance Cycle: Book one: Eragon)

5. How do various cultures reward or recognize their heroes?

Various cultures may recognize their heroes by making them a leader of a group of people. Or a hero may be rewarded with some form of payment such as money. Various cultures may recognize their heroes by making them a leader of a group of people. Or a hero may be rewarded with some form of payment such as money.

Eragon and Robin Hood At the end of his journey, Eragon is rewarded with the fact that he has freed Alagaesia from a great evil. He is rewarded by a great celebration, and the finding of all the dragon eggs that Galbatorix had kept hidden. At the end of his journey, Eragon is rewarded with the fact that he has freed Alagaesia from a great evil. He is rewarded by a great celebration, and the finding of all the dragon eggs that Galbatorix had kept hidden. At the end of his journey, Robin Hood is rewarded with the return of the true king, who makes him the Earl of Nottingham after dining with him. At the end of his journey, Robin Hood is rewarded with the return of the true king, who makes him the Earl of Nottingham after dining with him.

6. How does the developing heroes travels affect his/her development as a hero?

A developing hero's travels can affect their development by introducing them to new views and beliefs. A developing hero's travels can affect their development by introducing them to new views and beliefs.

Eragon and Jason As both Eragon and Jason embarked upon a great and arduous journey to remove a usurper from power, they can very easily be compared to one another. As both Eragon and Jason embarked upon a great and arduous journey to remove a usurper from power, they can very easily be compared to one another. Eragon encountered many different races and people. For example he encounters merchants and sailors, soldiers, priests, elves, dwarves, “magicians”, and a variety of other creatures that simply are too difficult to describe. Eragon encountered many different races and people. For example he encounters merchants and sailors, soldiers, priests, elves, dwarves, “magicians”, and a variety of other creatures that simply are too difficult to describe. On his journey Jason encounters many of the heroes of Greek myths and legends. For example he meets Hercules who aided him in finding and retrieving the legendary Golden Fleece. On his journey Jason encounters many of the heroes of Greek myths and legends. For example he meets Hercules who aided him in finding and retrieving the legendary Golden Fleece.

7. How do the characters a developing hero meets affect his/her development as a hero?

The new characters may introduce new points of view, thus expanding the developing hero's horizons. The new characters may introduce new points of view, thus expanding the developing hero's horizons.

Eragon and Robin Hood Robin Hood becomes an outlaw because he believes that the common folk are being wrongfully taxed by the sheriff and earl of Nottingham. Robin Hood becomes an outlaw because he believes that the common folk are being wrongfully taxed by the sheriff and earl of Nottingham. Eragon leaves his home at the urging of Brom the local storyteller (who also turns out to be a dragon rider who’s dragon has died), and because of the appearance of the Razac the creatures that killed his Uncle while looking for Saphira’s egg. Eragon leaves his home at the urging of Brom the local storyteller (who also turns out to be a dragon rider who’s dragon has died), and because of the appearance of the Razac the creatures that killed his Uncle while looking for Saphira’s egg.

8. How do different events affect the development of a hero?

Different events may hinder a hero's progress, or an event may change a hero in some way. An event might make a hero stronger, reaffirm his/her trust in another or create new antagonists for the hero to face. Different events may hinder a hero's progress, or an event may change a hero in some way. An event might make a hero stronger, reaffirm his/her trust in another or create new antagonists for the hero to face.

Eragon and Captain America Captain America for example was a hero who heard the call, tried to answer it but couldn’t. At least not before he received the “Super Soldier Serum.” This serum made him faster, stronger and smarter then the other soldiers. Making him the only person who had the capability of beating Hitler’s “right-hand man” the Red Skull. Captain America for example was a hero who heard the call, tried to answer it but couldn’t. At least not before he received the “Super Soldier Serum.” This serum made him faster, stronger and smarter then the other soldiers. Making him the only person who had the capability of beating Hitler’s “right-hand man” the Red Skull.

Eragon and Captain America When Eragon found Saphira’s egg, he became the most wanted person in the empire. When Eragon found Saphira’s egg, he became the most wanted person in the empire. Eragon was forced to leave when he came home to find that his uncle (the man who had raised him) had been killed and his home burned down. Eragon then set out to find and destroy the creatures that had killed his uncle and changed his life forever. Eragon was forced to leave when he came home to find that his uncle (the man who had raised him) had been killed and his home burned down. Eragon then set out to find and destroy the creatures that had killed his uncle and changed his life forever.

9. How does a character's background (origin) affect their development as a hero?

A character's background may influence their view the world around them. their origins may affect how easy their journeys are. For example if someone was born wealthy then they would be able to make the journey in luxury. If someone was born poor, they may not be able to afford such luxury. A character's background may influence their view the world around them. their origins may affect how easy their journeys are. For example if someone was born wealthy then they would be able to make the journey in luxury. If someone was born poor, they may not be able to afford such luxury.

Eragon and Jason Eragon grew up a small farm (Inheritance: Christopher Paolini) Eragon grew up a small farm (Inheritance: Christopher Paolini) Jason “reared” by the centaur Chiron on a small island without the knowledge of the usurper who had attempted to kill Jason and all of his relations. (EBSCOhost: Jason, in Greek mythology) Jason “reared” by the centaur Chiron on a small island without the knowledge of the usurper who had attempted to kill Jason and all of his relations. (EBSCOhost: Jason, in Greek mythology)

10. How does a character's aspirations affect them as a hero?

A characters aspirations may affect their determination to reach their goal. For example if a character aspired to be a farmer and was born on a farm, they may be reluctant to respond to the "call." A characters aspirations may affect their determination to reach their goal. For example if a character aspired to be a farmer and was born on a farm, they may be reluctant to respond to the "call."

Eragon and Robin Hood At times Eragon simply wishes to return home to his farm, even though he know he can’t. At other times Eragon is determined to defeat Galbatorix once ad for all. At times Eragon simply wishes to return home to his farm, even though he know he can’t. At other times Eragon is determined to defeat Galbatorix once ad for all. Robin Hood’s aspirations mean that he is willing to risk his life for people he doesn’t even know. If only to protect the common people from the evil of the sheriff and current Earl of Nottingham. (“The Real Robin Hood”) Robin Hood’s aspirations mean that he is willing to risk his life for people he doesn’t even know. If only to protect the common people from the evil of the sheriff and current Earl of Nottingham. (“The Real Robin Hood”)