The Parón Lagoon and the Cruz de Mayo community Our experience of climate change in Peru
Cruz de Mayo, a farming community in the Peruvian Andes, 400 miles north of Lima Adán with members of his family
Cruz de Mayo and the surrounding region Cruz de Mayo farming community The glaciers Paron lagoon Caraz town Big farms growing crops for export The black mountains The white mountains A map of the region, showing where Adán lives (in red)
Give us this day our daily bread – What we grow in Cruz de Mayo
Statistics Peru has 70% of the tropical glaciers in the world The Huascarán National Park is home to most of Peru´s glaciers Since the 1970s, about 30% of the glacier coverage in the Huascarán National Park has melted By 2030, it is expected that all glaciers in this region, below 5,000 metres (15,000 feet), will have melted completely. Nearby, the Pastoruri ski resort has lost most of its snow. Statistics from UN and Peruvian government
What do you see? The glaciers above my land
“The ice is decreasing in the mountains, it is disappearing. “If there isn’t any rain there isn’t drinking water”
Water sources drying up
Water rationing for crops; water one day per month
The Church supporting with Cruz de Mayo to safeguard water for future generations Sr Emma Bertha
The community has become well organised. We are negotiating with the companies who want to use our water
Water monitoring
CEAS’ campaign on climate change Do your bit
Women organising to protect water and creation Ritual offering for water
COP 20 – Lima - December UN Climate Change Conference People´s Summit Bringing together bishops and head´s of State Prayer meetings
For the love of our families and our neighbours across the world Peru Kenya England and Wales