Word for nationality Mexican
Location of Mexico
Mexico is 758,249 sq mi Mexico City is Mexico’s capital
Mexico’s Flag
Population of Mexico is 112,336,538 Official currency of Mexico is the Peso
Principal products of Mexico
Mexico has a Federal Republic Government
Top three tourist attractions Tulum Tulum is situated on the east coast of the Yucatán Peninsula. The tropical beach backdrop makes this a stunning top attraction which should not be missed
Teotihuacan In the 2nd century BC a new civilization arose in the valley of Mexico. This civilization built the flourishing metropolis of Teotihuacán and it’s huge pyramids. The Pyramid of the Sun was built around 100 AD and is the largest pyramid in Teotihuacán and all of Mexico. The construction of the smaller Pyramid of the Moon started a century later and was finished in 450 AD.
Chechen Itza is the largest of the Maya cities in the Yucatan Peninsula and one of Mexico’s most visited tourist destinations. The most famous landmark of Chichen Itza is the temple-pyramid of El Castillo. The design of the temple has special astronomical significance. Each face of the pyramid has a stairway with 91 steps, which together with the shared step at the top, add up to 365, the number of days in a year.
History of Mexico The history of Mexico begins perhaps as much as 30,000 years ago. Sometime during the last ice age nomadic tribes of hunter-gatherers from Asia first crossed the Bering Strait and entered the Western Hemisphere. (There is now an alternative theory that peoples also landed in the South Americas from both Africa and the Pacific Islands and gradually moved north into the North American continent). Following the seasonal supply of wild grains and game, they eventually migrated into the region separating North and South America dubbed by archaeologists as Mesoamerica. With its diverse geography and extraordinary natural abundance, this land gave rise to the development of early civilizations unique in the world. Mexican children celebrating Cinco de Mayo
History of Mexico The various civilizations of Mesoamerica are distinguished from others elsewhere in the New World by a variety of common cultural developments including hieroglyphic writing, commerce and trade, an extensive knowledge of astronomy, a highly accurate calendar system, and fascinating religious beliefs featuring a complex pantheon, a ritualistic ball game, and human and animal sacrifices. Mexican celebrating Cinco de Mayo
History of Mexico The first traces of human life found in Mexico date back to about 20,000 BC. Social organization and rudimentary agriculture developed gradually, with the cultivation of squashes, chili peppers, beans and maize beginning perhaps as early as 6500 BC. As the food supply stabilized, the early hunter-gatherers grew more sedentary. Permanent settlements seem to have first appeared in coastal areas around 1500 BC, marking the beginning of a succession of highly developed and eventually interdependent cultures that would continue to 1500 AD. Mexican celebrating Cinco de Mayo
Works Cited 5-patio-tips-for-cinco-de-mayo/ 5-patio-tips-for-cinco-de-mayo/ co-de-mayo-minor-holiday-mexico-goes-big co-de-mayo-minor-holiday-mexico-goes-big america/mexico/ america/mexico/ america/mexico/ america/mexico/