Early Careerist Advancement Information Session Becoming Board Certified in Healthcare Management as a Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives
“Advancing to Fellow in ACHE became a personal goal when I learned how many prominent healthcare leaders had done so before me. I appreciate the value placed on this credential. I gain both professional and personal benefits by sharing this common bond with other healthcare professionals.” Trent D. Johnson, FACHE Director, Ambulatory Services Texas Children’s Hospital Houston, Texas
What does it mean? The FACHE credential demonstrates professionalism, ethical decision making, competence, leadership skills and commitment to lifelong learning The FACHE credential symbolizes a commitment to excellence; it is a rigorous credential based on multi-faceted criteria – including a valid and reliable examination Board certification provides the personal satisfaction of achieving a goal and achieving professional recognition
The Credentialing System Is: Rigorous and inclusive—encouraging healthcare executives to demonstrate their competence, commitment to ethical decision making and participation in ongoing professional development
ACHE Tenure & Experience Ongoing Professional Development Single FACHE credential—based on multi-faceted criteria Academic Preparation References & Involvement BOG Exam ACHE Tenure & Experience CEUs Ongoing Professional Development Note: Components are not sequential
Criteria Postbaccalaureate degree Three years’ tenure as an ACHE Member Five years’ healthcare management experience 40 hours of CEU – at least 12 Category I (ACHE education) Three Fellow references – including a structured interview Professional and community/civic participation Board of Governors Examination
Criteria Tenure at ACHE Position & Experience Three years’ tenure as an ACHE Member Position & Experience Hold a healthcare management position in an acceptable organization as defined in the Regulations Governing Admission, Advancement and Recertification Five years’ healthcare management experience
Definition of Healthcare Management Position A Healthcare management position is one which the person is employed by a healthcare organization or by an organization whose purpose is to influence the growth, development or operations of a healthcare organization. To be eligible for advancement, a candidate’s position must include planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling functions at the organizational or departmental level. Eligible positions include but are not limited to C-suite executives (CEOs, COOs, CMOs, CNOs, CIOs, etc.), associate and assistant administrative officers, directors as well as specialty management positions of comparable executive authority.
Criteria References Continuing Education Three references from Fellows, one of which must be a structured interview 40 hours of CEU credits over the previous five years 12 credits must be Category I (ACHE education) credits Balance may be either Category I or II
Criteria Professional & Community Involvement Minimum of two examples of professional participation required over the previous three years, such as in the affairs of ACHE and its independent chapters, or national, regional and state healthcare associations Minimum of two examples of participation in community organizations required over the prior three years, such as in national, state or community nonprofit organizations
Change in Requirements for 2012-2014 Beginning Jan.1, 2012 – Dec. 31, 2013 ACHE Category I credit will only be awarded for educational sessions involving face-to-face learning. At this time all new distance learning will earn Category II credit Distance learning options that will be awarded Category II credit include: Chapter distance learning (webinars and distance panel discussions) ACHE distance learning (webinars and online courses) ACHE self-study courses ACHE Online Tutorial
Change in Requirements for 2012-2014 After January 1, 2014 36 total hours over the previous three years will be needed for advancement and recertification 12 hours must be Category I (face-to-face) 24 hours can be Category I or Category II
How will these changes affect your application for advancement to Fellow? If application is submitted: Before December 31, 2011—No change Between January 1, 2012 and December 31, 2013, 40 hours of CEUs are still required over previous five years. 12 hrs must be Category I face-to-face (but unexpired distance learning earned before Dec. 31, 2011 counts as Cat. I) After January 1, 2014, 36 hours of CEUs will be required over the previous three years, 12 hrs must be Category I face-to-face (but unexpired distance learning earned before Dec. 31, 2011 counts as Cat. I)
Board of Governors Exam Fee Waiver Offer: Apply March 1 – June 30 and Save $200
Board of Governors Exam In Healthcare Management Successful completion of the Board of Governors Examination in Healthcare Management The Board of Governors Examination consists of 230 multiple-choice questions covering general knowledge of management principles in 10 healthcare knowledge areas
Knowledge Areas Governance and Organizational Structure Human Resources Finance Healthcare Technology and Information Management Quality and Performance Improvement Laws and Regulations Professionalism and Ethics Healthcare Management Business
Applying to take the BOG Exam The application for Fellow also serves as the application to take the exam Application is good for three years Before taking the exam, you must meet the following subset of criteria for Fellow status: Masters or other advanced degree A healthcare management position and two years’ healthcare management experience Three references from Fellows, including one structured interview Completed Fellow application with $250 fee $200 examination fee at time of exam registration
Exam Scoring The BOG is a Pass/Fail exam A candidate’s reported score in the written exam equals the total number of correct responses There is no penalty for incorrect answers—it is to your advantage to answer every question
Testing Sites Offered at Prometric computer testing sites Prometric testing sites are located throughout the United States, Guam and Puerto Rico The exam is also offered internationally for military and civilians
Exam Preparations Allow 3-6 months to prepare, depending on expertise and experience Determine your most effective study style Review the 10 key knowledge areas Contact your local chapter regarding a study group Consider enrolling in the Online Tutorial course or the BOG Exam Review course Review “Study Tips from ACHE Affiliates” and other online resources in the Credentialing area of ache.org
Special Programs
Online Tutorial
Online Community
Registering for the Exam After your application for Fellow status is accepted, you will receive an exam registration form Return the exam registration form to ACHE along with your exam registration fee or coupon Select an exam site – www.2test.com Follow directions on your confirmation letter to register at the desired site * Please pay close attention to the Prometric rules which are included in your confirmation as well as at the online Prometric site. They are very specific and Prometric will not deviate from them.
