The Mayo Advocacy Service for People with Disabilities Advocacy Officer: Clare O’Neill Tel:
The Mayo Advocacy Service for People with Disabilities One of 52 projects funded by Citizens Information Board (Comhairle) Working with people from all disabilities groups living in the community Based at Citizens Information Centre Managed by a Steering Committee (Reps from disability service providers, DFI, HSE and Mayo Co Co)
The Advocacy Service Assists people to claim their entitlements, to access services, be taken seriously and have their voices heard
Based on the principals of: Empowerment (choice and influence) Respect for the client’s wishes Act in the clients best interest Act independently Confidentiality Act diligently and competently
The Mayo Advocacy Service is represented locally.. Local Social Policy group (CIS) Mayo Co Co led Disability Forum Mayo Co Co rep - steering Committee Mayo Co Co – Internal Access Committee HSE led Physical and Sensory Planning group Ballina and Castlebar Community Network Groups Ballinrobe Disability Forum
The Mayo Advocacy Service Experience The issues that challenge the service, including examples. How can we work better together
Challenges Understanding the role of an Advocate
Challenges Lack of information and clarity Housing list, points system, scheme of letting priorities Inflexibility of the system
Challenges Address the specific needs of the client e.g. Child with autism Disability not always = physical disability
Challenges Communication: Volume of written correspondence and calls Personal and family information FOI file - not reflective, calls not recorded 6 weeks to arrange meeting – no decision makers at the meeting 2.5 years – one meeting with senior decision maker 6 months of phone calls and correspondence to the engineer in charge, one of two small jobs completed
Challenges Language Delays in delivery of service Time it takes to resolve issues Inflexibility Impact on people with disabilities Repetition of issues
Reasons to be cheerful… Individuals are very helpful Positive change for clients Continuous learning and improvement Improved working relationship Positive examples: Traveller family with three people with disabilities Couple with ID Father with physical disability
How we can work better together Think people not systems Give clients the opportunity to be listened to and taken seriously The Advocacy service knows the client - asset to resolve issues Seek solutions Training Joint training between agencies ( Customer service – a social policy issue)
The Mayo Advocacy Service for People with Disabilities Advocacy Officer: Clare O’Neill Tel: