Columbia Gorge Community College OER Pilot Project: From Concept to Foundation
CGCC – 3 rd smallest CC in Oregon
CGCC Service Area 3 Encompasses seven counties (Gilliam, Hood River, Klickitat, Sherman, Skamania, Wasco, Wheeler) Population of over 80,000 Dispersed across an area of over 10,000 square miles
County Percentage of Total Service Area Population 4
Poverty and Employment Percentage of Population Living Below the Poverty Line Unemployment Rates of Counties in College Service Area 5
Retention - After One Year 51 FTEs are still enrolled 6
Where CGCC Started with OER Some faculty use earlier editions of textbooks On-Campus Presentation of OER Adoption Faculty In-Service Seminars on OER Library took on the Project Lead
Constant Communication with Shareholders Faculty – including Dept. Chairs Administration Students – Student Gov. Student Services – Advising, etc. Foundation Board – Funding Bookstore
Library Student Survey
“Text books have been so expensive that I decided to not even purchase the text for a couple of my classes.” “I was still able to take the class, and pass each class by using online resources. I still learned a lot in these courses and saved a lot of money.” “I am prepared with my Student Government team and students to work towards getting faculty to adopt more open education resources here at CGCC.” Margaret, CGCC Student Life President
CGCC OER Plan Create OER Plan – Advisory team, faculty incentive, OER guidelines,... Faculty OER application and Contract Secure Funding – Foundation, Student Gov., etc. Outreach / Marketing – Internally and Externally
Hours requested Signatures – Faculty, Dept. Chair Project Lead Directors Admin Tracking student savings
Where We Are OER Plan and contract almost completed Secured Funding: Foundation Student Government Admin – Student Success Fund Library Early adapters providing feedback
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