Evaluation and Implementation of Machine-assisted Slide Processing Charlotte Gregory South-East Scotland Cytogenetics Service Western General Edinburgh
Time Consuming Labour Intensive Inconsistent Messy Slide Processing Genetix SL-120 Metaphase Finder/Analysis Transgenomics Hanabi Automatic Harvester
Aims of the Project Integrate new equipment (Set up/Programming/SOPS/Training) Compare quality and consistency to manual method Time, Space, financial implications
Thermotron (Fisher) Environmental Chamber Controlled Environment Gives Consistency Facilitates Spreading Optimum values?
Temperature O C Relative Humidity % %Metaphase ≥ QA5 B F Average Crossovers 23.8 Control in Hood Variables 20, 25, 30 o C 20, 30, 40, 50,60% RH for each temperature as above
Varistain Gemini (Shandon) Automatic Stainer Robotic arm/troughs Multiple Samples Accurate Timing Heat/Running Water
Postnatal Pre- treatment Hot Plate/ Peroxide Time1hr/ 30mins Trypsin Concentration 1/10 Time50s PBS wash5s + agitation Leishman’s Concentration 1/4 Time2.5m Gurr’s Wash 5 secs +agitation Postnatal Prenatal Tissue Haematology Tumour Adapted from Manual Protocol
Picture of reagent screen
1m 5m Load Trypsin PBS Stain Gurr’s Store 1 rack every 8 minutes(32 minutes for 4) Previous Version
Updated Version LoadStoreTrypsin PBS Stain Gurr’s Store 1m 5m 4 racks at same time(11 minutes for 4)
Picture of sample screen
Clearvue (Shandon) Automatic Coverslipper Daily maintenance Preloaded Coverslips Humid atmosphere No pressure
Methods% Cells ≥ QA5 SpreadingBanding Thermo/Man67OKOK/ S. Under Thermo/Gem62OK Man/Gem56ThickS. Over Man/Man53OKOK pale Pattern consistent in all cases Pattern consistent for all users Thermo/Man best quality due to not batch banding Thermo/Gemini good, quicker, more consistent
SIZE M 2 Per Unit Total SIZE M 2 Per Unit Total Monoair Hood x Clearvue H 500 D 575 W hood Sensair Hood 0.82 x Thermotron H 1425 D 715 W X Worktop 0.57 x Varistain H 880 D 710 W bench 1.12 Total
ManualMachine TimeWalk awayTimeWalk away Mon 3h301h3h301h30 Tues 7h201h3h201h55 Wed 6h251h6h201h35 Thur 6h1h2h052h Fri 4h551h4h251h45 TIME29h105h19h408h45 TOTAL24h1010h55
PBS ml ManAuto Blood Fluid Oncology Total Litres Cost£2.08£1.57 Gurr's Leishman's Trypsin Coverslip Mountant Automatic method costs ~£80 more, per year
£ Saving: 689 MTO hours per year Extra cost: Machines + Extra Reagent + Maintenance Overall Saving £6000 a year
QA66 Crossovers85 Space Needed5.85m m 2 Time taken4.72mins2.11mins Cost£1.76£1.52 Conclusion Statistics on an average slide basis
Acknowledgements Eddy Maher Clive Dixon All at South East Scotland Cytogenetics Service.