Taking the Exam You have six hours to complete the exam. The computer testing is easy to navigate. You will have the ability to mark items you wish to return to At the conclusion of the exam, you will receive a printout stating whether or not you passed the exam The printout includes a breakdown of the 10 knowledge areas and the percent of questions answered correctly in each area
Fellow Advancement Tracking Features on My ACHE Personalized messages that include: When an applicant can register for the Exam and after he/she registers with ACHE, when he/she must take the Exam by (Exam expiration date) A congratulatory message after an affiliate passes the Board of Governors Exam Advancement Status Bar Shows steps an applicant has completed and those that have not been completed Detailed information about the final requirements that must be met after passing the Board of Governors Exam: Each requirement is listed as “Complete” or “Incomplete” Personalized information from each applicant’s ACHE database record
Additional Information Once you pass the exam, you may refer to yourself as a Fellow designate After you complete all of the requirements for Fellow status you will advance to Fellow Track your status online at My ACHE
Early Careerist Fellows Share Their Experience Peter J. Wright, FACHE, Chief Operating Officer, Littleton Regional Hospital Littleton, NH LeTesha D. Montgomery, RN, FACHE, Operations Administrator, Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN Tim A. Slocum, FACHE, Assistant Vice President of Hospitality Services, Medical Center of Central Georgia Macon, GA
Peter J. Wright, FACHE The Challenge: Chief Operating Officer Littleton Regional Hospital Littleton, NH The Challenge: Preparing for the Board of Governors Exam alone is daunting No way to know who else is interested in advancement Chapter covers Vermont, New Hampshire & Maine
Peter J. Wright, FACHE The Idea: Use chapter reach and resources to connect with members Access new Fellows to provide insight to the exam Develop a regional study group
Peter J. Wright, FACHE The Action: The 12-week program 1-hour teleconference Expert guest speakers Study packet
Peter J. Wright, FACHE The Result: Entering year six 100% Exam pass rate Unexpected networking Program buzz
LeTesha Montgomery, RN, FACHE Operations Administrator Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN Decision: Why did I want to obtain fellow status? Exam preparation: ACHE-provided study guide and selected resource books
LeTesha Montgomery, RN, FACHE Key: prepare, take your time, and think before answering Was it all worth it…..Absolutely! - Personal accomplishment - External recognition
Tim Slocum, FACHE Assistant Vice President of Hospitality Services Medical Center of Central Georgia Macon, GA Fellowship decision influenced by many senior executives at MCCG Attained credential while at the director level MCCG culture supports earning the credential
Tim Slocum, FACHE Prep for Board of Governors Exam: Schedule the Exam date and make routine study a priority Learn the test (types of questions, time constraints, etc.) Flip through old textbooks for review Network with recent test-takers Reason through tough questions Budget your time during the Exam
Time for Your Questions! Do you have questions about the criteria and requirements? Do you have questions for the panelists? Now is the time to ask.
Thank You for Your Participation! Submitting your Fellow application is easy on ache.org/FACHE - Act by June 30 to Save $200 on Board of Governors Exam fee! Session slides will be e-mailed and audio available on ache.org/ECN More Questions? - Visit ache.org/FACHE - Contact our Customer Service Center at contact@ache.org or (312) 424-9400.