INDICATORS FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH THE POTENTIAL TO COMMIT A VIOLENT CRIME #1 The documentation from an authority figure for the individual’s feeling of isolation and indifference of social norms. #2 Actions that show the need for an association with a radical group that is accepting of their social status or gives them a feeling of justification for their aggressive behavior #3 The violent writing that expresses a character committing a violent crime who they seem to identify with #4 Repeated documented aggressive behavior #5 Public statements on websites or in person of the condemnation of society that the individual does not relate with, or the feeling that society has wronged the individual in some way #6 Arrests or police acknowledgement of the individuals problems or aggressive behavior
INDICATORS # 7 Documented psychological diagnosis of a violent personality/mental illness that is a danger to themselves or others in society. This could entail a prescribed medication for this illness #8 The purchasing of a weapon to commit the crime. #9 The writing or profession of the desire to commit the crime
2001 Faced harassment over his “Middle Eastern Ethnicity” 2001 The Drug Combivir, a drug for HIV was in the apartment and had been prescribed in 2001-It had been given to Hasan in 2001 at Lockland Air Force Base in San Antonio, the newspaper said Dr. Val Finnell heard Hasan equate America’s war on terrorism to a war on Islam and another fellow student heard Hasan give a presentation defending suicide bombers. Is the War on Terrorism a War on Islam: An Islamic Perspective" Background On Personality of Nidal Hasan
NYPD Study on Indicators of Home Grown Terrorists 2007 NYPD in 2007 published a study about how terrorists are radicalized in the U.S. and the first phase is “pre- radicalization”, “self-identification”, migration away from former identity, and then indoctrination, called Salafiis. Then the final stage of “Jihadization”, act on that belief.
INDICATOR #1 and # Professed to Terry Lee that Muslim people should rise up and fight against American “aggressors” 2007 According to the Washington Post, Hasan made a presentation titled "The Koranic World View As It Relates to Muslims in the U.S. Military" during his senior year of residency at Walter Reed, which was not well received by some attendees 2007 Business Cards had SoA (SWT) which is a commonly used acronym on jihadist website to denote “Soldier of Allah”
INDICATOR #3 2008Suspected by law enforcement authorities to be the author of internet postings defending suicide bombers as people who save lives. 2008People who worked with Hasan at Walter Reed said that he was unassuming, brooding, socially awkward and never known to be romantically involved with anyone. 2008Family knew over the last five years that it was his worst nightmare to be deployed
INDICATOR #4 and # An official who participated in the discussions reportedly told others he was worried that if Hasan was deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan, he might leak covert military information to Islamic extremists, NPR reported. 2009Recently transferred and known to be unhappy about imminent deployment 2009 Concerns grew about suspects aggression 2009 One week before 05 November 2009 he had hired a lawyer in order to leave the army, get married and live his life, but it was rejected.
INDICATOR # FBI did flag Hasan for further investigation after he had contact with Anwar Awlaki, and in 2008 the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental affairs warned of the "lone wolf" terrorists unique influence on radicalization process of individuals who fit the profile of Nidal Hasan Hasan had warned of threats within the ranks 2008 Medical officials at Walter Reed Army Medical Center held a series of meetings beginning in the Spring of 2008 to discuss serious concerns about Hasan's work and behavior,
INDICATOR #6 and # He received poor performance evaluation from Walter Reed Army Medical Center prior to being transferred to Fort Hood in July required extra supervision and had difficulties at Center said the director at the center, Dr. Thomas Grieger, Terry Lee said he knew that Hasan disagreed with the wars 2008 FBI was aware of a man calling himself Nidal Hasan posting the suicide bomber defense articles 2008 December 2008 a JTTF brought Hasan up and investigated his relations with Awlaki, the IMAM
INDICATOR # July 2009 he was transferred from Walter Reed to Fort hood 2009 Little Rock Shooting-He said "maybe we should have more of these and we should strap bombs and walk into Times Square", according to Retired Col. Terry Lee came from a third source Nidal Hasan bought a gun two weeks after being transferred asked for the most high tech with the biggest magazine possible.
2009 Nidal Hasan shouted: Allahu Akbar! Before shooting and killing 13 people and attempting to kill 32 others 2010 Colleagues referred to him as a “ticking time bomb”
Senate Committee’s Findings 2011 Senate committee's 14 month investigation determines that FBI had sufficient information to stop the violent crime from happening