Ancient Britain Цели и Задачи Цели и Задачи: изучить историю Великобритании, собрать необходимую информацию из источников, обобщить информацию и создать презентацию, составить таблицу с выводами Методы исследованияАнализ литературы Методы исследования: Анализ литературы
Ancient Britain Traditions Castles Legends Knights Mysteries Monarchy Kings Queens
Stonehenge Stonehenge - one of the European biggest stone circles 10 or 12 metres high of prehistorical time BC. The Druids used Stonehenge for a calendar to know when the months and seasons started. On the 24th of June the Sun shines on the Hecl Stone. It is longest day of the year. On that day we can see Druids festival. It is tradition.
Oxford Oxford University appeared in 1164 – It consists of 35 different colleges and 5 “halls”. The scholars had to find this place to study when Henry II made English clerks to go to the University of Paris. They taught theology, law, maths, natural philosophy and rhetoric. Oxford is a beautiful ancient city of 912 AD.
Legendary heroes The legends of King Arthur began to appear in the XII century and are based on a Celtic leader of the 6th century (515) who defended his country against Saxon invasion. He was born in Tintagel (Cornwall) and brought up by Merlin, an old Celtic magician. Arthur became King of Britain at the age of 15 when he managed to pull a sword from a rock. His Knights sat the round table so, that they were equal. The legend said King Arthur died in a Tintagel Monastery which is King Arthur is castle now. Robin Hood is a legendary hero who lived in Sherwood Forest in Nottingham, situated in the heart of England, surrounded by country-side. Stories about his adventures appeared in the 14th century, but it is believed that Robin was born in 1160 at time of many robbers living in the woods. Robin Hood and his Merry Men robbed the rich give to the poor. He dressed in green, lived in the forest with his wife Maid Marion and his men. Although the great Sherwood Forest has practically disappeared. A stature of Robin Hood now stands on Robin Hood is green at the foot of Nottingham Castle, founded in The Tower of London – the oldest palace, fortress and prison in Europe. It was built around 1090 by William the Conqueror on a site of a Roman fort. Massive walls and other towers were added later. Ravens lived in Tower according to the legend made noise while attacking the guardians were sleeping.
The Tower of London The Tower of London is the oldest palace, fortress and prison. It was built around 1090 by William the Conqueror on a site of a Roman fort. Massive walls and other towers were added later. Three queens of England have been beheaded within it’s walls. Ravens lived in the Tower according to the legend made noise while attacking of enemies at night, when the guarding were sleeping.
Windsor castle Windsor Castle was founded in it has been the residence of the Kings and Queens of England for over 800 years and it is still a residence of Elizabeth II. In 1348 the Order of the Garter was established in the Castle when 26 Knights were elected members. They included Edward III and the Black Prince
Buckingham Palace It is family house where children play and grow and the place where presidents, Kings, politicians go to meet the Queen. Being Queen is are really busy job: reading letters from the public ( 1000 each week), having daily meetings; thousands of invitations, opening new hospitals, bridges, factories. In her spare time Elizabeth II enjoys horse racing, fishing, walking, taking photos on her travels. She visited 128 countries during her official visits in 50 years.
TimeSightLegendTraditionNotes BCStonehengeAnnual festivalA kind of computer ADOxford UniversityBlack Square caps Consists of 35 colleges 515 ADKing Arthur’s Castle King Arthur and the Knights of the round table Round tables and meetings Literary and screen versions 1040 ADMonument to Lady Godiva Lady Godiva 1160 ADRobin Hood’s stature Robin Hood and Merry Men Literary and screen versions 1050 ADWestminster AbbyCoronation of Kings and Queens Famous people are buried there 1066 ADThe TowerRavens3 Queens were beheaded 1086 ADWindsor CastleThe Order of the Garter in ADBuckingham Palace Changing the Guardians A family house and a place to meet guests