Chromatography 研習資料 Separation of Pigments In a solvent according To their densities
Separate plant pigments
Also for Forensics Find type of ink (different color separations) Find impurities in products
Taper Strip Cut to a point with scissors
Mark a starting line Use pencil (not ink)
Chemical Application Add small drops, let dry, add again until dark spot KEEP ABOVE PENCIL LINE
Use coin (mechanical) – geranium leaf Use serrated coin Do a few times to make a dark line
Be sure liquid is below line Attach paper to paper clip Attach paper clip to stopper
Chromatography Animation Paper Chromatography Videos
Chromatography Over Time Time Lapse Video (Be patient and give it time to move)
Mark bands of colors Lighter pigments will move farther up the paper Heavier pigments will remain near the start
Pencil line will mark start point
Separation of Ink
Calculating R f Compares distance the solvent traveled to the distance the test sample traveled. Rf = distance of test sample distance solvent
Measure tops of colors From starting point at bottom to top of each color Distance of solvent
Pigments in Plants carotene-yellow orange chlorophyll a-bright green Xanthophylls-yellow chlorophyll b-khaki green
More colors phycocyanin = bluish phycoerythrin = reddish
Carrier Solution Stored in da hood! Return the waste to the waste container in da hood. Boy-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e!
Sample Results
Click Here for Examples Results of Chromatograph
Accessory Pigments fucoxanthin = brown Phycobilin = reds phycocyanin = bluish
Conclusion Question #2