Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment (Chapter 31)
Eligibility Veterans must have at least a VA Service-Connected disability rating of 10% to apply for Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment (VR&E) services. Active duty servicemembers may also apply, but must either: Receive a temporary memorandum disability rating of 20%, or Be found to be medically unfit to perform the duties of his or her office, grade, rank, or rating due an injury or illness incurred in the line of duty (automatic eligibility)
Benefits & Services Interest & aptitude testing Vocational exploration & employment services 100% payment of tuition and fees for approved programs 100% payment for required books, supplies, and equipment Subsistence allowance upon discharge Please note that approved services vary based on the particular needs of each individual.
Application Process Application submission must include: VA Form and PEB Referral or Military Service Status Referral (MSSR), or VA Form and VA Form (Notice to VA Service Center) and copies of medical documentation sufficient to render a temporary 20% service-connected rating Submit documents to: Copeland Soldier Service Center Bldg , Room A313D or A313C Ft. Hood, TX
Processing & Approvals Applications are processed via the Waco VA Regional Office Applicants will receive appointment letter in 2-3 weeks Note that enrollment in courses under VR&E while still on active duty will require approval by Commander.
Contact Information Soldier & Family Assistance Center (SFAC) Bldg Ft. Hood, TX Copeland Soldier Service Center, Bldg , Room A313D or A313C Ft. Hood, TX Or Call toll free: