Mini Lesson- “The Lottery” Foreshadowing
Warm-up Have ever run into someone accidentally as they rounded the corner of a building. Why? What might have helped you avoid the collision. In other words, how could you have known someone was there before you actually saw them? Whistling, footsteps, singing loudly, etc.
What is Foreshadowing? use of hints and clues to suggest what will happen later in the story, often used to build suspense or tension in a story can warn of future events and/or create suspense. Foreshadowing often occurs when a character makes an unusual statement or issues a strong warning, as in this example: “So be careful. Stay on the Path. Never step off!”
HINT!! Try breaking the word FORESHADOWING apart FORE means ahead. A SHADOW is a glimpse of something without the complete details.
Examples of FORESHADOWING in Literature Little Red riding hood Once upon a time, there was a little girl who lived with her mother. Her mother asked her to take her old and lonely grandmother some food one day. "Don't stop along the way. Go straight to your Grandma's house and back. Don't talk to any strangers and watch out for the wolf in the woods! Now get along!" Why is this foreshadowing?
Think, Write, and Share How was the excerpt from Little Red Riding Hood an example of foreshadowing? What does it foreshadow next?
Examples of FORESHADOWING in Literature Robinson Crusoe (paraphrased excerpt) Daniel Defoe Being the third son of the family, and not bred to any trade, my head began to be filled very early with rambling thoughts. My father, who was very ancient, had given me a competent share of learning, as far as house education a country free school generally go, and designed me for the law, but I would be satisfied with nothing but going out to sea. My inclination to this led me so strongly against the will, nay, the commands, of my father, and against all the entreaties and persuasions of my mother and other friends, that there seemed to be something fatal in that propension of nature tending directly to the life of misery which was to befall me.
Think, Write, and Share How was the excerpt from Robinson Crusoe an example of foreshadowing? What does it foreshadow next?
Examples of FORESHADOWING in Literature The Birds" by Daphne Du Maurier begins "On December the third the wind changed overnight and it was winter. …there are more birds about than usual...And daring. Some of them taking no notice of the tractor. One or two gulls came so close to my head this afternoon I thought they'd knock my cap off" (52). It seems ominous—something bad might happen.
Think, Write, and Share How was the excerpt from The Birds an example of foreshadowing? What does it foreshadow next?
Think about……write….share Why would an author use foreshadowing techniques?
Exit Slip! On a sheet of notebook paper, write down two examples of foreshadowing you are familiar with. They can be from movies, television, or literature. When you write down your example, explain what event it foreshadowed. This will be your exit slip.
Foreshadowing using SOUND Sound Clip #1: Sound Clip #2: Sound Clip #3: Listen to the sound clips examples. Jot down on your notes what you think this music foreshadows. If you can think of an example you have seen, jot that down as well!
Foreshadowing in Visual Text There are four types of Foreshadowing in visual text